North Charleston


HB Legend
Dec 10, 2011
Cedar Rapids -- Iowa City
Just caught a bit of the press conference on being held by the mayor and some other guy and it sounds like the crowd is getting a bit rowdy. Hopefully, things don't blow up like they did in Ferguson.
The officer got arrested and charged with murder. EXACTLY what should have happened. Why does it always end up in a riot? It's bullcrap. Violence for the sake of violence. CNNs presence won't help things as well because people want to be on camera showing how upset they are.
I'm sure Al Sharpton will be there shortly to calm things down.

BTW Sharpton is now calling for a federal law requiring all state and local police to wear body cameras.
Emotional people do like to emote. Stoicism could use a revival in America.
I don't like Sharpton, but curious why you dislike the body camera idea? I would think it would protect far more cops than it would hurt...?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Hopefully the fact that the officer is locked away without bail and facing murder charge will keep the true emotion in check. There's little to do with the opportunistic types who may just want to stir up trouble.
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
I don't like Sharpton, but curious why you dislike the body camera idea? I would think it would protect far more cops than it would hurt...?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
because of the absolute waste of resources it would be to have every police man or woman in the country wearing these things
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Probably rioting over the site of Kathryn Dennis without makeup.....

Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
I don't like Sharpton, but curious why you dislike the body camera idea? I would think it would protect far more cops than it would hurt...?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I like the body camera idea. I just question Sharpton's insistance that law enforcement practices that impact minorities must be "nationalized" via federal law.

I wouldn't oppose withholding of federal money to "inspire" local law enforcement to require body cameras.
Originally posted by pablow:

I like the body camera idea. I just question Sharpton's insistance that law enforcement practices that impact minorities must be "nationalized" via federal law.

I wouldn't oppose withholding of federal money to "inspire" local law enforcement to require body cameras.
How is that materially different?
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by pablow:

I like the body camera idea. I just question Sharpton's insistance that law enforcement practices that impact minorities must be "nationalized" via federal law.

I wouldn't oppose withholding of federal money to "inspire" local law enforcement to require body cameras.
How is that materially different?
Sounds like the 21 year old drinking age thing and federal funding to states for roads.

"Sure, you can have your drinking age at 18...but we're withholding federal road funds for your state if you do it."
It's always interesting how when us white folks riot the media refer to it as a demonstration.
Originally posted by bagdropper:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by pablow:

I like the body camera idea. I just question Sharpton's insistance that law enforcement practices that impact minorities must be "nationalized" via federal law.

I wouldn't oppose withholding of federal money to "inspire" local law enforcement to require body cameras.
How is that materially different?
Sounds like the 21 year old drinking age thing and federal funding to states for roads.

"Sure, you can have your drinking age at 18...but we're withholding federal road funds for your state if you do it."
The result may be the same but I'd prefer that it be done by blackmail rather than once again expanding federal jurisdiction.

I think the feds are now in charge of state OWI thresholds also.
Nah what you are going to see in response to these cop shootings is legislation in conservative controlled state legislatures passing "public safety" laws in response to demands from police unions to make it illegal to video a cop when he has his gun drawn. There will then be rush to get a case on this topic in front of SCOTUS to make it federal.

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