VolleyballNebraska is/was a football school...
Bowling. Not the football bowling, but the sport with ten pins.Volleyball
I think he’s also being exposed as not a good coach. You could make a pretty strong argument that his staff, especially Otz, was the real master of those ISU teams.I cannot remember an instance of such a high profile and accomplished coach failing so miserably. It’s almost as if - it’s Nebraska itself that is the problem.
Inviting them to join the Big was the most colossal bone headed move ever.
Accomplished? He really didn’t accomplish all that much at Iowa State. Total failure at Chicago and Nebraska.I cannot remember an instance of such a high profile and accomplished coach failing so miserably. It’s almost as if - it’s Nebraska itself that is the problem.
Inviting them to join the Big was the most colossal bone headed move ever.
Anyone at ISU saying OTzy was the reason for Fred's success at ISU.?