Gilman wrestled conservative
Clarke looked good
Carton will get the next one, surprised that he lost
Sorensen figured it out on wrestling on his terms, can't wait for the rematch
Kemmerer growth match, also can't wait for the rematch
Gunther is getting better
Brooks dumb luck and got caught
Wilcke is getting better and better, Mc was gassed
Holiday wishes he was at 197
There were alot of good things that came from this dual...
Clarke looked good
Carton will get the next one, surprised that he lost
Sorensen figured it out on wrestling on his terms, can't wait for the rematch
Kemmerer growth match, also can't wait for the rematch
Gunther is getting better
Brooks dumb luck and got caught
Wilcke is getting better and better, Mc was gassed
Holiday wishes he was at 197
There were alot of good things that came from this dual...