My feelings on Gonzaga


HB Legend
Sep 12, 2013
1) Before we played them the first time many of us, including me, thought we matched up to Wisconsin pretty well.
2) Just looking at Gonzaga it looks like we match up with them pretty well.
3) Points one and two put together equal concern.
4) We think we draw fouls? Gonzaga drew more.
5) I still don't like looking at a +.500 and +.400 shooting team (fg & 3's) for the season.
6) They appear to be deeper if they NEED to be.
7) Confidence is important and they exude it.
8) Their coach is fantastic.
9) Yes their conference isn't the Big Ten, but they have played tough teams this year.

I'll add a few possible difference makers on our side:

1) I don't think even White knows how good he can be, but it seems that as of late he is ready to find out.
2) We are definitely the underdog, and we should be, but I think the guys like that role.
3) Some of Gonzaga's assets? 7,8,9? We can match.

In the end I still think this is a game close enough to call close to a toss up. I think Gonzaga gets the edge by maybe 3 points.
9) They played some good teams back in the early part of the season, but that was a long time ago. The reason Zaga flames out every year is because they are ill-prepared for the size, speed, and physicality of a high major opponent. People don't realize how difficult it is to adjust to a style of play and caliber of athlete that hasn't been seen night in and night out in conference play. Their toughest conference mate, in BYU, couldn't handle Mississippi despite shooting the lights out from deep.
Originally posted by MateenCleaves:
9) They played some good teams back in the early part of the season, but that was a long time ago. The reason Zaga flames out every year is because they are ill-prepared for the size, speed, and physicality of a high major opponent. People don't realize how difficult it is to adjust to a style of play and caliber of athlete that hasn't been seen night in and night out in conference play. Their toughest conference mate, in BYU, couldn't handle Mississippi despite shooting the lights out from deep.
I totally agree with this statement. We may still lose but the WCC is not anywhere near the B10.
I agree that it is their shooting percentages - and #6 offensive efficiency by Kenpom - that worry me. Based on Kenpom they are very similar to Wisconsin (off/def ranks = 5/39 compared to 1/38 for Wisconsin) although they played a much weaker schedule (99 vs 18).

I don't think they can space the floor as well as Wisconsin, because Wisconsin has Kaminski and they do not.

They only lost 2 games all year and even with a weaker schedule that is very telling.

The NCAA tournament is about matchups, matchups, matchups followed by effort, execution and then luck.

What I look for in matchups, given that we are 22-1 when scoring over 60 pts:

1) Can our bigs get to the rim and offensive rebound?

2) Can we get to the FT line?

3) Can Gesell score inside on this team?

4) Can our frontcourt outrun them on makes and misses?

Looking at Davidson, I felt we were 4for 4 on these factors before the game.

Looking at Gonzaga, I only feel good about #2 and #4. I'm pretty sure #3 is not true, and #1 is a big question mark.

The good news is that our defense has been pretty consistent the last 10 games and I think we can give them some problems mainly because their bigs are not 3 point shooters and are not necessarily any better than us inside. J

ok and Uthoff will have to shoot us to victory, imo, because Gesell will not score much in this matchup and our bigs will have a harder time in the half court - although White and Olaseni could get some fast break buckets.
This is going to be Avery tough out for Iowa. I actually don't think the matchup is all that favorable to us. We don't do well against big physical 4s and 5s, and that is exactly what gonzaga brings to the table. Woody and gabe will have their hands full tomorrow. I fear people may be calling for woody's head by the end of the day tomorrow. I hope I am wrong, but I am not feeling great about this one right now.
Originally posted by luvmyhawks:
This is going to be Avery tough out for Iowa. I actually don't think the matchup is all that favorable to us. We don't do well against big physical 4s and 5s, and that is exactly what gonzaga brings to the table. Woody and gabe will have their hands full tomorrow. I fear people may be calling for woody's head by the end of the day tomorrow. I hope I am wrong, but I am not feeling great about this one right now.
Yeah I agree that we struggle with physical Post players, but if the officials call the game the right way and don't allow mugging, then Iowa will be okay.

Also it will depend on how Iowa's plays defense and if they can hit their outside shots. Friday night Utoff, Olgesby, and Clemmons didn't have great nights shooting the ball. Gessell, White, and Jok hit some shots, but majority of White & Gessell shots were at the rim. So hopefully Utoff, Jok, and Olgesby get hot and force Zaga out and that will open the back door cuts.

I just hope the hawks from friday show up and not the one from the 1st round of the BTT.
Originally posted by cfhawk22:
Jok and utoff need to be hitting. They shoot well we should be fine.
I do agree with this. Uthoff has been struggling shooting lately and is due. If he can get it going, and white plays the way he has, then Iowa will be a very tough out for the zags.

all in all, I am just thrilled that we are still talking basketball this time of year.
As mentioned in another post, the teams are similar in a lot of ways.

It all comes down to shooting.

They shoot lights out on average.

We are an overall poor shooting team on average.

Can we somehow reverse this tomorrow?

I hope so.
Originally posted by DanL53:

1) Before we played them the first time many of us, including me, thought we matched up to Wisconsin pretty well.
2) Just looking at Gonzaga it looks like we match up with them pretty well.
3) Points one and two put together equal concern.
4) We think we draw fouls? Gonzaga drew more.
5) I still don't like looking at a +.500 and +.400 shooting team (fg & 3's) for the season.
6) They appear to be deeper if they NEED to be.
7) Confidence is important and they exude it.
8) Their coach is fantastic.
9) Yes their conference isn't the Big Ten, but they have played tough teams this year.

I'll add a few possible difference makers on our side:

1) I don't think even White knows how good he can be, but it seems that as of late he is ready to find out.
2) We are definitely the underdog, and we should be, but I think the guys like that role.
3) Some of Gonzaga's assets? 7,8,9? We can match.

In the end I still think this is a game close enough to call close to a toss up. I think Gonzaga gets the edge by maybe 3 points.
They have even more length than we do, and they are more physical. We will have to be very sharp, but we can win this game.
This game could go either way. Depends who is hot, who D's up the opponent.

I'm cautiously optimistic but wouldn't be surprised if Gonzaga prevails. They're pretty tough too.

You can throw out the seeds & rankings. And don't think for a second that Gonzaga & they're fans deep down don't know it.
I thought a big part of the Davidson game was that their stud got the early fouls and was pretty much out of sync all game.

Who knows about Sunday. But small things can make a big difference.

Play like your hair is on fire for 40 minutes. That is my clinical opinion.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Really think this one is very winnable for Iowa. We will have to play well but it won't take us playing out of our minds.

If it is close late I give us the advantage. They do have a tendency to choke in the 2nd round when they are a high seed. They have witnessed themselves over and over. If it's close, the not this again feeling will crepe into their heads and make them play tight.
vs. Davidson I thought the key was defending their perimeter shooters.

vs. Gonzaga I believe the key is hitting a high percentage of outside shots.

Gonzaga will try to take White out of his offense so I think Jok could be a big difference in this game. Uthoff also.
Woody looks a bit more motivated now. Hope he brings toughness to the game and own the boards.
Originally posted by luvmyhawks:
This is going to be Avery tough out for Iowa. I actually don't think the matchup is all that favorable to us. We don't do well against big physical 4s and 5s, and that is exactly what gonzaga brings to the table. Woody and gabe will have their hands full tomorrow. I fear people may be calling for woody's head by the end of the day tomorrow. I hope I am wrong, but I am not feeling great about this one right now.
I have the feeling that Gabe is the one who will difficulty with their bigs. Woody holds up well against the big physical types as long as he keeps out of foul trouble. Gabe tends to get pushed around by the bruisers.
Have to scratch my head at some of these assessments

Gonzaga has more length than Iowa? Gonzaga is more physical than Iowa or any other B1G team? Mark Few is a great coach? Iowa is equal to or longer than Gonzaga at virtually every position. Gonzaga has two bigs. That's it. They are fine players but there is a lack of size and depth in their front court. Wiltjer is a SF and a finesse player. Woody by himself is more physical than their whole team. Mark Few is undoubtedly a fine coach but I wouldn't consider him close to elite or even better than McCaffery. He's been at Gonzaga for over 10 years and really built them up and made them media darlings....but that hasn't translated into runs deep into the NCAA tourney. That's not the only barometer for success but its arguably the most important in today's game.

I think Gonzaga is vastly overrated and the fact that they haven't seen a Div I team w/ the size and skill of Iowa since December, will come back to bite them. We all know that if Iowa comes out and plays like we know they can, Gonzaga is going home early.
Question. Is it just me, or are some of the same posters who toss a cookie when Iowa loses already passing on the notion that Gonzaga has any talent?

I'm reading a lot of, "If Iowa comes to play, they win."

Consider this a shout out from a megaphone. We are going against a top ten opponent! That isn't just by the AP or coaches poll, that's Lunardi, Sagarin, the NCAA selection committee and probably every other source one can find! They've only lost two games all year!

What the $#%^& is it going to take before there is a reason that Iowa might lose beyond it being "which Iowa team shows up!?!?!?"

What are we, the bipolar, bizarre bought version of Kentucky!?

My goodness, that has to be the worst underhanded insult a person can give to a successful team, "Well, they are good but only when they win. The truth is they are really this schizoid, never can tell, or maybe they don't always care...whatever, uncanny, bipolar, up and down, maybe-maybe not, unreliable bunch of weirdo's!"

No, Iowa is not. It's you.

Learn the nature of college basketball! Look at the records of the other teams, including those making the Sweet Sixteen. They lose games! What, you think this is football where you can talk 9-3 or 10-2!?!? How often does your team end up 9-3 or 10-2 anyway? This is a completely different sport! Iowa is 22-11 at this moment, and that is a dang good record in basketball, especially playing in the Big Ten!

I know, this is a rant and probably hurts some feelings. But I'm trying to help.

Understand. If Iowa wins today it will be like beating any other top ten team. A big win! We could show up and play better than we've played all year, and a few shots rim out and poof...season over! We could show up and play the best game we've played all year, and hit those extra shots, and still lose! Gonzaga is that good!

We know we are good enough to win this game. But there will be another team on the court that can say the exact same thing.

Win or lose, by now we should know the Hawkeyes have become worthy of being considered a FULL TIME GOOD TEAM this season. Compare to the rest of the NCAA field and tell me the Hawkeyes don't deserve that!?!?

Win or lose today, anyone should be happy with the way the team has played this year. All year. Not just 22 times. Try to look at this this way. So far, thirty three times a basketball team has suddenly decided to beat us on the court, and they've only succeeded eleven times! Seems like we've been pretty reliable to me.

To end this. Basketball is a weird sport. UConn won the National Title last year coming from a seven seed! A seven seed. Do you think a football team around 25-28 in the rankings deserves a shot at your Football Championship? LOL. Do you know WHY Kentucky and other better teams lost to UConn last year? Luck. Sometimes teams get hot, sometimes they don't. This inconsistent crud some have dumped on Iowa. Too late people. Six straight Big Ten wins. Only a couple losses all season to teams like Northwestern or Penn State? No...that's just the nature of the sport...not the mark of an inconsistent team.

Let's say this, if Iowa comes out HOT today, they could win. To those saying if Iowa "shows up"? #$%^ you!

This post was edited on 3/22 8:58 AM by DanL53
Good OP. I think Iowa's personnel does match up fairly well, and the team has shown that it can play well on the road. Anyone, who doesn't think the Zags are good, is wrong. They have some great shooters and some huge interior players. They also have a lot of experience, and are very well coached. The Zags are definitely a top 10 team, and maybe a top 5 team. Iowa has the advantage that it has consistently played against high-level competition. The Zags have been able to play very average and still win games. Iowa can win this game if they continue to execute on both ends of the court and make some shots, but if Iowa gets taken out of its rhythm, this won't be fun to watch. This is a great opportunity for Iowa to really put itself back on the national basketball map and silence critics, who still believe that Iowa is soft. This is going to be a very tough game to win, but I am really looking forward to it. Go Hawks!!!!
Originally posted by DanL53:

1) Before we played them the first time many of us, including me, thought we matched up to Wisconsin pretty well.
2) Just looking at Gonzaga it looks like we match up with them pretty well.
3) Points one and two put together equal concern.
4) We think we draw fouls? Gonzaga drew more.
5) I still don't like looking at a +.500 and +.400 shooting team (fg & 3's) for the season.
6) They appear to be deeper if they NEED to be.
7) Confidence is important and they exude it.
8) Their coach is fantastic.
9) Yes their conference isn't the Big Ten, but they have played tough teams this year.

I'll add a few possible difference makers on our side:

1) I don't think even White knows how good he can be, but it seems that as of late he is ready to find out.
2) We are definitely the underdog, and we should be, but I think the guys like that role.
3) Some of Gonzaga's assets? 7,8,9? We can match.

In the end I still think this is a game close enough to call close to a toss up. I think Gonzaga gets the edge by maybe 3 points.
How well Iowa does depends on how well they execute (I know people hate that word) their defensive game plan IMHO.
Win or lose, I've enjoyed this bunch of kids this year and the things they have accomplished! To me, they appear to be very team oriented and a pretty classy group both on and off the court. And more importantly than wins and losses, to some of us, they appear to be fine representatives both of this state and this proud university.
Finish strong and proud!!!
Go Hawks!!!
As far as I'm concerned, the season has been a success. Losing today would not change that. Do I want Iowa to win? Sure! But I won't be upset if they lose. All I want is for the Hawks to play well and not get blown out.
Originally posted by 83Hawk:
As far as I'm concerned, the season has been a success. Losing today would not change that. Do I want Iowa to win? Sure! But I won't be upset if they lose. All I want is for the Hawks to play well and not get blown out.
Getting to the dance and winning their first game in more than a decade was the goal.
If they pull off the upset today, and it would be a significant upset, that would be an incredible capper to an already solid season.
Originally posted by DanL53:

Question. Is it just me, or are some of the same posters who toss a cookie when Iowa loses already passing on the notion that Gonzaga has any talent?

I'm reading a lot of, "If Iowa comes to play, they win."

Consider this a shout out from a megaphone. We are going against a top ten opponent! That isn't just by the AP or coaches poll, that's Lunardi, Sagarin, the NCAA selection committee and probably every other source one can find! They've only lost two games all year!

What the $#%^& is it going to take before there is a reason that Iowa might lose beyond it being "which Iowa team shows up!?!?!?"

What are we, the bipolar, bizarre bought version of Kentucky!?

My goodness, that has to be the worst underhanded insult a person can give to a successful team, "Well, they are good but only when they win. The truth is they are really this schizoid, never can tell, or maybe they don't always care...whatever, uncanny, bipolar, up and down, maybe-maybe not, unreliable bunch of weirdo's!"

No, Iowa is not. It's you.

Learn the nature of college basketball! Look at the records of the other teams, including those making the Sweet Sixteen. They lose games! What, you think this is football where you can talk 9-3 or 10-2!?!? How often does your team end up 9-3 or 10-2 anyway? This is a completely different sport! Iowa is 22-11 at this moment, and that is a dang good record in basketball, especially playing in the Big Ten!

I know, this is a rant and probably hurts some feelings. But I'm trying to help.

Understand. If Iowa wins today it will be like beating any other top ten team. A big win! We could show up and play better than we've played all year, and a few shots rim out and poof...season over! We could show up and play the best game we've played all year, and hit those extra shots, and still lose! Gonzaga is that good!

We know we are good enough to win this game. But there will be another team on the court that can say the exact same thing.

Win or lose, by now we should know the Hawkeyes have become worthy of being considered a FULL TIME GOOD TEAM this season. Compare to the rest of the NCAA field and tell me the Hawkeyes don't deserve that!?!?

Win or lose today, anyone should be happy with the way the team has played this year. All year. Not just 22 times. Try to look at this this way. So far, thirty three times a basketball team has suddenly decided to beat us on the court, and they've only succeeded eleven times! Seems like we've been pretty reliable to me.

To end this. Basketball is a weird sport. UConn won the National Title last year coming from a seven seed! A seven seed. Do you think a football team around 25-28 in the rankings deserves a shot at your Football Championship? LOL. Do you know WHY Kentucky and other better teams lost to UConn last year? Luck. Sometimes teams get hot, sometimes they don't. This inconsistent crud some have dumped on Iowa. Too late people. Six straight Big Ten wins. Only a couple losses all season to teams like Northwestern or Penn State? No...that's just the nature of the sport...not the mark of an inconsistent team.

Let's say this, if Iowa comes out HOT today, they could win. To those saying if Iowa "shows up"? #$%^ you!

This post was edited on 3/22 8:58 AM by DanL53
Great post Dan. I agree with everything you said here and could not have said it any better. While Gonzaga might not quite be as good as Wisconsin, they are a damn fine team and I look at this game a lot like the Wisconsin games. Come out and play sloppy, and Iowa gets ran out of the stinking building like we did in Madison. Come out and play really well, and we may still lose like we did in Iowa City. Saying this nonsense that Iowa shows up, and we win is just, well, stupid.

Gonzaga is a very good team, and I, for one, am very nervous about this game. Cautiously optimistic? Absolutely. But Iowa will need to play their best game of the year to win this one.

With all that said, SHOULD Iowa lose this game, I may come here and vent some disappointment as I will have had a few beers and be looking for some miserable company. But I will still be very proud of this team and this season.

Let's go Hawks!!!!!!
Originally posted by DanL53:

Question. Is it just me, or are some of the same posters who toss a cookie when Iowa loses already passing on the notion that Gonzaga has any talent?

I'm reading a lot of, "If Iowa comes to play, they win."

Consider this a shout out from a megaphone. We are going against a top ten opponent! That isn't just by the AP or coaches poll, that's Lunardi, Sagarin, the NCAA selection committee and probably every other source one can find! They've only lost two games all year!

What the $#%^& is it going to take before there is a reason that Iowa might lose beyond it being "which Iowa team shows up!?!?!?"

What are we, the bipolar, bizarre bought version of Kentucky!?

My goodness, that has to be the worst underhanded insult a person can give to a successful team, "Well, they are good but only when they win. The truth is they are really this schizoid, never can tell, or maybe they don't always care...whatever, uncanny, bipolar, up and down, maybe-maybe not, unreliable bunch of weirdo's!"

No, Iowa is not. It's you.

Learn the nature of college basketball! Look at the records of the other teams, including those making the Sweet Sixteen. They lose games! What, you think this is football where you can talk 9-3 or 10-2!?!? How often does your team end up 9-3 or 10-2 anyway? This is a completely different sport! Iowa is 22-11 at this moment, and that is a dang good record in basketball, especially playing in the Big Ten!

I know, this is a rant and probably hurts some feelings. But I'm trying to help.

Understand. If Iowa wins today it will be like beating any other top ten team. A big win! We could show up and play better than we've played all year, and a few shots rim out and poof...season over! We could show up and play the best game we've played all year, and hit those extra shots, and still lose! Gonzaga is that good!

We know we are good enough to win this game. But there will be another team on the court that can say the exact same thing.

Win or lose, by now we should know the Hawkeyes have become worthy of being considered a FULL TIME GOOD TEAM this season. Compare to the rest of the NCAA field and tell me the Hawkeyes don't deserve that!?!?

Win or lose today, anyone should be happy with the way the team has played this year. All year. Not just 22 times. Try to look at this this way. So far, thirty three times a basketball team has suddenly decided to beat us on the court, and they've only succeeded eleven times! Seems like we've been pretty reliable to me.

To end this. Basketball is a weird sport. UConn won the National Title last year coming from a seven seed! A seven seed. Do you think a football team around 25-28 in the rankings deserves a shot at your Football Championship? LOL. Do you know WHY Kentucky and other better teams lost to UConn last year? Luck. Sometimes teams get hot, sometimes they don't. This inconsistent crud some have dumped on Iowa. Too late people. Six straight Big Ten wins. Only a couple losses all season to teams like Northwestern or Penn State? No...that's just the nature of the sport...not the mark of an inconsistent team.

Let's say this, if Iowa comes out HOT today, they could win. To those saying if Iowa "shows up"? #$%^ you!

This post was edited on 3/22 8:58 AM by DanL53
Classic overreaction post, DanL. NO ONE has said that Gonzaga has no talent or doesn't stand a chance. You're inventing that slight, kilroy-style. What peple are saying, myself included, is that playing in a weak conference doesn't prepare Gonzaga to run w/ the high major teams. They've lost their last 5 2nd round games and they have a great chance to expand on that streak. That's not disespect, that's honesty. Iowa also has their problems mostly being that we never know which tea will show up. The same team that beat North Carolina at their own place also lost to Northwestern, Penn St and Minnesota. You getting upset about fans realizing their teams flaws makes zero sense. You already know that Iowa can be schizophrenic. Denying it doesn't change what we've seen from these guys. They finished the season hot but still inexplicably dropped the PSU game. If that's not schizophrenic, the nothing is.

Now I expect Iowa to win but if they lose, it won't be shocking. This is March after all and the surprises come w/ the territory.
Originally posted by IronFist1776:

Originally posted by DanL53:

Question. Is it just me, or are some of the same posters who toss a cookie when Iowa loses already passing on the notion that Gonzaga has any talent?

I'm reading a lot of, "If Iowa comes to play, they win."

Consider this a shout out from a megaphone. We are going against a top ten opponent! That isn't just by the AP or coaches poll, that's Lunardi, Sagarin, the NCAA selection committee and probably every other source one can find! They've only lost two games all year!

What the $#%^& is it going to take before there is a reason that Iowa might lose beyond it being "which Iowa team shows up!?!?!?"

What are we, the bipolar, bizarre bought version of Kentucky!?

My goodness, that has to be the worst underhanded insult a person can give to a successful team, "Well, they are good but only when they win. The truth is they are really this schizoid, never can tell, or maybe they don't always care...whatever, uncanny, bipolar, up and down, maybe-maybe not, unreliable bunch of weirdo's!"

No, Iowa is not. It's you.

Learn the nature of college basketball! Look at the records of the other teams, including those making the Sweet Sixteen. They lose games! What, you think this is football where you can talk 9-3 or 10-2!?!? How often does your team end up 9-3 or 10-2 anyway? This is a completely different sport! Iowa is 22-11 at this moment, and that is a dang good record in basketball, especially playing in the Big Ten!

I know, this is a rant and probably hurts some feelings. But I'm trying to help.

Understand. If Iowa wins today it will be like beating any other top ten team. A big win! We could show up and play better than we've played all year, and a few shots rim out and poof...season over! We could show up and play the best game we've played all year, and hit those extra shots, and still lose! Gonzaga is that good!

We know we are good enough to win this game. But there will be another team on the court that can say the exact same thing.

Win or lose, by now we should know the Hawkeyes have become worthy of being considered a FULL TIME GOOD TEAM this season. Compare to the rest of the NCAA field and tell me the Hawkeyes don't deserve that!?!?

Win or lose today, anyone should be happy with the way the team has played this year. All year. Not just 22 times. Try to look at this this way. So far, thirty three times a basketball team has suddenly decided to beat us on the court, and they've only succeeded eleven times! Seems like we've been pretty reliable to me.

To end this. Basketball is a weird sport. UConn won the National Title last year coming from a seven seed! A seven seed. Do you think a football team around 25-28 in the rankings deserves a shot at your Football Championship? LOL. Do you know WHY Kentucky and other better teams lost to UConn last year? Luck. Sometimes teams get hot, sometimes they don't. This inconsistent crud some have dumped on Iowa. Too late people. Six straight Big Ten wins. Only a couple losses all season to teams like Northwestern or Penn State? No...that's just the nature of the sport...not the mark of an inconsistent team.

Let's say this, if Iowa comes out HOT today, they could win. To those saying if Iowa "shows up"? #$%^ you!

This post was edited on 3/22 8:58 AM by DanL53
Classic overreaction post, DanL. NO ONE has said that Gonzaga has no talent or doesn't stand a chance. You're inventing that slight, kilroy-style. What peple are saying, myself included, is that playing in a weak conference doesn't prepare Gonzaga to run w/ the high major teams. They've lost their last 5 2nd round games and they have a great chance to expand on that streak. That's not disespect, that's honesty. Iowa also has their problems mostly being that we never know which tea will show up. The same team that beat North Carolina at their own place also lost to Northwestern, Penn St and Minnesota. You getting upset about fans realizing their teams flaws makes zero sense. You already know that Iowa can be schizophrenic. Denying it doesn't change what we've seen from these guys. They finished the season hot but still inexplicably dropped the PSU game. If that's not schizophrenic, the nothing is.

Now I expect Iowa to win but if they lose, it won't be shocking. This is March after all and the surprises come w/ the territory.
The classic overreaction is you saying Iowa is schizophrenic. Give me some numbers!?!? (Good luck)

Insulting me or the team doesn't change the fact that Iowa has had a very steady year, giving up few upsets. If you have to explain away that Iowa has advanced far beyond what a neophyte like you expected, try coming up with something more interesting that "schizophrenic".

It isn't, as you claim, a fact that I's a made up bunch of malarkey by you. Is Michigan State Schizophrenic? How about Iowa State?

Hey. Teams have good and bad games. It is a silly myth to claim Iowa is any worse than most.

And trying to put a win and loss against Gonzaga entirely on Iowa is dumb.
Originally posted by DanHawkPella:

They only lost 2 games all year and even with a weaker schedule that is very telling.
Gonzaga is 31-3, so they lost 3 games to 3 different teams in 3 different environments this year. They were beat by St. John's on a neutral court in the pre-season NIT, at AZ, and at home by BYU.

They did win at UCLA but Alford sucks so that doesn't count;)
Gonzaga can play and won't be an easy game for Iowa. They took Arizona to overtime (at Arizona) and ended up losing by 3. The fact that stands out to me in that game is that they didn't push AZ to overtime by being hot from 3. They only shot 23.% from 3 in that game (4 - 17). So they obviously don't have to rely on it. Their shooting percentages are inflated due to the weaker competition; but this is a good team that is very balanced. They have a lot of guys that can go off for big nights.

Iowa will have to play tough defense the entire game and not turn it over. Woodbury needs to stay out of foul trouble. I think Iowa will win but this is going to be a tough one.
Wow...We lost to St Johns now and magically lost THREE games all of sudden ?

We dominated St Johns on their HOME court at MSG, so don't know how we lost more games than stated?

Originally posted by baldwinzag:
Wow...We lost to St Johns now and magically lost THREE games all of sudden ?

We dominated St Johns on their HOME court at MSG, so don't know how we lost more games than stated?

I wouldn't thnk much of it. Gonzaga's PPG is higher than the IQ of the average poster on this site. I've never seen such a collection of incompetent churls since Monty Python's 'Dork Olympics'.
Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

Originally posted by baldwinzag:
Wow...We lost to St Johns now and magically lost THREE games all of sudden ?

We dominated St Johns on their HOME court at MSG, so don't know how we lost more games than stated?

I wouldn't thnk much of it. Gonzaga's PPG is higher than the IQ of the average poster on this site. I've never seen such a collection of incompetent churls since Monty Python's 'Dork Olympics'.

Shame on you! It was the "Upper class twit of the year show" and getting that wrong is unforgivable.
Gonzaga looked awesome the only time I've seen them....vs NDSU. BYU impressed me when I saw them twice. Weicher is Awesome!! So is his backup. Sarbonis is very very good.

I didn't think their defense was smothering. I think we may be a better defensive team. Hopefully defense can make it a game. Everybody that has made it this far is good.
Originally posted by DanL53:

Originally posted by MattFoleyHawk:

Originally posted by baldwinzag:
Wow...We lost to St Johns now and magically lost THREE games all of sudden ?

We dominated St Johns on their HOME court at MSG, so don't know how we lost more games than stated?

I wouldn't thnk much of it. Gonzaga's PPG is higher than the IQ of the average poster on this site. I've never seen such a collection of incompetent churls since Monty Python's 'Dork Olympics'.

Shame on you! It was the "Upper class twit of the year show" and getting that wrong is unforgivable.
Lol, you are correct sir, we just always called it the 'dork' olympics. I am ashamed for disrespecting the genius of Monty Python.