Mother Jones: Liberals should stop mocking GOPers reactions to Refugees


HB King
Aug 14, 2002
Another great article by Mother Jones.

Liberals Should Knock Off the Mockery Over Calls to Limit Syrian Refugees
Santi Palacios/AP
Chris Cillizza on the post-Paris push among Republicans to keep Syrian refugees out of the country:

Over the past 24 hours, almost half of the nation's governors — all but one of them Republicans — have said they plan to refuse to allow Syrian immigrants into their states in the wake of the Paris attacks carried out by the Islamic State....That stance has been greeted with widespread ridicule and disgust by Democrats who insist that keeping people out of the U.S. is anathema to the founding principles of the country.

....Think what you will, but one thing is clear: The political upside for Republican politicians pushing an immigration ban on Syrians and/or Muslims as a broader response to the threat posed by the Islamic State sure looks like a political winner.

Cillizza has some poll numbers to back this up, but he's right in more ways than just that. Here's the thing: to the average person, it seems perfectly reasonable to be suspicious of admitting Syrian refugees to the country. We know that ISIS would like to attack the US. We know that ISIS probably has the wherewithal to infiltrate a few of its people into the flood of refugees. And most voters have no idea how easy it is to get past US screening. They probably figure it's pretty easy.

So it doesn't seem xenophobic or crazy to call for an end to accepting Syrian refugees. It seems like simple common sense. After all, things changed after Paris.

Mocking Republicans over this—as liberals spent much of yesterday doing on my Twitter stream—seems absurdly out of touch to a lot of people. Not just wingnut tea partiers, either, but plenty of ordinary centrists too. It makes them wonder if Democrats seriously see no problem here. Do they care at all about national security? Are they really that detached from reality?

The liberal response to this should be far more measured. We should support tight screening. Never mind that screening is already pretty tight. We should highlight the fact that we're accepting a pretty modest number of refugees. In general, we should act like this is a legitimate thing to be concerned about and then work from there.

Mocking it is the worst thing we could do. It validates all the worst stereotypes about liberals that we put political correctness ahead of national security. It doesn't matter if that's right or wrong. Ordinary people see the refugees as a common sense thing to be concerned about. We shouldn't respond by essentially calling them idiots. That way lies electoral disaster.
I think its dumb to move refugees so far from their home anyway. We don't want them here permanently do we? We should be trying to find them a safe space to ride out the war so they can return and rebuild their nation. Set up a camp in the green zone. Were only taking 10k anyway. House them all in Saddam's old palace. We should have lots of assets that could be repurposed in the region.
Liberals: Are they too dumb to realize that with all their goodness they merely need to move to the Middle East? Those Muslims will just absorb their love and the world will be saved. I'm pretty sure we could raise the money to send them. Hell, John Kerry can lead them. He understands the rational for killing people based on ideology. I'm gonna draw any cartoons around that man!!!!
What was Hillary mocking?

Another great article by Mother Jones.

Liberals Should Knock Off the Mockery Over Calls to Limit Syrian Refugees
Santi Palacios/AP
Chris Cillizza on the post-Paris push among Republicans to keep Syrian refugees out of the country:

Over the past 24 hours, almost half of the nation's governors — all but one of them Republicans — have said they plan to refuse to allow Syrian immigrants into their states in the wake of the Paris attacks carried out by the Islamic State....That stance has been greeted with widespread ridicule and disgust by Democrats who insist that keeping people out of the U.S. is anathema to the founding principles of the country.

....Think what you will, but one thing is clear: The political upside for Republican politicians pushing an immigration ban on Syrians and/or Muslims as a broader response to the threat posed by the Islamic State sure looks like a political winner.

Cillizza has some poll numbers to back this up, but he's right in more ways than just that. Here's the thing: to the average person, it seems perfectly reasonable to be suspicious of admitting Syrian refugees to the country. We know that ISIS would like to attack the US. We know that ISIS probably has the wherewithal to infiltrate a few of its people into the flood of refugees. And most voters have no idea how easy it is to get past US screening. They probably figure it's pretty easy.

So it doesn't seem xenophobic or crazy to call for an end to accepting Syrian refugees. It seems like simple common sense. After all, things changed after Paris.

Mocking Republicans over this—as liberals spent much of yesterday doing on my Twitter stream—seems absurdly out of touch to a lot of people. Not just wingnut tea partiers, either, but plenty of ordinary centrists too. It makes them wonder if Democrats seriously see no problem here. Do they care at all about national security? Are they really that detached from reality?

The liberal response to this should be far more measured. We should support tight screening. Never mind that screening is already pretty tight. We should highlight the fact that we're accepting a pretty modest number of refugees. In general, we should act like this is a legitimate thing to be concerned about and then work from there.

Mocking it is the worst thing we could do. It validates all the worst stereotypes about liberals that we put political correctness ahead of national security. It doesn't matter if that's right or wrong. Ordinary people see the refugees as a common sense thing to be concerned about. We shouldn't respond by essentially calling them idiots. That way lies electoral disaster.
I think its dumb to move refugees so far from their home anyway. We don't want them here permanently do we? We should be trying to find them a safe space to ride out the war so they can return and rebuild their nation. Set up a camp in the green zone. Were only taking 10k anyway. House them all in Saddam's old palace. We should have lots of assets that could be repurposed in the region.

Good point. If they need to come to the U.S. why not Guam? Why not a shack in the Virgin Islands?
I think its dumb to move refugees so far from their home anyway. We don't want them here permanently do we? We should be trying to find them a safe space to ride out the war so they can return and rebuild their nation. Set up a camp in the green zone. Were only taking 10k anyway. House them all in Saddam's old palace. We should have lots of assets that could be repurposed in the region.

You sound a lot like Donald Trump on this topic.
Well ordinary Americans are dumb and xenpobic....nothing new there.

Here we go with the self-proclaimed leftist elitist. Everyone is dumb if you're not a Democrat.

Hey Lenny, those "dumb" Americans vote. I sure hope your leaders keep calling them dumb.
Well ordinary Americans are dumb and xenpobic....nothing new there.

Assuming there is some truth to your statement, can't we just dump the refugees a few miles south of the Mexican border? We seem to be OK with Mexicans. These guys are tan with dark hair, I'm guessing most American's probably wouldn't notice..?

10K refugees? That's like 3 days of illegal border crossings, then problem solved.
I think its dumb to move refugees so far from their home anyway. We don't want them here permanently do we? We should be trying to find them a safe space to ride out the war so they can return and rebuild their nation. Set up a camp in the green zone. Were only taking 10k anyway. House them all in Saddam's old palace. We should have lots of assets that could be repurposed in the region.

Just strip down the gold plated toilets to help fund it.
I was just using the term Mother Jones used. I think America has plenty of xenophobic history like the example I gave and the one posted earlier in the thread. It does not make America unique in any way, plenty of other countries are as well. Its just that some here hold the US up to be something isn't.
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Caveat emptor.

If there is an attack where deaths can be linked back to a Syrian jihadist who was let in with the refugees, the liberals will own it. Their current comments will leave no room for discussion on this.

We'll see.
I was just using the term Mother Jones used. I think America has plenty of xenophobic history like the example I gave and the one posted earlier in the thread. It does not make America unique in any way, plenty of other countries are as well. Its just that some here hold the US up to be something isn't.

Yes, but what you were implying was intentionally dishonest. You gave a couple historical scenarios of very specific groups and lumped in modern day "Ordinary Americans".
I was just using the term Mother Jones used. I think America has plenty of xenophobic history like the example I gave and the one posted earlier in the thread. It does not make America unique in any way, plenty of other countries are as well. Its just that some here hold the US up to be something isn't.

Caveat emptor.

If there is an attack where deaths can be linked back to a Syrian jihadist who was let in with the refugees, the liberals will own it. Their current comments will leave no room for discussion on this.

We'll see.

Wait, so arguing for the idea of refugees, and then any jihadi action is on those who argued for it? Jesus H Christ what an absurd notion. SEE I TOLD YOU SO! Great stance for a great nation to take.

This is simply advising that no immigrants ever be taken....otherwise if something bad happens it is your fault. It is that kind of political logic that hinders our political process. i.e. politicians are always so self-serving and afraid of retribution against them that they won't actually create any worthwhile policy.
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It's not a new term, but your use of it to label all "ordinary Americans" reaches new heights of hyperbole and stereotyping.

You really think America, the most diverse and welcoming country on the planet, has a fear or irrational dislike of people from other countries?

Historically? How can you argue that?

Let's make a reasonable list of our largest groups of incoming immigrants and whether they were "feared/disliked:

Italians ✓
Irish ✓
Russians/Eastern Europeans ✓
Chinese ✓
Japanese ✓
Every other Asian nation ✓
Polish ✓
Jewish (wherever) ✓
African ✓

Seriously, if you don't think that America has an extraordinarily obvious history of disliking immigrants you are naively ignorant of our history. Sure, the Irish/Italian/Europeans came to be "accepted", mostly through corruption in government, say like Tammany Hall, and taking public-sector, authoritative employment. Now we can pretend they weren't hated and despised, which is absurd.

Does this mean that it is prevalent today? Not for all, but for many, probably even most. We have just changed the demographics. Would people oppose an Italian entering the country? No, not anymore, not like they once did. Would they oppose middle eastern? Yes, almost know, the facts are out there right now. Many posts on this board decry any acceptance of Islam at all, and that allowing Islam to be here in the US is a bad thing, necessarily objecting to any immigration of such people.

The only thing that you can potentially cling to in your post is the word "irrationally", and claim that this is, in fact, rational, because they are scary terrorists. Every hatred of immigrating cultures was based on what they believed to be rational.
Historically? How can you argue that?

Let's make a reasonable list of our largest groups of incoming immigrants and whether they were "feared/disliked:

Italians ✓
Irish ✓
Russians/Eastern Europeans ✓
Chinese ✓
Japanese ✓
Every other Asian nation ✓
Polish ✓
Jewish (wherever) ✓
African ✓

Seriously, if you don't think that America has an extraordinarily obvious history of disliking immigrants you are naively ignorant of our history. Sure, the Irish/Italian/Europeans came to be "accepted", mostly through corruption in government, say like Tammany Hall, and taking public-sector, authoritative employment. Now we can pretend they weren't hated and despised, which is absurd.

Does this mean that it is prevalent today? Not for all, but for many, probably even most. We have just changed the demographics. Would people oppose an Italian entering the country? No, not anymore, not like they once did. Would they oppose middle eastern? Yes, almost know, the facts are out there right now. Many posts on this board decry any acceptance of Islam at all, and that allowing Islam to be here in the US is a bad thing, necessarily objecting to any immigration of such people.

The only thing that you can potentially cling to in your post is the word "irrationally", and claim that this is, in fact, rational, because they are scary terrorists. Every hatred of immigrating cultures was based on what they believed to be rational.

We are not talking immigrants, we are talking refugees.
It is almost as if theIowaHawk has consciously chosen to make Mother Jones' point in this thread.
Simply saying that at some point you have to address the scourge that is causing masses of people to flee their homeland.
OK, but lets do it the same way we did it in WWII, that worked out fine for us. Let France and Russia and the rest of Europe take the lead and soften them up for a few years. Then we will ride in, play hero and save the day.