Not content with a fetal heartbeat bill, Republicans push for life at conception legislation in Iowa.


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
Zealots will never accept anything less than complete control over the bodies of women. No morning after pill. Probably no birth control pill if some have their way. So many unintended consequences, and so many consequences where the proponents simply do not care about individual rights. I am thinking quite clearly of a friend who survived cancer at an early age and had to have his sperm frozen at UIHC at age 17 on the off chance that he survived to adult hood and could start a family. Under proposed legislation would all fertilized eggs in the IVF process be considered living citizens? If an egg is unviable ,then what?
I don't doubt the passion of the legislator quoted, but she made her own choices in life. And, Brenna Bird has actual AG stuff to start concentrating on.
Btw, if this isn't pure, "pull the ladder up behind you," mentality, then I don't know what is:

"My prayer is that Iowa will pass a life at conception bill to protect our most vulnerable and defenseless citizens and our women and children,” Stoltenberg said.

Stoltenberg had three abortions as a teenager and has become an outspoken critic of the procedure. “I stand before you to say abortion is not a good option and we need to end it in our state,” Stoltenberg said."
Can’t wait for the right to conceal carry legislation for a 5 day old embryo.