NCAA Broadcast Information


HB All-American
Nov 23, 2008
2015 NCAA Division I Wrestling Championship Television Schedule


2015 NCAA Division I Wrestling Championship ESPN3 Schedule


This post was edited on 3/16 11:57 AM by hawkeyealumni

Further Details
Thanks for posting this! I just had a friend ask me when the afternoon breaks would be on Thursday-Friday, and I was getting ready to go look it up.
Never used ESPN3 but will be limited to webcasts. What does a guy have to do to use ESPN3? Is it as simple as pulling it up and clicking? Any subscription required?
This post was edited on 3/16 3:50 PM by WWDMHawkeye
Originally posted by WWDMHawkeye:
Never used ESPN3 but will be limited to webcasts. What does a guy have to do to use ESPN3? Is it as simple as pulling it up and clicking? Any subscription required?
This post was edited on 3/16 3:50 PM by WWDMHawkeye
You have to log in using the credentials of your Internet/cable provider (and just to make it interesting, not all providers offer access to ESPN3). It would be a good idea to scout it out ahead of time so you can call your cable/Internet provider to ask about usernames and passwords if you need to. I know when I had Mediacom, ESPN could detect that and I never had to enter any log-in information but I don't know if that's true for every provider.

This post was edited on 3/16 4:24 PM by brucefan
Re: NCAA Broadcast Information Reply
We'll have live audio on IAwrestle if you do not have ESPN.

How does that work? Do you pick up ESPN feed?
I just downloaded the espn app to watch the action in my shop this week. You can also catch the action streaming on your computer as long as your cable provider is in cahoots with espn.
FYI - a person could also order sling tv and get an espn online subscription. Free trial for 7 days. What you do after the uh, 3 days you need it would be up to you.
Well I have Direct TV. Just downloaded the Espn App but of course Direct TV isn't on that long list. Any other suggestions for watching on my Tablet while at work?
I just downloaded the watchespn app and when it went to providers list, Direct tv was the 6th one down. I logged onto a live program thru espn3 just to make sure it worked and it worked just fine.
Originally posted by WildTurk:
Well I have Direct TV. Just downloaded the Espn App but of course Direct TV isn't on that long list. Any other suggestions for watching on my Tablet while at work?
Then you're doing something wrong because Direct TV is most definitely a Watch ESPN provider. Not looking close enough or didn't download the real Watch ESPN app,
Originally posted by WWDMHawkeye:
Never used ESPN3 but will be limited to webcasts. What does a guy have to do to use ESPN3? Is it as simple as pulling it up and clicking? Any subscription required?

This post was edited on 3/16 3:50 PM by WWDMHawkeye
wwdm, download the watchespn APP on your phone and IPAD.

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