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As someone who grew up a Catholic, including being an altar boy, as well as someone heavily involved in Boy Scouts, in retrospect I am absolutely SHOCKED that I got through my 10-16 yo years without being molested, exploited, etc. Extremely sad.
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Someone that old still willing to work with youth should be a red flag. Most people get tired of it after 15-20 years.
Someone that old still willing to work with youth should be a red flag. Most people get tired of it after 15-20 years.
The fact that he resembles Herbert on Family Guy should have been another red flag!
"Do it" - Senator Palpatine/Darth Sidious.


I am just not sure how to deliver it.

Essentially it was just a joke about him being an ugly kid. But in this thread being an ugly kid really worked out for him because he didn’t get molestered.

So maybe he should actually change his post to say, I’m glad I was an ugly kid. My attractive friends often fell victim to pedophiles.

I was in Boy Scouts so I can speak on this subject. I was actually kicked out pretty quickly though because I kept carving up wood with a pocket knife. This was probably not lost on the pedophiles.
I am just not sure how to deliver it.

Essentially it was just a joke about him being an ugly kid. But in this thread being an ugly kid really worked out for him because he didn’t get molestered.

So maybe he should actually change his post to say, I’m glad I was an ugly kid. My attractive friends often fell victim to pedophiles.

I was in Boy Scouts so I can speak on this subject. I was actually kicked out pretty quickly though because I kept carving up wood with a pocket knife. This was probably not lost on the pedophiles.
First, glad to see someone dig up "molestered." Like lions, pedos will target the weak/defenseless. A boy that like stabbing wood with a knife isn't worth a bloody pecker.

Also, so that's why no creepy uncle ever even glanced at me... just too damn ugly.
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I am just not sure how to deliver it.

Essentially it was just a joke about him being an ugly kid. But in this thread being an ugly kid really worked out for him because he didn’t get molestered.

So maybe he should actually change his post to say, I’m glad I was an ugly kid. My attractive friends often fell victim to pedophiles.

I was in Boy Scouts so I can speak on this subject. I was actually kicked out pretty quickly though because I kept carving up wood with a pocket knife. This was probably not lost on the pedophiles.
Weak sauce. By HROT standards, "you're ugly" hardly registers on the assholish scale. I expected better after all the drama-laden setup.
As someone who grew up a Catholic, including being an altar boy, as well as someone heavily involved in Boy Scouts, in retrospect I am absolutely SHOCKED that I got through my 10-16 yo years without being molested, exploited, etc. Extremely sad.
I think family guy had an episode where Peter felt left out because the priests wouldn’t molest him.
Ehh, I went ahead and gave it a shot. Shooters gotta shoot.
Something 10-16 year old @MeetTheFerentz wouldn’t know anything about.
He kinda thought that "communion wine" tasted a little funny, but didn't wanna say anything...
I think family guy had an episode where Peter felt left out because the priests wouldn’t molest him.
Now that's better. Child pornography and sexual molestation is just so funny. You must be very proud of your unwittiness. Nice knowing HROT never disappoints.