No announcement of White 2nd place scoring list?


HB King
Feb 11, 2013
Quad Cities
I was at the game and keep waiting for the announcement but it never came.

Did I miss it?

If not then once again the UI drops the ball. I knew the minute he made those two FT's.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
When they mentioned it on BTN, the camera went to Aaron White and it looked like he was looking around and up at the boards to maybe see if something was posted...

Not sure if that's what it was, but that is what it looked like. He knew when he had it. CHA should have recognized that too!
No, but a blindfolded kid failed to pick up a basketball. So there's that.
Originally posted by hawkeye ball:
When they mentioned it on BTN, the camera went to Aaron White and it looked like he was looking around and up at the boards to maybe see if something was posted...

Not sure if that's what it was, but that is what it looked like.  He knew when he had it.  CHA should have recognized that too!

Nope. There was nothing. Zip.

My wife asked "are you sure he moved into second?"
Posted from Rivals Mobile
(This is going to start out weird)

You wake up. No one in the house but you. That's weird. You go outside to get the paper. Nobody outside either.

You drive to work and don't see a single car, or person, on the way. You get to work and there is no one around,

You start to panic. Go to the mall, nobody. The supermarket, nobody.,

THAT is the feeling I get when I read all these stories about what the "Athletic, or Sports Marketing Department" does.

Has anyone checked to see if they are even around? Aliens might have them.
I understand not doing it during the flow of the game. But halftime? After the game?
Guidotheguide posted on 3/7/2015...

I understand not doing it during the flow of the game. But halftime? After the game?

*Should have been done at the first timeout after he passed Earl. Our athletic dept. is pathetic.
This post was edited on 3/7 4:42 PM by 4th & 9 inches
Originally posted by DanL53:

(This is going to start out weird)

You wake up. No one in the house but you. That's weird. You go outside to get the paper. Nobody outside either.

You drive to work and don't see a single car, or person, on the way. You get to work and there is no one around,

You start to panic. Go to the mall, nobody. The supermarket, nobody.,

THAT is the feeling I get when I read all these stories about what the "Athletic, or Sports Marketing Department" does.

Has anyone checked to see if they are even around? Aliens might have them.

That's funny and kind how I feel about the athletic department sometimes.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by QChawks:
I was at the game and keep waiting for the announcement but it never came.

Did I miss it?

If not then once again the UI drops the ball. I knew the minute he made those two FT's.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
What could you possibly be upset about? We have Franwich and kiss cam? And to think we have a joke of game day atmosphere? LOL.

I was at the game too and couldn't believe that no one on the PA bothered to make sure we gave AW a cheer for 2nd all time scoring.
I remember when Tavian Banks passed Eddie P. for the single game rushing record, that was announced immediately. Hard to believe that the marketing department has gotten that clueless. Reading the post on the Marble "ceremony" really hard to fathom that they have their heads so far up their backsides. I may stop telling people that I have a degree in Marketing from Iowa.
Barta and his department just have no clue about promoting tradition, accomplishment or even a fun collegiate atmosphere.
If you attack the sports admin, you should include Fran, too. He clearly did not push to make sure it happened. None of the asst coaches raised the issue up front? Fran runs the program, not the marketing folks. Everyone knew this was coming. Not just the sport marketing folks or game day folks. I hang the guys at the top - Barta and Fran.
Not a word about it in the arena, which is pitiful. Should have been announced in the first break in play after it happened. Of course they didn't forget to do the smile cam or the burrito lift. Instead they just omit a major career milestone for one of the best players we've had.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by 5StarHawk:
If you attack the sports admin, you should include Fran, too. He clearly did not push to make sure it happened. None of the asst coaches raised the issue up front? Fran runs the program, not the marketing folks. Everyone knew this was coming. Not just the sport marketing folks or game day folks. I hang the guys at the top - Barta and Fran.
Fran doesn't sell enough hot dogs!

Obviously I disagree with you. Can you explain how between traveling all over the country to recruit and Coaching a basketball team Fran is supposed to find time to hold Barta's hand?

For that matter, the only thing I blame Barta for is lack of control over the people that SHOULD be organizing things like raising jersey's and announcing well deserving athletic achievements. It's the same pattern over and over...things are being done either not at all or half-a..ed.

That falls on Barta. FIX IT. Because frankly this is just sad to see things being run so poorly.
Looks like we are going to get a double bye in the Big Ten Tournament. This is a good thing to focus on. Can't please all the people all the time and most of the people here you can't please ever. Stay pissed you angry little bastards.
Originally posted by heat_dawg:

Looks like we are going to get a double bye in the Big Ten Tournament. This is a good thing to focus on. Can't please all the people all the time and most of the people here you can't please ever. Stay pissed you angry little bastards.
It would have been a nice, classy thing to do to announce White's achievement.

But perhaps "Stay pissed you angry little bastards" IS what the higher ups would like to have read over the speakers?

We've McCaffery, Staff and Team to thank for the success this year. That includes Aaron know, the guy nobody was nice enough to announce his achievement of the second most points in Iowa basketball history?

So...who is focused on what?
Word on the street is that we may bring him back in 30 years with a brief lame wall of fame ceremony.

Only if he is dying though.
I can't believe they didn't have Marble stand next to White for the crowd to cheer on as the two leading scorers in Iowa history. It was a big opportunity missed. I would think both of them would have loved standing together for that moment that basically presented itself during the course of this game.
Originally posted by SpartanHawk:
I can't believe they didn't have Marble stand next to White for the crowd to cheer on as the two leading scorers in Iowa history. It was a big opportunity missed. I would think both of them would have loved standing together for that moment that basically presented itself during the course of this game.
I thought the same thing. A huge opportunity lost.
Is this something to placate fans, because I can't believe any player would really care to hear it during a game. It was senior day for crying out loud, he was already honored. Let's just play the games.
Originally posted by DanL53:

Originally posted by SpartanHawk:
I can't believe they didn't have Marble stand next to White for the crowd to cheer on as the two leading scorers in Iowa history. It was a big opportunity missed. I would think both of them would have loved standing together for that moment that basically presented itself during the course of this game.
I thought the same thing. A huge opportunity lost.
Yea, because the players aren't doing anything at halftime but shooting the breeze. Come on people, use that lump on your shoulders that God gave you....
Originally posted by Jan Itor:

Originally posted by DanL53:

Originally posted by SpartanHawk:
I can't believe they didn't have Marble stand next to White for the crowd to cheer on as the two leading scorers in Iowa history. It was a big opportunity missed. I would think both of them would have loved standing together for that moment that basically presented itself during the course of this game.
I thought the same thing. A huge opportunity lost.
Yea, because the players aren't doing anything at halftime but shooting the breeze. Come on people, use that lump on your shoulders that God gave you....
OK. But I wish you would have asked me before the game.

At the last timeout. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Today in Carver we have the number one scorer in Iowa Basketball history, and your NEW second all time scorer in Iowa Basketball history, let's give one more round of applause for Roy Marble and Aaron White!"

And IF Marble had the strength to take a walk out to court for a quick wave with Aaron...that would have been fantastic. If not, at least you've got the announcement!

Look, I know I'm repetitively criticizing small stuff. But honestly, lately it just seems like High School Drama Club Plays are better organized that the Iowa Athletic Department when it comes to special events and marketing.

I'm not saying these things to be mean, or a jerk. I just want the experience for the players to be as good as it can be.

I'll tell you what, many years ago I remember the Fieldhouse (not that well but that's another story) rocking when the guys got back from the NCAA Regional and were heading to the Final Four. Today? I'm not confident that anyone would remember to pick them up at the airport. (Ok, maybe not that bad, but you get my point.)
Originally posted by DanL53:

Originally posted by Jan Itor:

Originally posted by DanL53:

Originally posted by SpartanHawk:
I can't believe they didn't have Marble stand next to White for the crowd to cheer on as the two leading scorers in Iowa history. It was a big opportunity missed. I would think both of them would have loved standing together for that moment that basically presented itself during the course of this game.
I thought the same thing. A huge opportunity lost.
Yea, because the players aren't doing anything at halftime but shooting the breeze. Come on people, use that lump on your shoulders that God gave you....
I'll tell you what, many years ago I remember the Fieldhouse (not that well but that's another story)
Too young, or too much partying?
I too was waiting for the announcement at the next stopped clock.... did not happen.

As far as the athletic dept. ' If you can't take care of the small stuff, how can we ever expect you to take care of the bigger issues?"
Originally posted by DanL53:

Originally posted by SpartanHawk:
I can't believe they didn't have Marble stand next to White for the crowd to cheer on as the two leading scorers in Iowa history. It was a big opportunity missed. I would think both of them would have loved standing together for that moment that basically presented itself during the course of this game.
I thought the same thing. A huge opportunity lost.
Did anyone hear Bob Hansen's post-game interview with White? Hansen praised White for going over to Marble and saying something to him after the game. White said that actually he was trying to get to his girlfriend, but Marble got in his way.