Mollie Tibbetts found dead

Mollie's dad was recently remarried; this is Mollie with the step mom.

Just got another update from a good source that says it is NOT an illegal. I'm not going to say who they are hearing it is as it is very sensitive. Not a family member. Don't speculate, but everyone can hold off for a bit on the illegal rumors. I don't want to say who they are saying it is just in case it is not accurate.
After spending some time out in that area last week for business the local vibe was definitely on all the migrant workers in the area for various reasons. Will be interesting to see if accurate. Lots of shady dudes around that area right now no doubt.
Reddit sub has a name posted of who is in custody. I have no idea if it's true or false, just letting people know so they can go find it themselves if they are interested. Hopefully no one is being wrongly accused, especially if people are naming names.

**Post has been removed, name no longer listed - probably a good idea by reddit.
After spending some time out in that area last week for business the local vibe was definitely on all the migrant workers in the area for various reasons. Will be interesting to see if accurate. Lots of shady dudes around that area right now no doubt.

Probably the source of the rumors in the threads earlier.

What is south of I-80 by highway 21. All I heard was farms from another poster.
Someone saying they believe someone is alive is not a "false claim". A "false claim" would be stating that they know someone is alive.
Ok good point. Wrong words there. Psychics prey on the vulnerable so i would call that at least misleading. Still a shitty person
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Mollie's dad was recently remarried; this is Mollie with the step mom.


I honestly liked the world better before we could locate family photos of a stranger 30 seconds after jumping on the internet. Aaahhh, those were the days. Back when we had the space shuttle and the Concorde but no internet.
I've become the thing I hate . . . a Luddite.
Reddit sub has a name posted of who is in custody. I have no idea if it's true or false, just letting people know so they can go find it themselves if they are interested. Hopefully no one is being wrongly accused, especially if people are naming names.

**Post has been removed, name no longer listed - probably a good idea by reddit.

I love that site but they never learn their lesson. Reddit's handling of the Boston Bomber situation led to people being falsely accused to the point they were hurt. The FBI had to release information quicker than they had hoped in order for people to back off the "suspects" Reddit thought they identified. Just a pure shit show
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I would be careful with the word "illegal" until more detail is offered. There are many legal immigrants on work visas for example. Unfortunately, most in the US assume an immigrant is "illegal" if they haven't formally become a US citizen yet.

The news on Mollie is very sad and unfortunate. Regardless of the suspect's background, I hope it isn't used for political purposes. Broader data, beyond one instance, should be used to shape political policies/opinions.

That isn't how politics works though as politicians feed off of individual emotions and not logic/reason.
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Beat me to it.

Hope you have a good day OiT. ;)

If it was an illegal that committed this crime one has to wonder if this is a Trump false flag attempt to drum up support for republicans before the 2018 elections.

Note: I really don't think this.
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I am scanning the reddit thread, and some are posting that Foxnews said it was a family member, then the tweet was deleted, but the person was not known to her.

Another person thrown under the bus, potentially, is the last neighbor to have seen her who I guess has a significant history with LE. I will let you all do your own googling and hit up Iowa Courts online.
I honestly liked the world better before we could locate family photos of a stranger 30 seconds after jumping on the internet. Aaahhh, those were the days. Back when we had the space shuttle and the Concorde but no internet.
I've become the thing I hate . . . a Luddite.
these photos were part of the story published by the Des Moines Register/USA Today where they were focusing on the now deceased victim and the victim's family; you have a problem with that, too?
If a white man did this, I'm sure Trump will call for severe restrictions on white men. And if he used a gun, say goodbye to the second amendment!

Let's skip the politics. I am sure on the OT board you can find plenty of threads to post in. Let me know if you have trouble locating one.

Back to the story at hand.

Post anything new.
So anyone know what is past that last hill?

I am not pointing any fingers, but what is King Farms?

Local farming family in the area (Two Brothers and Father Farm it I believe, I played sports with both brothers). None of them would EVER have anything to do with this. They simply farm in that area. Generational farmers there. GREAT FAMILY. Please do not start rumors that they would have had anything to do with this.
A guy who looked like someone who would play a perp straight out of Criminal Minds. Lives in the area and has a history of stalking charges.
Yeah, I feel bad for that poor SOB if/when it turns out he's not involved.

Thoughts and prayers to Mollie and her family and loved ones. What a terrible and tragic ordeal.

As a father of a little girl this rips my guts out, and cannot imagine the pain they're experiencing right now.

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