Mitt Romney Goes Full Harry Reid on Trump


HB Legend
Nov 11, 2002
Twin Cities MN
From the linked article:

2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney said Wednesday on Fox News there is good reason to believe there is a “bombshell” to be found in Donald Trump’s back taxes.

Asked by host Neil Cavuto why he hadn’t officially backed a Republican for the 2016 nomination, Romney said he would like to see the back taxes from several of the candidates. Taxes were a sore spot for Romney in 2012, with then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) publicly accusing him of not even paying them.

“This will give us a real sense of whether these people are on the up and up and whether they’ve been telling us things about themselves that are true or not,” Romney said. “Frankly, I think we have good reason to believe that there’s a bombshell in Donald Trump’s taxes.”

The entire article is linked below.
Seriously? Of all the crazy stuff Trump has said and done over the years, Mitt thinks wants to go with taxes? No wonder he got his ass kicked by Obama.
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Taxes really, Donald will make Romney's pension deductions look like peanuts when he shows them the adbvantage of being a real estate profession. Best industry there is for tax breaks legally by the way.
Too bad Mitt was not elected, he would have totally turned this economy around. Now we just have another Kizillion in debt and next to zero growth in GDP.
Yeah. Damn. We could have really used the jobs Mitt promised. Obama has been so bad on this front...

“I think there’s something there,” Romney said. “Either he’s not anywhere near as wealthy as he says he is..."

Since when do taxes report wealth?
Trump University. Donald is scheduled to take the witness stand soon in a fraud case against him involving Trump University.
Yeah. Damn. We could have really used the jobs Mitt promised. Obama has been so bad on this front...

Haven't you heard? All the employment/unemployment numbers are bogus! Trump says that instead of 4.9%, the actual rate is near 40%. And the morons that support him believe it. We will be winning so much it won't be funny. Trump knows so many people. Mexico will pay for the wall.

Meanwhile... Mitt gets a Cabinet job in a Trump administration and proceeds to eliminate the IRS. Win/Win
Not that I care but if you fail to realize the problem with your comparison to TRUMP a public state university with a branch named after a US president....well I'm done.

No, I'm laughing at the "Public Service" part of the name of the school.
Too bad Kasich is as old as he is. I think he would make a good President in 2024. Until then... we have ultra conservative loons, unable to bring themselves to compromise.