Moscow billboard: Smoking is more deadly than Obama


HB King
May 29, 2001
(Photo credit: Dmitry Gudkov/Facebook)

Some anti-American propaganda has popped up on the streets of Moscow in an effort to cut down on the smoking rate in Russia, and it stars President Barack Obama.

The ad features a doctored image of Obama smoking, which is paired up with some killer wording.

“Smoking kills more people than Obama, although he kills lots and lots of people,” the poster says. “Don’t smoke, don’t be like Obama.”
Russian lawmaker Dmitry Gudkov posted it to his Facebook page and wrote that he’s “disgusted and ashamed of what appears on the streets of the Russian capital.”

The ad has no attribution to its source and government officials haven’t publicly commented on it, according to The Guardian.

“Soon they’ll be scaring kids with Obama rather than Baba Yaga,” Gudkov told The Guardian in reference to a witch from Russian folklore.

After Obama took office, he claimed he was “95 percent cured” of his smoking habit and in 2013, said he hadn’t had a cigarette in six years.

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