Morning Joe’s Scarborough just said….


HR King
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2007
you can’t always get what you want!
According to Joe….”Trump disparages America daily…Trump says our economy is horrible… our schools and universities are horrible…our FBI is horrible…our military is horrible…the Institutions are horrible….” In short he says America sucks!” Put an Abby Hoffman wig on him! He is speaking just like the leftist radicals of the 60’s were speaking against America.

It was a pretty accurate AND entertaining rant Joe gave us this morning! Abby Hoffman! A name from the past…
LOL...they went to Whole Foods to get those 2024 prices. A dozen eggs at Walmart are $2.06 (they're cheaper still at Aldi). Chicken breasts are $2.67/lb. Seattle's Best coffee 12 oz. is $5.98. And who the hell eats white bread? Ugh

I would be interested in knowing where they found a gallon of OJ in 2000 for three bucks.
When you see the polling on the economy….inflation of groceries is a huge part of the “feelings” people have. Laugh all you want…it’s hurting Biden badly
LOL...they went to Whole Foods to get those 2024 prices. A dozen eggs at Walmart are $2.06 (they're cheaper still at Aldi). Chicken breasts are $2.67/lb. Seattle's Best coffee 12 oz. is $5.98. And who the hell eats white bread? Ugh

I would be interested in knowing where they found a gallon of OJ in 2000 for three bucks.
Also, inflation is a worldwide issue and the US is doing better than most developed countries. But that's never stopped ihhawk from posting that type of garbage.
Also, inflation is a worldwide issue and the US is doing better than most developed countries. But that's never stopped ihhawk from posting that type of garbage.
When people pay their grocery bill, they don’t care about other countries.

That garbage is going to cost Biden the election. He has brutal approval numbers for a reason bud
When you see the polling on the economy….inflation of groceries is a huge part of the “feelings” people have. Laugh all you want…it’s hurting Biden badly
Tell a big lie often enough and loudly enough and you can get a lot of people to believe anything. It's the path of authoritarians throughout history.

I just demolished that idiot Levin's post. You can look up the prices yourself - it's really simple to do. But you'd rather buy into the lie so you posted with zero fact-checking.

BTW...bananas are $0.72/lb...half of what Levin claims.
When people pay their grocery bill, they don’t care about other countries.

That garbage is going to cost Biden the election. He has brutal approval numbers for a reason bud
Because Americans have been brainwashed by the incessant posting of that garbage by right-wing media sources. I'll eagerly await your posts about wages outpacing inflation.
Because Americans have been brainwashed by the incessant posting of that garbage by right-wing media sources. I'll eagerly await your posts about wages outpacing inflation.
You do know that people shop every week and actually feel it. A ton of those shoppers don’t consume media
You do know that people shop every week and actually feel it. A ton of those shoppers don’t consume media
If you have the radio on in your car, even on a music channel, you hear it. IKEA talks about a downturn in the economy. Companies that provide coverage for auto repairs, home repairs, etc. say the same. How many times have you heard the economy is going to hell so put all your money in gold?

One doesn't have to search it out.
If you have the radio on in your car, even on a music channel, you hear it. IKEA talks about a downturn in the economy. Companies that provide coverage for auto repairs, home repairs, etc. say the same. How many times have you heard the economy is going to hell so put all your money in gold?

One doesn't have to search it out.
So it’s all a huge conspiracy to make Biden look bad right?
According to Joe….”Trump disparages America daily…Trump says our economy is horrible… our schools and universities are horrible…our FBI is horrible…our military is horrible…the Institutions are horrible….” In short he says America sucks!” Put an Abby Hoffman wig on him! He is speaking just like the leftist radicals of the 60’s were speaking against America.

It was a pretty accurate AND entertaining rant Joe gave us this morning! Abby Hoffman! A name from the past…
I don't know which is worse, the OP getting his political news from "morning Joe" or pretending like candidates trashing the current state of the country leading up to the election is a new thing. Clearly decades of digesting partisan opinion media has warped your brain.
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When you see the polling on the economy….inflation of groceries is a huge part of the “feelings” people have. Laugh all you want…it’s hurting Biden badly
People are stupid.

The U.S. has weathered inflation far better than the rest of the democratic west by a large margin.
Tell a big lie often enough and loudly enough and you can get a lot of people to believe anything. It's the path of authoritarians throughout history.

I just demolished that idiot Levin's post. You can look up the prices yourself - it's really simple to do. But you'd rather buy into the lie so you posted with zero fact-checking.

BTW...bananas are $0.72/lb...half of what Levin claims.
Blaming inflation entirely on Biden is also intellectually dishonest—something ihhawk excels at.
It's amazing how much Morning Joe's thinking has changed over the years, especially since he got romantically involved with Mika.

For those too young to remember, he was in the US House in the first district of Florida, holding the seat that Gaetz now holds. He was considered a moderate conservative at the time - fiscally very conservative, but very pro-military.

On a personal note, he was Catholic, and had some alleged fidelity issues that caused a minor scandal at the time.

It was mildly surprising when he decided to retire from Congress to spend more time with family.

I guess that 'happy wife, happy life' is his current motto.
I gotta tell ya I am SHOCKED that someone from MSNBC has the balls to go on television and tell this country that they don't like Donald Trump.
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It's amazing how much Morning Joe's thinking has changed over the years, especially since he got romantically involved with Mika.

For those too young to remember, he was in the US House in the first district of Florida, holding the seat that Gaetz now holds. He was considered a moderate conservative at the time - fiscally very conservative, but very pro-military.

On a personal note, he was Catholic, and had some alleged fidelity issues that caused a minor scandal at the time.

It was mildly surprising when he decided to retire from Congress to spend more time with family.

I guess that 'happy wife, happy life' is his current motto.
He was one of the few House Repubbers that KEPT his “Oath” to American voters and retired from Congress after 10 years.
He has maintained for several years that it was the Republican Party that left him. 30 years ago, Joe was quite the hard core conservative. Interestingly, Joe was accused of murder by some of his own Oarty back in the day. He is proud of his efforts as a Cibgressman to reduce the nation’s deficit.
LOL...they went to Whole Foods to get those 2024 prices. A dozen eggs at Walmart are $2.06 (they're cheaper still at Aldi). Chicken breasts are $2.67/lb. Seattle's Best coffee 12 oz. is $5.98. And who the hell eats white bread? Ugh

I would be interested in knowing where they found a gallon of OJ in 2000 for three bucks.
The Radical Right craves fake news.

They know their low intelligence audience.
When people pay their grocery bill, they don’t care about other countries.

That garbage is going to cost Biden the election. He has brutal approval numbers for a reason bud
Well...yeah...because of Levin...and you.

When people pay their grocery bill, they don’t care about other countries.

That garbage is going to cost Biden the election. He has brutal approval numbers for a reason bud
You know who will solve that? The negative interest rate/tax cut/spend a shit ton guy. That'll solve inflation.
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According to Joe….”Trump disparages America daily…Trump says our economy is horrible… our schools and universities are horrible…our FBI is horrible…our military is horrible…the Institutions are horrible….” In short he says America sucks!” Put an Abby Hoffman wig on him! He is speaking just like the leftist radicals of the 60’s were speaking against America.

It was a pretty accurate AND entertaining rant Joe gave us this morning! Abby Hoffman! A name from the past…
As opposed to Democrats who say the police are horrible. Law abiding gun owners are horrible. People defending the rights of female athletes are horrible. People who don’t think children should be given hormone blockers are horrible.
Morning Joe is a tool of the establishment. It’s his job to keep the divide in America growing.
It can be pin pointed back to the last Covid payment. Look at inflation before and after that bill passed.
jesus christ GIF
I remember when the GOP voted against the Cares Act. Oh wait, they voted for that one under DJT. 2.2 trillion.
We have had many threads in the topic and the graphs have been shown many many times. The GOP all voted against it and almost all of them said that inflation would take off if passed. And it did
So the trillions in tax giveaways and COVID relief spending prior to 2021 had nothing to do with inflation? Nothing at all?

Inflation just magically happened in a minute once Biden started spending? There was no way to see the writing on the wall that inflation was coming long before it started taking off once Biden occupied the White House? That’s what you’re suggesting we should believe? Because the graph spiked with Biden, the actions of the prior president had zilch to do with inflation? Zip. Nada. Zero.

That’s really what you expect reasonably intelligent people not given to circular reasoning to believe? You’re serious?

You need to reconsider your audience again. This is not a board full of gullible MAGA idiots with the cognitive functioning of a prokaryote. Jesus Christ, dude. This is exactly what I mean by intellectual dishonesty. Shame on you.
I bet if we did the negative interest rate thing inflation would be even better today. Better get that guy back in office.
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