More hate-filled flyers found tossed onto Jacksonville residents’ lawns

If someone sent me this quote:

"I have 1 Jew friend. Happens to be the only known Jew I've ever met. (so exactly 1 more than your girls Omar and Talib)

Unlike you Liberal Dbags, I don't seek out people to befriend based on their "oppression" status (minorities, gays, Jews, etc.) so I can tell everyone how Woke I am."

And asked me to guess who posted it, I'm fairly certain I would get it correct on my first guess.
Do explain
This board is the only explanation you need.
I don’t even know what to think of this kind of stuff any more. I see three possibilities. Kids being stupid because kids are stupid. Some stupid left winger doing a false flag. A right wing nationalist doing what right wing nationalists do. Is there any reason to believe that any of these couldn’t be the truth?