My HWC friends


Dec 28, 2014
Cedar Rapids
I would like to become a member of the club and was wondering if there are any members here in Cedar Rapids. I live on the NE side of Cedar Rapids and would love to be apart of it, but I need a ride after the post-meet club meetings. Me and a friend from Indiana went to the pre-meet party for the Illinois meet. It was a great time. Super cool even!

These are the dates and place for the remaining meetings:
Fri. Jan. 5, Michigan St., at Athletic Club after meet.
Sun. Jan 14, Oklahoma St., at Athletic Club after meet.
Fri., Feb. 2., Minnesota, at Athletic Club after meet.
I would like to become a member of the club and was wondering if there are any members here in Cedar Rapids. I live on the NE side of Cedar Rapids and would love to be apart of it, but I need a ride after the post-meet club meetings. Me and a friend from Indiana went to the pre-meet party for the Illinois meet. It was a great time. Super cool even!

These are the dates and place for the remaining meetings:
Fri. Jan. 5, Michigan St., at Athletic Club after meet.
Sun. Jan 14, Oklahoma St., at Athletic Club after meet.
Fri., Feb. 2., Minnesota, at Athletic Club after meet.
That's great, 80! The more, the merrier.

Just to clarify, I believe you're talking about the H.A.W.K. Hawkeye Area Wrestling Klub). The pre-meet social before the Illinois meet was a combined effort between H.A.W.K. and the HWC, which gets confusing. There has been some talk of more collaborative efforts between the H.A.W.K. and HWC supporters in the future, FWIW.