MLK day gone wrong in Montana


HB Legend
Feb 4, 2004
Fort Lauderdale
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White people honoring MLK and his ideas and AA get upset. Didn't he want white people to embrace his ideas? This is f***ed up.
He did. The problem is that too many AA reject his ideas today. Too many AA want segregated dorms, segregated classes, and segregated graduations. They are demanding the return of the very things their grandparents fought tooth and nail to end. Those same people would be rioting in the streets if MLK Day was taken away as a holiday.
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I saw this on Twitter. This is not an Onion article...this is real. The University of Wyoming. They hold a MLK day essay contest to honor the man. The 4 winners were all white. People are outraged because no black winners. The school reveals that no AA submitted essays. People still mad. The comments are pretty interesting

Thanks for posting this because it’s information everyone is interested in. Keep posting this everywhere you can, here, twitter, facebook, instagram, and forget about your myspace account. The world needs to see this. And don’t stop searching for more of these important stories. I’ll be waiting for your next thread.
Thanks for posting this because it’s information everyone is interested in. Keep posting this everywhere you can, here, twitter, facebook, instagram, and forget about your myspace account. The world needs to see this. And don’t stop searching for more of these important stories. I’ll be waiting for your next thread.
I’m sorry if it pulled you out of the other 40 anti Trump threads.
I guess I should become a liberal so I can have govt help me through life

Wait a minute, are you saying trump supporters are liberals?

My guess is there are just as many republicans on gov aid as there are liberals. You do know they don’t check your party when they write the check.
I imagine the two authors that didn't make the winners circle have had a very complex run of emotions during this contest.
1) Comments are hilarious. So many dumb people.
2) What I gathered was a lot of people were upset that no black people won... implying they thought that someone who had a certain skin color should win and not those of another skin color... which is the definition of racist.
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