New York Post: Man celebrates 100th birthday with raunchy lap dance at strip club

Fun fact, this gentleman was born on the same day that Goldmom was getting her own 100th birthday lapdance.
  • Haha
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This very much reminds me of a joke from my early days as a nursing home lawyer.

An old guy, Harry, is living in an assisted living facility, and is approaching his 90th birthday. His friends, not really knowing how much longer he'll be around, decide to help him celebrate by hiring a stripper to come and pay him a visit.

So on the appointed day, the buxom lady enters into the facility and makes her way to the dining room that they have reserved for the party. Shortly after she arrives, she nuzzles up to Harry and asks, "So Harry, are you ready for some super sex?"

Harry looked at her and replied, "I'll have the soup."
This very much reminds me of a joke from my early days as a nursing home lawyer.

An old guy, Harry, is living in an assisted living facility, and is approaching his 90th birthday. His friends, not really knowing how much longer he'll be around, decide to help him celebrate by hiring a stripper to come and pay him a visit.

So on the appointed day, the buxom lady enters into the facility and makes her way to the dining room that they have reserved for the party. Shortly after she arrives, she nuzzles up to Harry and asks, "So Harry, are you ready for some super sex?"

Harry looked at her and replied, "I'll have the soup."
Great story, I LOL.

So you were a wheelchair chaser back in the day?:D

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