Never forget what Harris likes to brag about…

jack off please GIF

Ah yes, nobody values the "losers" in the military like Trump.
Based on a review of the article in Politico, I think the tweet's author confused Harris's comments vs the headline used by Politico.
The failure that was the Afghan withdrawal is Biden's; it is disingenuous to try to tie this to Harri because she was the last person in the room when Biden made the decision.

“This is a president who has an extraordinary amount of courage,” she said, regarding the decision. “He is someone, who I have seen over and over again, make decisions based on what he truly believes ... is the right thing to do.”

Harris said that Biden “is acutely aware that it may not be politically popular, or advantageous for him personally; it’s really something to see.”

“I have seen him over and over again make decisions based exactly on what he believes is right,” she noted.

Harris says she had key role in Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal decision

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