Put me in the camp that is also bummed about Teasdale but if he was getting a lot of money this could turn into a positive.
I have been thinking how it seems Iowa is trying to catch up to PSU with recruiting, but outside of Warner, it seems to be all lightweight guys (Lee, Murin, Teasdale, Sasso, etc.). While PSU is getting the middle to upper weight guys. Thinking back to the last tourney, it seems all the dominant guys are the middle to upper weight range. Think about the guys that got their 3rd title or can next year - Cox, Snyder, Retherford, Martinez, Dean (missed but had a chance) and they are all 149 or above, and take out Retherford and they are all 165 or above.
Is that because they are just that much better than anyone else in their weight class, or the more you move up in weight the less competition there is and the more opportunity to dominate? If you are a bigger weight, you have opportunities in other sports. If you weigh 125 lbs, wrestling is about it.
You look at the lower weight guys like Tomasello who wins it freshman year and then not the following 2 years. Gilman who was ranked high and never won a title. Lots of parity in the lower weights.
If they can turn the Teasdale money into another middle to upper weight stud recruit, I will take that trade.