Nile Kinnick: Did he die a virgin?


HB Legend
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2006
Spent an afternoon with George Wine and his wife a number of years ago. George was telling some Nile Kinnick stories and laughing about a newspaper article that came out long ago about Kinnick drinking some beers with cohorts and young women in the Caribbean. Evidently the article implied that Nile may have become a bit frisky with the gals.

He said Al Coupee had read the article and called George in duress. George said he could literally hear Coupee pounding his desk as he shouted "I KNEW NILE KINNICK AND NILE KINNICK NEVER HAD SEX!!!"

Does anyone know much about Kinnick's social life?

This was an amusing story and I've read very little about Kinnick socially. Only that one of his close college friends said he enjoyed an occasional beer but never did anything outlandish.
Judging by his writings and that he was a practicing Christian Scientist, it wouldn’t surprise me if he wouldn’t have had relations without being married.

But, he was a Navy man, and that accounts for something.

The interesting thing to think about is to ask yourself, could a kid like that exist today? Look at how polarizing Tim Tebow was a decade ago because of the way the media covered him. Kinnick was probably even more beloved by the media nationally, heck he was AP male athlete of the year beating out Joe Louis and Joe DiMaggio.
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Spent an afternoon with George Wine and his wife a number of years ago. George was telling some Nile Kinnick stories and laughing about a newspaper article that came out long ago about Kinnick drinking some beers with cohorts and young women in the Caribbean. Evidently the article implied that Nile may have become a bit frisky with the gals.

He said Al Coupee had read the article and called George in duress. George said he could literally hear Coupee pounding his desk as he shouted "I KNEW NILE KINNICK AND NILE KINNICK NEVER HAD SEX!!!"

Does anyone know much about Kinnick's social life?

This was an amusing story and I've read very little about Kinnick socially. Only that one of his close college friends said he enjoyed an occasional beer but never did anything outlandish.
If he did die a virgin that is super sad.

What’s the point of being BMOC and one of the best football players at Iowa of all time if not for the ladies?
A number of years ago Hancher put on a play about Kinnick. If I recall correctly it portrayed him in a similar light. I have read basically everything written on him and what he wrote including private letters while in the military. I have never seen any evidence that would convince me he was any type of womanizer or even borderline that way. But I'm no professional historian and certainly don't claim to be an expert.
My lips are sealed, but I will say the 30's were some crazy days.

If some of the music from back then is any indication, our Grandparents generation partied just as hard as the rest of us.

Pretty cool to have that much fun and survive the Depression and save the Free World. Greatest Generation deserves that title IMO.

That's a good one but I'm thinking of some really down and dirty '30s stuff like these. Lyrics like:

I'm a ding, dong daddy, baby, Liquor is my racket. Lots of time when things are dull, I deal in other traffic. I can sell you morphine, coke, or snow. Take a little shot and you're rarin' to go.

I know times were much different then, but it’s hard to believe that Nile Kinnick never got propositioned a few times before his untimely death. If he passed because of his beliefs and died a virgin, kudos to him. IMO that even elevates the legend that was #24.
I know times were much different then, but it’s hard to believe that Nile Kinnick never got propositioned a few times before his untimely death. If he passed because of his beliefs and died a virgin, kudos to him. IMO that even elevates the legend that was #24.

George Wine really got a kick out of Al Coupee's statement. LOL

But I had not thought about your statement. You're obviously correct, he had to be propositioned with frequency.
Spent an afternoon with George Wine and his wife a number of years ago. George was telling some Nile Kinnick stories and laughing about a newspaper article that came out long ago about Kinnick drinking some beers with cohorts and young women in the Caribbean. Evidently the article implied that Nile may have become a bit frisky with the gals.

He said Al Coupee had read the article and called George in duress. George said he could literally hear Coupee pounding his desk as he shouted "I KNEW NILE KINNICK AND NILE KINNICK NEVER HAD SEX!!!"

Does anyone know much about Kinnick's social life?

This was an amusing story and I've read very little about Kinnick socially. Only that one of his close college friends said he enjoyed an occasional beer but never did anything outlandish.
Did Jesus have sex? If Jesus did, then I am thinking Kinnick did too. In Hawkeyedon Herk, there isn’t much difference between Christ and Kinnick.
Thanks to this moronic thread I now know there was a dude named Nile who died in a plane crash. Thanks!

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Spent an afternoon with George Wine and his wife a number of years ago. George was telling some Nile Kinnick stories and laughing about a newspaper article that came out long ago about Kinnick drinking some beers with cohorts and young women in the Caribbean. Evidently the article implied that Nile may have become a bit frisky with the gals.

He said Al Coupee had read the article and called George in duress. George said he could literally hear Coupee pounding his desk as he shouted "I KNEW NILE KINNICK AND NILE KINNICK NEVER HAD SEX!!!"

Does anyone know much about Kinnick's social life?

This was an amusing story and I've read very little about Kinnick socially. Only that one of his close college friends said he enjoyed an occasional beer but never did anything outlandish.

Umm Kinnick never married and I believe he was extremely religious as a Christian scientist and refused medical treatment.

I don't find it too unlikely at all that he was a virgin when he died.
Did Jesus have sex? If Jesus did, then I am thinking Kinnick did too. In Hawkeyedon Herk, there isn’t much difference between Christ and Kinnick.
In Mark, he was with a naked boy in the garden when the Romans interrupted. That religion had a thing for naked boys right from the start.
Spent an afternoon with George Wine and his wife a number of years ago. George was telling some Nile Kinnick stories and laughing about a newspaper article that came out long ago about Kinnick drinking some beers with cohorts and young women in the Caribbean. Evidently the article implied that Nile may have become a bit frisky with the gals.

He said Al Coupee had read the article and called George in duress. George said he could literally hear Coupee pounding his desk as he shouted "I KNEW NILE KINNICK AND NILE KINNICK NEVER HAD SEX!!!"

Does anyone know much about Kinnick's social life?

This was an amusing story and I've read very little about Kinnick socially. Only that one of his close college friends said he enjoyed an occasional beer but never did anything outlandish.

If my grandpa was still alive he would know. He was a team mate. Grandpa did talk about some drinking hijinks in the 30's, but nothing about Nile specifically.
A number of years ago Hancher put on a play about Kinnick. If I recall correctly it portrayed him in a similar light. I have read basically everything written on him and what he wrote including private letters while in the military. I have never seen any evidence that would convince me he was any type of womanizer or even borderline that way. But I'm no professional historian and certainly don't claim to be an expert.
He said in his diary something about hoping to meet a woman someday that he would spend his life with, not exact words. , of course. .
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Interesting question. Would you rather win the Heisman Trophy, die a virgin, and have a stadium named after you or play football, smash a ton of ass, and live.
If my grandpa was still alive he would know. He was a team mate. Grandpa did talk about some drinking hijinks in the 30's, but nothing about Nile specifically.

That's exciting. What was your grandfathers name? You must have some wonderful stories.

I knew one of their classmates. He said Nile was basically as perfect as a human could be.
In Mark, he was with a naked boy in the garden when the Romans interrupted. That religion had a thing for naked boys right from the start.
My guess? Greek translators added that later.

Greek dudes are like the charter members of NAMBLA.

Well I guess it would have been MEMBLA back thena Mediterranean Man Boy Love Association.
My guess? Greek translators added that later.

Greek dudes are like the charter members of NAMBLA.

Well I guess it would have been MEMBLA back thena Mediterranean Man Boy Love Association.
Invented gospels works fine for my theology.

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