More evidence for the need for regulating home schooling.

Sad Season 3 GIF by The Lonely Island
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Our local middle school was very lax when my kids were that age, we could walk right in anytime. However, once a dude who pretended to be a Hollywood actor from the Twilight series was welcomed into the school, performed stunts at an assembly (what actor doesn't have stunts) and took pictures with many middle school girls, and coincidentally showed up at the annual middle school pool party that night and there were more pics with 7th and 8th graders in bikinis with him, it started to fall apart. Eventually he was arrested for attempted abduction. Things got way more strict after that.
Our local middle school was very lax when my kids were that age, we could walk right in anytime. However, once a dude who pretended to be a Hollywood actor from the Twilight series was welcomed into the school, performed stunts at an assembly (what actor doesn't have stunts) and took pictures with many middle school girls, and coincidentally showed up at the annual middle school pool party that night and there were more pics with 7th and 8th graders in bikinis with him, it started to fall apart. Eventually he was arrested for attempted abduction. Things got way more strict after that.
I vaguely remember something like this happening. The fake Twilight actor thing rings a bell.
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I vaguely remember something like this happening. The fake Twilight actor thing rings a bell.
When they arrested him after he tried to get a young girl into his vehicle, he had swords and daggers in his vehicle. Then the police asked the public for any info concerning his whereabout the previous three weeks.
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Our local middle school was very lax when my kids were that age, we could walk right in anytime. However, once a dude who pretended to be a Hollywood actor from the Twilight series was welcomed into the school, performed stunts at an assembly (what actor doesn't have stunts) and took pictures with many middle school girls, and coincidentally showed up at the annual middle school pool party that night and there were more pics with 7th and 8th graders in bikinis with him, it started to fall apart. Eventually he was arrested for attempted abduction. Things got way more strict after that.
That's not very Raven
How about we actually use the information obtained during these tests? If a student can't master the skills taught in 3rd grade, then they don't go to 4th grade until they can. No more simply passing kids up because they were in a grade for a year. If a kid refuses to try, then he can stay in 3rd grade until he decides to leave school or starts applying himself/herself.
Because a simple pass/fail doesn't explain what they aren't getting. And no, the testing companies don't break the test down into skills they did well on and skills they did not do well on. You get a number and that is f****g worthless as way to adjust curriculum and teaching. You need far more information than that.
If you feel the need (and associated methods) for educating the populace is equivalent to how you treat bad chicken fingers, I’m afraid you and I are on different planets fella. I’ll save us some time and bid you adieu on this topic. Adieu!
You ever take a kid to a better suited day care?
Ever known someone to change colleges?
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Sorry bub, as I said - I can tell we're not on the same planet on how to deal with educating the masses over K-12. No point at all in chatting further.

I’d like to know what you think is different about education before or after K-12 that lead you to conclude people shouldn’t have choices.

Why do you think, in the instance of K-12 education, we’re better served by bureaucratically driven monopolies?
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I’d like to know what you think is different about education before or after K-12 that lead you to conclude people shouldn’t have choices.

Why do you think, in the instance of K-12 education, we’re better served by bureaucratically driven monopolies?

I’m simply disinterested in furthering the conversation with folks that think like you - especially as the topic has been argued ad nauseam on HORT. The horse is so beat to shit the glue companies don’t want what’s left. I don’t come here to change minds or have my mind changed. Soz.
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My wife and I have both chaperoned FTs with no background checks, in fact she did so today, and I've helped with a couple parties in my kids class without one as well.
Well, that certainly is a huge risk they are taking on. Then again, are you in a small rural school? With a very small population and limited helpers who likely already knows people at the school they may not have that requirement.
I say we just get them tax payer funded checks for $7,500 per year/student so they get better. And nah, no need for any transparency or accountability.

Who’s with me?!
So accountability happens in public schools? If that were the case they would all be fired.
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Uh...are you being facetious or do you really think that they let people teach children in a public school without a background check? Hell, you have to have a background check if you want to chaperone a field trip.

how is that your take? I'm saying they should have regulations. The general public has no clue how many register sex offenders or child abusers can hide their kids at home.
Yes people homeschool well, too many people assume that is the norm.

Pretty sure most home schooled kids are taught by their parents…and their parents friends.

Never heard anyone suggest that we should be doing background checks on parents and their friends to be around their kids.

Even if they are in traditional schools…the majority of their young life is spent at the mercy of their parents and their parents friends.

Not sure why you think you would need to background check parents to spend a little more time with their kids.

(I am not going to pretend to think that all parents are fit for the job…but that has been a shitty part of culture since well before written time…hell go back to some of the oldest existing writings and that is obvious)
You only Pro Choice when the choice is something you agree with?

On HORT, oh yeah. If I decide you’re a trash person with trash perspectives, why would I waste my time other than the fun of mocking your trash choices? I don’t need or want HORT friends IRL and I certainly don’t come here for enlightenment.
On HORT, oh yeah. If I decide you’re a trash person with trash perspectives, why would I waste my time other than the fun of mocking your trash choices? I don’t need or want HORT friends IRL and I certainly don’t come here for enlightenment.
I definitely don’t come here worried about whether or not I’ve convinced anyone of anything. I’m usually curious what led a person to believe what they do. If they’re aware of some aspect I hadn’t considered, etc.
I find sometime people can’t explain why they hold the beliefs they do. They get real cagey when asked about them.
I definitely don’t come here worried about whether or not I’ve convinced anyone of anything. I’m usually curious what led a person to believe what they do. If they’re aware of some aspect I hadn’t considered, etc.
I find sometime people can’t explain why they hold the beliefs they do. They get real cagey when asked about them.

Oooo, nice try - I love subtle digs! My thoughts on the matter you seem so curious about are well documented in the other 50+ threads on this topic. A simple use of the search button will get all the fulfillment you evidently desire.

As it is, you coming out of the gate comparing school choice to restaurant choice immediately showed me I don’t value you and you’re not worth me retyping everything. Sorry, friend.
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Only adding - no background checks required for field trips here, either.

I find that really odd actually
Oooo, nice try - I love subtle digs! My thoughts on the matter you seem so curious about are well documented in the other 50+ threads on this topic. A simple use of the search button will get all the fulfillment you evidently desire.

As it is, you’re not worth me retyping everything. Sorry, friend.
“Go search for my opinions in this garbage site that nobody reads, I’ve given them before, and I’m not about to give them again”

“You’re not worth my time, which is why I keep replying to you saying nothing”
Only adding - no background checks required for field trips here, either.

I find that really odd actually
Leon County schools have any chaperones or parent aids fill out an online form at least 48 hours ahead of time.
Don’t know what they do to verify the info or background, but they email the school clearance in a day or so.
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“Go search for my opinions in this garbage site that nobody reads, I’ve given them before, and I’m not about to give them again”

“You’re not worth my time, which is why I keep replying to you saying nothing”

Hey now, I NEVER said I don't love a game of tossing insults around on HORT! And if you were paying attention at all, that's simply all this banter has been. Any reference to schools is just window dressing.
Pretty sure most home schooled kids are taught by their parents…and their parents friends.

Never heard anyone suggest that we should be doing background checks on parents and their friends to be around their kids.

Even if they are in traditional schools…the majority of their young life is spent at the mercy of their parents and their parents friends.

Not sure why you think you would need to background check parents to spend a little more time with their kids.

(I am not going to pretend to think that all parents are fit for the job…but that has been a shitty part of culture since well before written time…hell go back to some of the oldest existing writings and that is obvious)
I didn't say they should run background checks on parents, the implication was that they didn't run background checks on public school teachers.
FWIW, my wife works as a teacher at a private school here in Iowa and the extra money gained via the state stipend(s)/higher tuition was then applied to higher salaries for the teachers and staff. I mean if people are going to represent higher tuition at private schools as a "problem" then I think they should dig a little deeper as to where that money is then applied.

I think there are many people here that would support higher teacher pay, no?
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Based on failing public school performance nationwide I think it's actually time we crack the whip on them and force them to start doing a good job for a change. The trend towards homeschooling is a direct response to what public schools and the teachers union have been supplying to the public in recent years, which has been nothing short of failure. People totally unqualified to home school kids are now considering it bc unqualified teachers have been allowed to fester in public schools. School choice will hopefully help some of these kids and force some accountability on public schools at the same time.