New 9/11 Evidence Points to Saudi Complicity

Joes Place

HR King
Aug 28, 2003

For more than two decades, through two wars and domestic upheaval, the idea that al-Qaeda acted alone on 9/11 has been the basis of U.S. policy. A blue-ribbon commission concluded that Osama bin Laden had pioneered a new kind of terrorist group—combining superior technological know-how, extensive resources, and a worldwide network so well coordinated that it could carry out operations of unprecedented magnitude. This vanguard of jihad, it seemed, was the first nonstate actor that rivaled nation-states in the damage it could wreak.

That assessment now appears wrong. And if our understanding of what transpired on 9/11 turns out to have been flawed, then the costly policies that the United States has pursued for the past quarter century have been rooted in a false premise.

The global War on Terror was based on a mistake.

A new filing in a lawsuit brought by the families of 9/11 victims against the government of Saudi Arabia alleges that al-Qaeda had significant, indeed decisive, state support for its attacks. Officials of the Saudi government, the plaintiffs’ attorneys contend, formed and operated a network inside the United States that provided crucial assistance to the first cohort of 9/11 hijackers to enter the country.

The 71-page document, released in redacted form earlier this month, summarizes what the plaintiffs say they’ve learned through the evidence obtained in discovery and recently declassified materials. They allege that Saudi officials—most notably Fahad al-Thumairy, an imam at a Los Angeles mosque and an accredited diplomat at Saudi Arabia’s consulate in that city, and Omar al-Bayoumi, who masqueraded as a graduate student but was identified by the FBI as an intelligence operative—were not rogue operators but rather the front end of a conspiracy that included the Saudi embassy in Washington and senior government officials in Riyadh.
“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have”
“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have”
There are def. a lot of unknown. They have the 5 they think committed the acts, but they're still trying to figure out things like how deep it went, who knew what and when, who paid these guys, who recruited them, where did the funding come from.

We know what the government has told us, but we don't know if that's 100% fact either. As time goes on and the people that knew this info start dying, we might not ever fully know.
I guess I thought it was known that SA was involved. It was mostly them on the flights on 9/11 and the money to finance them came from there. It’s just been a matter of can you prove how far it went. I’m guessing our government can prove it and hasn’t due to the reliance on oil.
I recall when it first happened the bush admin was saying saudi, then they said, oh wait, never mind.

OBL was either dead or on his death bed, so he didn't do it. he died of kidney failure, and not by obama drowning-or obama assassination.

When the saudis took over ottumwa, iowa, by OiT:

When I was like 14 and in junior high, the saudis came to town. our science teacher was telling us the story: apparently "we" or the USA, were selling them fighter jets. the manuals to operate and or repair them, were in english only and impossible to translate. so, the saudi dudes headed to indian hills community college- to learn english. Now, these dudes had bucks. first thing they did was go to the local car dealer, get an early 80's camaro. next thing was get a young blonde iowa girl. after a while, the redneck ottumwa dudes got sick and tired of the saudis stealing all the blondes and they filled a few of the camaros with bullet holes. the saudis hit the road faster than they came in to ottumwa. an international incident almost happened in ottumwa over blonde girls who may or may not have been that great looking anywho.
Say wut?!
I recall when it first happened the bush admin was saying saudi, then they said, oh wait, never mind.

OBL was either dead or on his death bed, so he didn't do it. he died of kidney failure, and not by obama drowning-or obama assassination.

When the saudis took over ottumwa, iowa, by OiT:

When I was like 14 and in junior high, the saudis came to town. our science teacher was telling us the story: apparently "we" or the USA, were selling them fighter jets. the manuals to operate and or repair them, were in english only and impossible to translate. so, the saudi dudes headed to indian hills community college- to learn english. Now, these dudes had bucks. first thing they did was go to the local car dealer, get an early 80's camaro. next thing was get a young blonde iowa girl. after a while, the redneck ottumwa dudes got sick and tired of the saudis stealing all the blondes and they filled a few of the camaros with bullet holes. the saudis hit the road faster than they came in to ottumwa. an international incident almost happened in ottumwa over blonde girls who may or may not have been that great looking anywho.