The four "winners" that Branstad chose to divide a goodly portion of the state's MedicAid fund are now pressuring its providers/clients to sign service agreements, even though the contracts have NOT been written and the details have not been shared by the insurance companies with these providers or their clients. They just tell providers "trust us" and reimbursements will follow.
When was the last time amy member of HROT signed a "blind contract"...a contract that dealt directly with their pay?
The insurance companies are getting pretty snooty because these providers are not signing the blank agreements and they are up against a timeline THEY agreed to . They cannot understand why the providers will not sign them. I guess these insurance aces really believe in "trust me, I'm an insurance company."
My wife overviewed one of the providers contracts currently in place in Pennsylvania......its a mere 212 pages long....And as she said, "That's a lot of ways to deny services and a lot of ways to deny reimbursement."
My wife is smart enough not to "trust" an insurance company with her company's reimbursement rates unseen. The next couple of months are going to become very interesting. The smart thing would be to have the Feds refuse to allow Iowa/Branstad to go to "managed care" until these issues are better explained.
When was the last time amy member of HROT signed a "blind contract"...a contract that dealt directly with their pay?
The insurance companies are getting pretty snooty because these providers are not signing the blank agreements and they are up against a timeline THEY agreed to . They cannot understand why the providers will not sign them. I guess these insurance aces really believe in "trust me, I'm an insurance company."
My wife overviewed one of the providers contracts currently in place in Pennsylvania......its a mere 212 pages long....And as she said, "That's a lot of ways to deny services and a lot of ways to deny reimbursement."
My wife is smart enough not to "trust" an insurance company with her company's reimbursement rates unseen. The next couple of months are going to become very interesting. The smart thing would be to have the Feds refuse to allow Iowa/Branstad to go to "managed care" until these issues are better explained.