Noah's Ark Found?


The goal: to enter what they believe to be a mammoth structure some 45 feet high, 75 feet wide and up to 450 feet long that was exposed in part by last summer's heat wave in Europe.

That seems quite long to be able to retain structural integrity. Any engineers here?

Also, by calling it a structure rather than a boat, does that mean the boat theory is still in question?
Seven Blue Arrows!

A Red Circle!

How much more evidence do we really need!!!

I'm pretty sure I see a Yeti down there too.
Originally posted by NPRLover:

The goal: to enter what they believe to be a mammoth structure some 45 feet high, 75 feet wide and up to 450 feet long that was exposed in part by last summer's heat wave in Europe.

That seems quite long to be able to retain structural integrity. Any engineers here?

Also, by calling it a structure rather than a boat, does that mean the boat theory is still in question?

If it was iced/snowpacked without being glacially churned, it could easily be preserved. Hell, they have found relatively well-preserved bodies thousands of years old under such circumstances.

I watched an episode on Discovery or the History channel about Noah's Ark. Engineers went by the measurements that were used by Noah and said that a structure that big would hold up. Surprised me. You would think something that long and tall would break in the middle.
God can do anything...But wouldn't you expect to find the ark at the bottom of a mountain rather than on the side of one? As the water receded wouldn't the boat continue 'searching' for the lowest point?
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Also, by calling it a structure rather than a boat, does that mean the boat theory is still in question?

Sub-marine? Did things come in yellow back then?
I found a link on the history of the search if anyone is curious.
They always say truth is stranger than fiction so maybe they will finally find something:)
Originally posted by sergeanthulka:
God can do anything...But wouldn't you expect to find the ark at the bottom of a mountain rather than on the side of one? As the water receded wouldn't the boat continue 'searching' for the lowest point?

If the boat got hung up on a higher ledge, then it would stop there.

But since god can do anything, maybe she picked it up from the bottom of the mountain and placed it at a higher elevation.
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"The goal: to enter what they believe to be a mammoth structure some 45 feet high, 75 feet wide and up to 450 feet long that was exposed in part by last summer's heat wave in Europe."

Are these even close to the dimensions described in the Bible? I recall Bill Cosby's comedy album where he asks "What's a cubit?"
How do they expect to take photos but not excavate? This would be the biggest historical find in the history of mankind. With that being said, I would be shocked if anything was found.
IIRC - A cubit is the length of a mans arm from fingertips to his shoulder....or something close to that. So 300 cubits would come very close to 450'
This explanation is air tight:

Why Were Dinosaurs So Big?

"The main reason dinosaurs got so big is because they were reptiles. One fun fact about reptiles (snakes, lizards, etc..) is that they keep growing as long as they live. Human beings quit growing after about 18 years. But reptiles just keep on growing. Remember that the Bible says before Noah's flood people lived to be 900 years old (some even older).
Can you imagine what would happen to an animal that kept growing for 900 years? It would get huge!

Scientists have found other animals that got much larger too. Beavers that were eight feet long! Cockroaches that were 18 inches long! Even human skeletons have been found of people that were 12 feet tall! So it's easy to see how other animals would get very big too."

Yes, very easy...
Remember that most dinosaur books were written by people who either do not know, or do not believe the Bible. (See "Why don't some people believe God made them?") Because of this they think the universe is billions of years old. So when they write a book about animals like dinosaurs they don't understand that God made them along with all the other animals and people.

Where did you find this site?
Yeah, there's a lot of good stuff there.

Answers to some timeless questions, like which came first, the chicken of the egg? (Ans: the chicken).

How old is the earth? 6,000 yrs.

Why do science texts claim that dinosaurs are millions of years old? Because those books were written by people who don't know or don't believe the bible.

Does anybody get "The Engines of Our Ingenuity" over their local NPR station? It originates from the University of Houston by John Lienhard, an engineering professor (maybe retired). Good program.

Just this morning, he made the comment "... most of the people I know realize that dinosaurs were extinct long before man arrived on earth...". He must not frequent this board.
I have never before heard of twelve-foot human fossils. Can any scienticians out there clue me in? They wouldn't just make this stuff up, would they?
Originally posted by NPRLover:
Just this morning, he made the comment "... most of the people I know realize that dinosaurs were extinct long before man arrived on earth...". He must not frequent this board.
I'm sorry, I must be way out of the loop on this one. I always assumed that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Aren't there a multitude of cave drawings done by early men depicting dinosaurs? Or is that just made up in my mind?
Originally posted by sandimashigh:
Remember that most dinosaur books were written by people who either do not know, or do not believe the Bible. (See "Why don't some people believe God made them?") Because of this they think the universe is billions of years old. So when they write a book about animals like dinosaurs they don't understand that God made them along with all the other animals and people.

Where did you find this site?

Through a google search trying to find the length of a cubit.

I think this site would insult my kid's intelligence. The thinking employed is not very rigorous, is it?
Boss....No....You're thinking of the Flintstones. did not co-exist with dinosaurs. I'm sure NPR will point you to a source shortly.

The drawings that you're thinking of depicted animals like bison, mammoths, etc., but not dinos.

There are mainly two groups of those who think that man co-existed with dinosaurs: those that just aren't aware of the geologic time-line (which is pretty common - basically scientific ignorance), and those that choose to follow a literal biblical interpretation, which can be based on the earth being 6,000 yrs old, or the hazy reference in Job to a leviathan/behemoth/whatever.

Many reasons are created by those who want to be biblical literalists: flaws in carbon dating, god can do anything, footprints of dinosaurs directly adjacent to footprints of humans. The fundamentalists/literalists employ an interesting psychology to assuage their cognitive dissonance. You've seen it here by god's ambassador - they are right, everyone else is wrong.

That's my view, caustic and abrasive as it may be. But as you see, I don't suffer fools gladly.

As far as a link, here is something put out by the USGS. Whether you want to believe this is up to you. (note: I'm surprised W hasn't required this site to change its language.)

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?

After the dinosaurs died out, nearly 65 million years passed before people appeared on Earth. However, small mammals (including shrew-sized primates) were alive at the time of the dinosaurs. Many scientists who study dinosaurs (vertebrate paleontologists) now think that birds are direct descendants of one line of carnivorous dinosaurs, and some consider that they in fact represent modern living dinosaurs. This theory remains under discussion and shows that there is still much we don't know about dinosaurs.
This would be the biggest historical find in the history of mankind. With that being said, I would be shocked if anything was found.

I agree completely. Would certainly challenge those skeptical of the Bible, particularly the Old Testament. That includes me.
From the AmplifiedKJV:

14 Make yourself an ark of gopher or cypress wood; make in it rooms (stalls, pens, coops, nests, cages, and compartments) and cover it inside and out with pitch (bitumen).
15 And this is the way you are to make it: the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits [that is, 450 ft. x 75 ft. x 45 ft.].
16 You shall make a roof or window [a place for light] for the ark and finish it to a cubit [at least 18 inches] above--and the door of the ark you shall put in the side of it; and you shall make it with lower, second, and third stories.

One Biblical cubit is equal to 0.457199999305056m or 1.4999999925ft.
seven decimal places, so you can't accuse me of being imprecise:)

'Geologists say even though there is evidence of a flood in Mesopotamia in Sumerian times, it is not possible for a ship to make landfall at an altitude as high as Mount Ararat.'

After making such statements of fact, they'd better pray they're right.
This post was edited on 4/27 1:45 PM
'Geologists say even though there is evidence of a flood in Mesopotamia in Sumerian times, it is not possible for a ship to make landfall at an altitude as high as Mount Ararat.'

After making such statements of fact, they'd better pray they're right.

I'm guessing that geologists used objective data and science to conclude that it is not possible for a ship to land at that altitude.

If a ship is there, however, that new data/information would be incorporated into new science and theories. I don't think the scientists would have a problem with that.

And that, among many other things, is why science and scientists differ from the biblical literalist crowd. The science crowd uses existing objective data to create and support theories. They have no overriding reason to perpetuate a flawed hypothesis. The biblical literalist crowd does have an agenda: all their data, analysis, and conclusions are geared to supporting their already existing hypothesis.

Because of that, I sincerely doubt the geologists will be praying that they are correct in this matter.
This post was edited on 4/27 1:51 PM
Originally posted by NPRLover:

There are mainly two groups of those who think that man co-existed with dinosaurs: those that just aren't aware of the geologic time-line (which is pretty common - basically scientific ignorance), and those that choose to follow a literal biblical interpretation, which can be based on the earth being 6,000 yrs old, or the hazy reference in Job to a leviathan/behemoth/whatever.

Many reasons are created by those who want to be biblical literalists: flaws in carbon dating, god can do anything, footprints of dinosaurs directly adjacent to footprints of humans. The fundamentalists/literalists employ an interesting psychology to assuage their cognitive dissonance. You've seen it here by god's ambassador - they are right, everyone else is wrong.

That's my view, caustic and abrasive as it may be. But as you see, I don't suffer fools gladly.

As far as a link, here is something put out by the USGS. Whether you want to believe this is up to you. (note: I'm surprised W hasn't required this site to change its language.)

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?

After the dinosaurs died out, nearly 65 million years passed before people appeared on Earth. However, small mammals (including shrew-sized primates) were alive at the time of the dinosaurs. Many scientists who study dinosaurs (vertebrate paleontologists) now think that birds are direct descendants of one line of carnivorous dinosaurs, and some consider that they in fact represent modern living dinosaurs. This theory remains under discussion and shows that there is still much we don't know about dinosaurs.


I'm glad the 'I'm right & you're wrong' method is only employed by the Bible-thumpers...

I'm curious if science has answered this objection?

1) There has always been as much carbon 14 in the atmosphere as there is today. (Assumption made by those that endorse Carbon 14 dating as accurate)

When scientists first started using carbon dating they assumed the earth's carbon 14 content had reached "equilibrium" That means a balance.
The sunlight was adding new carbon 14, while decay was taking it away. At first the earth would fill up with more and more carbon 14, but eventually the carbon 14 would be decaying as fast as it was being added.

It's the same principle with a barrel of water - Watch below as the water fills the barrel (you can try this at home with a plastic bottle or milk carton - Poke holes in it, with the holes from bottom to top. Put the carton in the sink and turn on the water very slowly . . . how far will the carton fill up with water? Try turning the water on a little more . . . now how far up the carton?

Unfortunately scientists are discovering that the earth is still "filling up" with carbon 14. So they really do not have an accurate measurment. Scientists do know from their studies that it would take 20,000 years for the earth to reach this balance in carbon 14 . . . What does that tell you about the age of the earth?

Hawk 24:

You are wrong. There are 'dinosaur' drawings on the Ica stones. But you go right on watching the Flinstones......

What animal do you believe is being described in the book of Job, NPR?
Hulka, all your answer's to carbon dating:

"What About Carbon Dating?


I was told that carbon dating (also called carbon 14 or radio carbon dating) can prove the world is millions of years old. What is it, and how accurate is it?


How Carbon Dating works
Carbon dating is one meathod scientists use to measure the ages of objects which were alive at some time in the past.
In our atmosphere there are particles of carbon, when rays from the sun hit them it turns a few of them into carbon 14 (a radioactive carbon).
Of all the carbon in the world only a very small amount is radioactive.
Plants are designed to absorb carbon dioxide (what you and I breathe out -->) and release oxygen (what you and I breathe in
Hawk 24:

You are wrong. There are 'dinosaur' drawings on the Ica stones. But you go right on watching the Flinstones......

Oh. My. God.

Somebody HAS to get Scooter! The Inca stones have resurfaced! Go, go, dino!!!

Sarge, I'll give you fair warning on the Inca stones. If you want to pursue that topic, go into it with fair warning that it will not be pretty.

As far as carbon dating, I don't have the scientific expertise to intelligently discuss that topic. No offense, but I don't think you are qualified, either.
Originally posted by sergeanthulka:

You are wrong. There are 'dinosaur' drawings on the Ica stones. But you go right on watching the Flinstones......

Sarge...I'm actually more of a Jetsons guy, thank you very much. Sounds like you're a Fantasy Island buff to me.
Originally posted by sandimashigh:
I forgot to add that this information came from the world renowned website,

Well, the bible does have references to "become as little children" or something to that effect. Apparently, kidspot has taken that directive to heart.

We are really regressing in overall science education, if you ask me. When religious dogma is substituted for hard science, we all suffer.
So, NPR...Your lack of knowledge on Carbon 14 doesn't disqualify you from attacking this website? Everyone on here is discrediting the website - but no one wants to get specific as the where it err's regarding the assertions...

I don't get it.

& it's Ica stones. Get scooter in here. He can explain to all of us why the Peruvian's would draw a Pterodactyl on a rock when 'Science' hadn't told them that one ever existed.....
Originally posted by sandimashigh:
I currently possess an Ica stone. It sits next to the 100% authentic Shroud of Turin in my museum.

Right next to the gold plates that hold the Book of Mormon?

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