My Experience at Jack Trice

This X 1000.

But don't tell that to Northern, he won't believe you.
I've said it before on here and will add it again — I lived in Madison for over four years and wore Iowa merch often and have seen the Hawks play there in four sports, including many times at Camp Randall. I've never had a problem.
Go to a Clown stadium, get Clown results. Why any Hawk fan would go to Trice baffles me. From what I've heard, bad things usually happen.
Sat by many opposing teams fan's in Kinnick over the years and I would engage them with friendly banter, always treat people how you want to be treated. Never been to away games for football, we got pelted with snow balls after basketball game leaving the uni dome when Iowa lost in 97/98 and just kept walking.
Seriously, I’ve been to close to 200 games at Kinnick and I’ve never seen opposing fans treated like the stories I hear about Hawkeye fan travels. I’ve seen your basic ribbing, booing, but nothing where I thought opposing fans were being threatened.
Seriously, I’ve been to close to 200 games at Kinnick and I’ve never seen opposing fans treated like the stories I hear about Hawkeye fan travels. I’ve seen your basic ribbing, booing, but nothing where I thought opposing fans were being threatened.
Worst I witnessed was the 2009 night game against Michigan. We were in the top row of the north endzone in the east corner. Some fans were across the street on top of the parking ramp. In the third quarter, someone from the ramp threw a full beer can across the street and into the stadium and it crushed an older guy who was sitting a couple rows in front of us in the back of the head. Dropped him cold and he had to be carried out by medical folks.
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Seriously, I’ve been to close to 200 games at Kinnick and I’ve never seen opposing fans treated like the stories I hear about Hawkeye fan travels. I’ve seen your basic ribbing, booing, but nothing where I thought opposing fans were being threatened.
You haven't? My lady friend from uni got spat on and I got called the n word. Kinnick isn't immune. Drunkenness gets the best out of people.
Seriously, I’ve been to close to 200 games at Kinnick and I’ve never seen opposing fans treated like the stories I hear about Hawkeye fan travels. I’ve seen your basic ribbing, booing, but nothing where I thought opposing fans were being threatened.
I used to have season tickets next to the visitors section. Hawkeye fans can be as big of pieces of shit as any other fans. My BIL is a Michigan fan and went to a couple of games in Kinnick with me, he thought Iowa fans were the worst out there with his first experience. I was with him and can't disagree with the treatment he got. Shit thrown at him all game long, people getting in his face, etc. He went back to Kinnick a few years later and paid for premo seats on the Iowa sideline near midfield at the 30ish yardline and had no issues. No fan base is any different than another. They all have shit fans that ruin someone's experience and produce horror stories.
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I say the following knowing the entire episode is messed up.

If your son hadn't responded to the bullshit, multiple times apparently, none of this would have happened.

You have to know that crowd behavior nowadays is terrible. People just love being assholes. So, being a Hawk shirt wearing attendee in their stadium is probably going to attract unwanted attention.

Best to let the shitheads have their "idiot fun" and Be The Adult...and let it go unless it involves anything physical or with children.

Damn I hate it the fridge is so far from my recliner. And those tickets I didn't buy are so inexpensive. The crowds and assholes I'm not exposed to are so non-existent. Don't even get me started on the fuel I didn't have to buy.

Am I jealous of the people taking the plunge and savoring the experience? No.

But I'm lazy, cheap and dislike crowds. I do like seeing fans in the crowd on the Tele while I'm sipping my brew, in climate-controlled conditions, of course.
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