Musk is amazing

Didn't peg you as the guy playing cowboy at the gay bar, but you do you brutha! Be proud of what you are! Fly your flag!
It's sad that people give him credit for it

Yeah weird he only personally interviewed and hired the first 5,000 employees and was the Chief Engineer of at least the first four rocket flights.

Why would he deserve any credit?

Let’s ask Tom Mueller. This reply was in response to a now deleted post suggesting Musk doesn’t know anything about rocket science.

Or we can ask Former NASA rocket engineer Jim Cantell.

"Elon is brilliant. He's involved in just about everything. He understands everything. If he asks you a question, you learn very quickly not to go give him a gut reaction. He wants answers that get down to the fundamental laws of physics. One thing he understands really well is the physics of the rockets. He understands that like nobody else. The stuff I have seen him do in his head is crazy. He can get in discussions about flying a satellite and whether we can make the right orbit and deliver Dragon at the same time and solve all these equations in real time. It's amazing to watch the amount of knowledge he has accumulated over the years. I don't want to be the person who ever has to compete with Elon. You might as well leave the business and find something else fun to do. He will outmaneuver you, outthink you, and out execute you.”
And PF thinks he personally interviewed 5000 my previous HR department struggled to interview 3 people in one month

SpaceX started in 2002-2003, that was over about a 15-20 year span. Let’s say it is 15 years, that’s 333 a year. The interviews were brief, maybe a few minutes each. He could have easily made decisions on several people a day at times.

Just because you don’t understand a thing doesn’t mean a thing is impossible. This is a very limited viewpoint.

Oh and you need a new HR department. That is pathetic.
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Elon might actually be the greatest mind and most influential human of the 21st century (so far). There is no denying the man is a genius. You can disagree with him, but his companies perform and create things that were until very recently science fiction.

I got to ride in the tesla tunnel in Vegas this past week and will say this. GAME CHANGING! Saved 35 minutes of time and it cost me 4 bucks to go south to north. Now they're expanding east to west off the convention center loop. Incredible, truly.

Randomly met a boring company employee at the airport bar (gotta love seeing your flight delayed 5x) and he pointed out the bore casings were designed to be a specific diameter, just the right size to fit onto a falcon rocket. He hinted at elons long term plans about having autonomous robots dig tunnels/bunkers on Mars prior to humans stepping foot on the planet. Actually Incredible if true.
SpaceX started in 2002-2003, that was over about a 15-20 year span. Let’s say it is 15 years, that’s 333 a year. The interviews were brief, maybe a few minutes each. He could have easily made decisions on several people a day at times.

Just because you don’t understand a thing doesn’t mean a thing is impossible. This is a very limited viewpoint.

Oh and you need a new HR department. That is pathetic.
Current HR systems mostly spit in the face of common sense and impede progress. This may be one of the key differentiators between Elon and others companies. That and the unprecedented brain power.
Musk is up there with Jobs as one of the most innovative business leaders we've seen in modern times.

He can be that while being a bit nuts socially and politically.
the howard hughes for our times. brilliant, insanely successful, loathed and reviled. that’s how things are meant to be. if a guy of this sort also receives affection it would go to his head and ruin things for the rest of us
Born rich
Subsidies and investors made him richer
Started SpaceX and hired nasa(trained with taxpayer dollars) employees
Self made man in the minds of maga fascists(sorry for the redundancy).
For you magats, redundancy is repeating oneself in an unnecessary way. Have a liberal explain it to you.