North Liberty woman arrested after making false accusations against a man after she wanted to back out of a date arranged on line


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
I recall many years ago a professor in a criminology class saying sexual crimes are the most underreported, and the most falsely reported crimes.
Some poor sucker spent an hour with the police after a NL woman made accusations he was stalking her, and abusive. She deserves to be prosecuted, which I have heard anecdotally doesn't always happen.
Wait, a guy wanted to go out on a date with this person?

Is candid camera back?

Jesus christ, I know multiple people that had been "ghosted" by someone they started talking to on a dating app for a few weeks and they always mentioned how rude it was that someone couldn't just say, "sorry I'm just not interested anymore" or something like that.

But this.....this is a whole new level.
Help with what? Cancelling the date?

During the interview, Thomas reportedly told police she didn’t think officers would help, so she made up the events.
She should be sentenced to whatever the guy would have gotten if found guilty. That will put an end to this BS.
I try to tell Mr. Birch that he's wrong and chicks aren't crazy but then this happens.

This is a fact pattern that should be a much more significant crime. This young man is fortunate this only cost him an hour of his life. Lots haven't been so fortunate.
Mr. Birch sounds like a very sheltered individual. Are you his first or something?

Edit: my wife is crazy AF, but I can’t lie, part of me likes it lol.
I am so glad I met my wife before internet dating became the norm.

Off topic: but the podcast "Something was wrong - Season 20" is about a woman from Sloan, IA that had been hardcore catfishing people. Roomates, friends, etc. She would string them along for years, sexting them, emotionally abusing them, and convincing them to "meet him" in different cities across the US, just to never respond once they get there. Nearly 20 victims in like 5 different states.

Some people are psychos.
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