Muslims Demand Texas Mayor Surrender


HB Legend
May 13, 2009
Lewis Township
The group of Muslims who attempted to establish the first Islamic Sharia court inside the United States in the town of Irving, Texas just received a devastating blow thanks to the town's mayor standing strong and not backing down.

After calls, threats and toddler-like demands to apologize from the Muslims who attempted to form the Sharia tribunal along with representatives from the Council on Islamic-American Relations, a known front for the Muslim Brotherhood, the mayor never once backed down.

There were a multitude of illegal activities taking place behind the attempted formation of the Sharia court, including the fact that all four of the "voluntary" Sharia lawyers were not licensed to practice law in Texas - that's a third degree felony.

The Sharia court "lawyers" also conveniently failed to inform the city of Irving that they were operating a court inside of the town - again, illegal.

The mayor's office responded to Zia Sheikh's public hissy fit with a call for them to follow the Consitution and the American Laws for American Courts bill, which prohibits foreign law from being practiced in the state of Texas.

Their response was in typical radical Islamic fashion. "We don't care about the bill. It's not going to affect us in any way, shape or form. The bottom line is the foundation of this bill is anti-Islamic," Sheikh said.

During the city vote to support the Texas bill, which passed by a 5-4 vote, members from CAIR were present, attempting to intimidate the crowd by alleging that the bill was "anti-Islamic" and used words like "bigotry" and "Islamophobia." (H/T MadWorldNews)

The bill makes no specific reference to Islam or Sharia - it merely states that no foreign law is to be practiced in the state.

It should also be noted that one of the votes that opposed the bill was from a Muslim council member, who addressed his fellow Muslims in the room before casting his "no" vote in dramatic fashion.
Arb...I have heard from good sources that trade unions want to use the model of "sharia law" in all their future negotiations with management. Public sector unions are paying close attention to this, but for the moment they are still taking their marching orders from Mr. Putin.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh! You got trouble, I said you got trouble right here in Irving City! That a capital "T" that rhymes with "C" and that stands for COURT!
Originally posted by slobberknockers:
And it only passed 5-4?
I know, right?

In Texas even. I can think of a number of other states where this apparently would have deemed legal.
Originally posted by slobberknockers:
And it only passed 5-4?
That's what I was thinking. Come on Texas! That should have been a hands down, unanimous vote to follow American laws in Murica.