Name a person that you would like to be president over our current choices

Am I The Only One Anyone GIF by Peloton

(First gif that came up when I typed in anyone else)
If we're doing non-politicians, I'd include:
-Tom Hanks
-Denzel Washington
-Mike Rowe
-Keanu Reeves (Canadian so not eligible, but a legit great human being, look it up)
-Dolly Parton if not so old
-Natalie Portman (Harvard degree, solid experience governing an entire planet in the galactic republic)

-me (somewhat recently old enough to be eligible, would be youngest president if elected this year. Practicing lawyer, which might be good or bad depending on your views. Political centrist overall favoring more limited role for federal govt focused on national defense/immigration regulation and a moderate touch in regulating the economy, liberty all around elsewhere. If I can get 500 petition signatures (read: likes😉), I will officially dedicate myself to securing the Dem nomination when Biden withdraws. VP would likely be Gov. Shapiro or Mike Rowe, but I'd keep an open mind. Goal would be to govern somewhere between Ike and JFK to generalize. Just something to consider😁.)