New Leaked Video - Pelosi Admits to Being Responsible For 1/6

I listened to the clip.

Just so we’re on the same page, you believe the military should be brought in to handle Trump insurrectionists next time?
Yes, I believe that would be the right call. It will be a massacre if they try that BS again.
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Not a good day for Nancy as this video is going massively viral on X, YouTube and rumble. Can't wait to hear the typical hiveminders dismiss this one.
Dude, you need to subscribe to a chain email service that isn't all MAGA propaganda. Do you have any clue how much of a dipsh*t you look like with each and every one of these links?
You're late with your story as it's been out all afternoon and has already been debunked.

You should be getting another talking points memo before the day is over.

Good luck!

I listened to the clip.

Just so we’re on the same page, you believe the military should be brought in to handle Trump insurrectionists next time?
I made a mistake to read some of Charlie Kirk's follower's comments. Holy shit are are there some really dumbshit misguided people making comments. Do they honestly believe Trump tried getting the NG to stop his MAGA followers? It's amazing that they have no accountability. It's Cheney and Pelossi's fault that the MAGA people tried overthrowing election. How stupid do you have to be to think that is logical? I'm so done with these idiots.
I thought it was worse than 9/11 and pearl harbor? One thing we can all agree on at least is there is a video of ole Nancy saying "I take responsibility"
Has Trump ever made that claim?

Get back to us when that happens.
This was never a problem when we had a law & order POTUS like Barry. Back in the day, when an unarmed black lady would get too close to the White House with her baby in the back seat she’d get shot five times in the back (and the back of the head).

Did Nancy Pelosi try to stifle such a stern response to an immediate threat to the Capitol back then? Oh, Hell No she didn’t!

Not a good day for Nancy as this video is going massively viral on X, YouTube and rumble. Can't wait to hear the typical hiveminders dismiss this one.

Who was president On Jan 6? I wonder why the president sat and watched the insurrection for 300 minutes enjoying himself and doing nothing? In retrospect there probably have been many leaders who wished they could have, should have done something. Make no mistake there was only one a-hole responsible and his name is donnie convicted felony trump.
Who was president On Jan 6? I wonder why the president sat and watched the insurrection for 300 minutes enjoying himself and doing nothing? In retrospect there probably have been many leaders who wished they could have, should have done something. Make no mistake there was only one a-hole responsible and his name is donnie convicted felony trump.

The leftists at twitter 1.0 deleted this for some reason before banning trump outright

Not a good day for Nancy as this video is going massively viral on X, YouTube and rumble. Can't wait to hear the typical hiveminders dismiss this one.
Sorry to burst the MAGA bubble but Trump, in spite of his false claims, did not authorize the use of 20,000 National Guard troops by Pelosi or anyone else in response to the insurrection of Jan 6th. This false claim was debunked by Chris Miller (acting Sec of Defense on Jan 6th) in his testimony under oath to the Jan 6th House Select Committee. Again, Trump, sitting on his obese posterior, did absolutely nothing on Jan 6th for over 3 hours to stop the insurrectionists at the Capitol.
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Sorry to burst the MAGA bubble but Trump, in spite of his false claims, did not authorize the use of 20,000 National Guard troops by Pelosi or anyone else in response to the insurrection of Jan 6th. This false claim was debunked by Chris Miller (acting Sec of Defense on Jan 6th) in his testimony under oath to the Jan 6th House Select Committee. Again, Trump, sitting on his obese posterior, did absolutely nothing on Jan 6th for over 3 hours to stop the insurrectionists at the Capitol.
"I take responsibility" - Nancy Pelosi
Who was president On Jan 6? I wonder why the president sat and watched the insurrection for 300 minutes enjoying himself and doing nothing? In retrospect there probably have been many leaders who wished they could have, should have done something. Make no mistake there was only one a-hole responsible and his name is donnie convicted felony trump.
Blah Blah Blah
This Pelosi video should be more material for a Trump or RNC ad. She turned down his offer for additional security … which she is responsible for on Capital Hill.
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