Nothing About Bibi Spying on White House's Talks w/Iran?

As it stands, I trust Bibi to do the right thing IRT Iran, than what Obama and Kerry are proposing. So yes, I'm glad the Israelis are keeping track of what's going on in the Middle East.

You should too.
There should be no diplomacy with Iran... One of the biggest state sponsors of terror in the world, and Flick / Obama wanna help contribute to that..
Bibi, when asked about this incident, said Israel would never spy on the US.
Johnathon Pollard was unavailable for comment.
Here's a story with Harry Reid and some other Dems denying this ever happened. So I guess the rumors were started by................Valerie Jarrett, the Iranian advisor to Obama? Just a guess.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said today that he didn't receive intelligence from the Israelis about Iran's nuclear program.

"All the intelligence information I've gotten has come from America," Reid declared to reporters outside of a caucus meeting on the Hill.

Reid confirmed that he's met with the Israeli ambassador "over the years."

"And we've heard his public - anything I've heard from him has been no different than his public pronouncements," he said. "They don't like the deal."

Reid has recently said that he's not discouraging Democrats from supporting bipartisan Iran bills under veto threat from the White House.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) article alleging that Israel spied on Iran nuclear talks and fed information to Congress.

"I read that story this morning and, frankly, I was a bit shocked because there was no information revealed to me whatsoever," Boehner said outside a closed caucus meeting.

The article said the "espionage" upset the White House because Israel was allegedly sharing "inside information with U.S. lawmakers and others to drain support from a high-stakes deal intended to limit Iran's nuclear program."

"It is one thing for the U.S. and Israel to spy on each other. It is another thing for Israel to steal U.S. secrets and play them back to U.S. legislators to undermine U.S. diplomacy," the WSJ quotes an unnamed senior U.S. official.

Israel called the allegations "utterly false."

So far, no lawmaker has said they got any classified information with Israel.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told CNN he was also "shocked" by the report as he did not receive information from the Israelis. "If they were sharing information it wasn't on our side of the aisle," Nunes said.

Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) noted that he had a "number of meetings with Israeli officials" and in "none of those cases" did the Israelis discuss anything he deemed to be classified.

State Department press secretary Jen Psaki today called it "an absurd notion that Congress would have to rely on any foreign government to gain insight into the nuclear negotiations with Iran."

"I think we've spoken in the past to our concern in the past has been about leaks of certain sensitive information. And obviously, we've taken steps to ensure that the negotiations remain private," Psaki said. "But we still have ongoing conversations that are continuing with Israel and a range of countries Undersecretary Sherman has met over the past month with."

A reporter told Psaki that the reason behind the administration's "anonymous whining" isn't understood.

"Well, I can't speak to the reasoning or the motivation of an anonymous source. I think in the past, we've expressed steps we take in order to ensure that the talks remain private. We continue that," Psaki replied. "…If I had the anonymous source, I'd be happy to have them up here. I don't have any more information on the anonymous source quoted in the story."

As it stands now, the preponderance of evidence indicates the story isn't true, and probably was planted by somebody in the White House.
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
As it stands now, the preponderance of evidence indicates the story isn't true, and probably was planted by somebody in the White House.
Valerie Jarrett. She's evil.
Well, I started a thread about chemical weapons being used by Syria, and the prevailing Liberal thought was that it was Kerry and Obama crying wolf.

So, why would I trust their judgment now? Maybe because this new alligation is anti-Jewy?
Originally posted by Lone Clone:
As it stands now, the preponderance of evidence indicates the story isn't true, and probably was planted by somebody in the White House.
It really doesn't matter. Bibi is your President.

As one reporter said about Republicans, do they think they are never going to be in the WH again?
Originally posted by Habah:
There should be no diplomacy with Iran... One of the biggest state sponsors of terror in the world, and Flick / Obama wanna help contribute to that..
Is this rhetorical bluster or is there a real line of thinking that says BHO wants more terrorism?
Originally posted by wildcatdad:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:
As it stands now, the preponderance of evidence indicates the story isn't true, and probably was planted by somebody in the White House.
It really doesn't matter. Bibi is your President.

As one reporter said about Republicans, do they think they are never going to be in the WH again?
Bibi is a better president in Israel for the United States than the zero that currently resides in the White House. You don't go hands-down into history as the worst President in history with two years left without making a mockery of what was once a prestigious position to hold. Obama has done that and worse. Republicans will continue to win the vote of those that respect this country and appreciate what great things it was built upon. Meanwhile, democrats will continue to tear down any lasting fabric holding together what was once the greatest country on this planet.
Originally posted by gonegolfing:
Originally posted by wildcatdad:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:
As it stands now, the preponderance of evidence indicates the story isn't true, and probably was planted by somebody in the White House.
It really doesn't matter. Bibi is your President.

As one reporter said about Republicans, do they think they are never going to be in the WH again?
Bibi is a better president in Israel for the United States than the zero that currently resides in the White House. You don't go hands-down into history as the worst President in history with two years left without making a mockery of what was once a prestigious position to hold. Obama has done that and worse. Republicans will continue to win the vote of those that respect this country and appreciate what great things it was built upon. Meanwhile, democrats will continue to tear down any lasting fabric holding together what was once the greatest country on this planet.
MSNBC had a story on yesterday where some of the few remaining survivors of the Battle of Iwo Jima returned to the island. It was amazing to look at that little island and think of the amassed forces that battled to such a bloody end.
I'm sure it was only Republicans that loved their country enough to fight their way to the top of Mt. Suribachi. Only Republicans that returned from the war to make America better.
Originally posted by gonegolfing:

Bibi is a better president in Israel for the United States than the zero that currently resides in the White House. You don't go hands-down into history as the worst President in history with two years left without making a mockery of what was once a prestigious position to hold. Obama has done that and worse. Republicans will continue to win the vote of those that respect this country and appreciate what great things it was built upon. Meanwhile, democrats will continue to tear down any lasting fabric holding together what was once the greatest country on this planet.
Now this has to be rhetorical bluster right? No one actually thinks Obama is worse than W do they?
I see the antisemitism is out in full force tonight. Let me guess the Holocaust was a lie also.
Originally posted by gonegolfing:
Originally posted by wildcatdad:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:
As it stands now, the preponderance of evidence indicates the story isn't true, and probably was planted by somebody in the White House.
It really doesn't matter. Bibi is your President.

As one reporter said about Republicans, do they think they are never going to be in the WH again?
Bibi is a better president in Israel for the United States than the zero that currently resides in the White House. You don't go hands-down into history as the worst President in history with two years left without making a mockery of what was once a prestigious position to hold. Obama has done that and worse. Republicans will continue to win the vote of those that respect this country and appreciate what great things it was built upon. Meanwhile, democrats will continue to tear down any lasting fabric holding together what was once the greatest country on this planet.
Democrats stretched our military super thin and spent $4-6 trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Learn something new every day when I log into HROT.

Some of you are so damn myopic. Democrats don't have any monopoly on tearing this country down.
Originally posted by HallofFame:
I see the antisemitism is out in full force tonight. Let me guess the Holocaust was a lie also.
The Libs are still awaiting the return of the heady days where they could openly spit on soldiers in airports.
Remember all the outrage last year when it was reported that the US was "spying" on the Germans, the French and the Brits? The cons came out an roasted Obama for doing this and apologized all over to our European allies.
Well guys.....everyone spies on everyone. Just like in MAD Magazine, "Spy vs. Spy". Intelligence means we have to KNOW what everyone else is up to. This can hardly be shocking or unexpected. Germany, France and the Brits and the Israelis all spy on us....just as we do on them.
Originally posted by gonegolfing:
Bibi is a better president in Israel for the United States than the zero that currently resides in the White House. You don't go hands-down into history as the worst President in history with two years left without making a mockery of what was once a prestigious position to hold. Obama has done that and worse. Republicans will continue to win the vote of those that respect this country and appreciate what great things it was built upon. Meanwhile, democrats will continue to tear down any lasting fabric holding together what was once the greatest country on this planet.
what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
May I humbly add that after high school I joined the Navy to be a linguist for military intelligence. Our jobs essentially were to listen in on foreign communications and draft reprts on what was going on. To do this job I, along with hundreds of others, were sent to language school in Monterey, CA. At that school we had people learning all sorts of languages, including Hebrew. Trust me when I say they weren't learning Hebrew to prepare for their bar mitzvah. Spying on each other is a long tradition in the two countries history.

I would also note that this administration's outrage about spying is ironic considering we got caught with our hands in the cookie jar listening in on just about every world leader's cell phones including many of our allies.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by gonegolfing:

Bibi is a better president in Israel for the United States than the zero that currently resides in the White House.  You don't go hands-down into history as the worst President in history with two years left without making a mockery of what was once a prestigious position to hold.  Obama has done that and worse.   Republicans will continue to win the vote of those that respect this country and appreciate what great things it was built upon.  Meanwhile, democrats will continue to tear down any lasting fabric holding together what was once the greatest country on this planet.
Now this has to be rhetorical bluster right?  No one actually thinks Obama is worse than W do they?  

Millions do, as many polls suggest. The last one I saw was a Quinnipiac poll from last summer which had Obama as the worst President ever according to the respondents.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Now this has to be rhetorical bluster right? Â No one actually thinks Obama is worse than W do they? Â

Millions do, as many polls suggest. The last one I saw was a Quinnipiac poll from last summer which had Obama as the worst President ever according to the respondents.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Here's the Quinnipac link you are referring to...
Originally posted by FlickShagwell:
to lobby congress to sink our deal? Are your heads really that far up Bibi's ass that you won't call out Israel for sabotaging America's diplomacy?
Conservatives love Israel more than America, yet consider themselves patriots.

Conservatives support Netanyahu ahead of our own president, yet consider themselves Americans.

Conservatives accuse others of not being good Americans, yet fail to see their hypocrisy.

Frankly, I don't care about the first 2. They are wrong-headed, but they are also entitled to feel that way. But at least have the intellectual integrity to acknowledge that last point.
Originally posted by NoleandDawg:
May I humbly add that after high school I joined the Navy to be a linguist for military intelligence. Our jobs essentially were to listen in on foreign communications and draft reprts on what was going on. To do this job I, along with hundreds of others, were sent to language school in Monterey, CA. At that school we had people learning all sorts of languages, including Hebrew. Trust me when I say they weren't learning Hebrew to prepare for their bar mitzvah. Spying on each other is a long tradition in the two countries history.

I would also note that this administration's outrage about spying is ironic considering we got caught with our hands in the cookie jar listening in on just about every world leader's cell phones including many of our allies.
So you were a cunning linguist?
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by FlickShagwell:

to lobby congress to sink our deal?
The shock isn't that they spy on us. Or that they would use what they learn. That's normal for all nations. The surprise is that they would find so many accomplices in Congress willing to push Israel's agenda (actually an Israeli candidate's agenda) over our own.
Could have something to do with the fact "IT MAKES MORE SENSE".
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Now this has to be rhetorical bluster right? Â No one actually thinks Obama is worse than W do they? Â

Millions do, as many polls suggest. The last one I saw was a Quinnipiac poll from last summer which had Obama as the worst President ever according to the respondents.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Here's the Quinnipac link you are referring to...
Objectively thats just stupid, but that particular poll goes back just to FDR. I'd be hard pressed to conceive of any grading metric by which BHO would come out worse than W, let alone Andrew Johnson. Heck, outside of local pride, no Iowan should be grading Hoover over Obama. People need a little perspective and longer memories. Obama will most certainty grade out as a middling President more on par with the first Bush than the second who was legitimately one of the worst.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Now this has to be rhetorical bluster right? Â No one actually thinks Obama is worse than W do they? Â

Millions do, as many polls suggest. The last one I saw was a Quinnipiac poll from last summer which had Obama as the worst President ever according to the respondents.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Here's the Quinnipac link you are referring to...
Objectively thats just stupid, but that particular poll goes back just to FDR. I'd be hard pressed to conceive of any grading metric by which BHO would come out worse than W, let alone Andrew Johnson. Heck, outside of local pride, no Iowan should be grading Hoover over Obama. People need a little perspective and longer memories. Obama will most certainty grade out as a middling President more on par with the first Bush than the second who was legitimately one of the worst.
This is just one poll, there are others that I have seen which are consistent in rating Obama below Bush. I agree with you that people have short memories, but you are subordinating the opinions of many, many people to your own, and calling them stupid. It must be a great comfort to know that you are always right:)
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Now this has to be rhetorical bluster right? Â No one actually thinks Obama is worse than W do they? Â

Millions do, as many polls suggest. The last one I saw was a Quinnipiac poll from last summer which had Obama as the worst President ever according to the respondents.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Here's the Quinnipac link you are referring to...
Objectively thats just stupid, but that particular poll goes back just to FDR. I'd be hard pressed to conceive of any grading metric by which BHO would come out worse than W, let alone Andrew Johnson. Heck, outside of local pride, no Iowan should be grading Hoover over Obama. People need a little perspective and longer memories. Obama will most certainty grade out as a middling President more on par with the first Bush than the second who was legitimately one of the worst.
This is just one poll, there are others that I have seen which are consistent in rating Obama below Bush. I agree with you that people have short memories, but you are subordinating the opinions of many, many people to your own, and calling them stupid. It must be a great comfort to know that you are always right:)
Its really more of a cross to bear, I'm constantly needing to correct fool opinions. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a pretty horrible speller. But you might note I invited you to provide any sort of objective grading criteria where BHO didn't outperform W. I couldn't think of one either. On most every front the nation is better off today than it was under W. Thats just fact.
Originally posted by What Do?:
Originally posted by FlickShagwell:

to lobby congress to sink our deal? 
The shock isn't that they spy on us.  Or that they would use what they learn.  That's normal for all nations.  The surprise is that they would find so many accomplices in Congress willing to push Israel's agenda (actually an Israeli candidate's agenda) over our own.

Can you imagine what cons would have said if say Dems had been working with the French to undermine W? It's absurd.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by joelbc1:
Remember all the outrage last year when it was reported that the US was "spying" on the Germans, the French and the Brits? The cons came out an roasted Obama for doing this and apologized all over to our European allies.
Well guys.....everyone spies on everyone. Just like in MAD Magazine, "Spy vs. Spy". Intelligence means we have to KNOW what everyone else is up to. This can hardly be shocking or unexpected. Germany, France and the Brits and the Israelis all spy on us....just as we do on them.
The cons jumped all over Obama for spying on Germany, France and Britain?

I don't recall that.
I find it interesting that Israel is alleged to have spied on the Iran talks in order to inform the US Congress about what it's own POTUS was doing.

I would hope that even if Israel did do this, any information coming from them would be old news to Congress.

Of course, this assumes that the POTUS keeps the Congress informed.

Maybe the outrage on the left is because Israel told our Congress things that our POTUS would not.
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
I find it interesting that Israel is alleged to have spied on the Iran talks in order to inform the US Congress about what it's own POTUS was doing.

I would hope that even if Israel did do this, any information coming from them would be old news to Congress.

Of course, this assumes that the POTUS keeps the Congress informed.

Maybe the outrage on the left is because Israel told our Congress things that our POTUS would not.
Really? You think any POTUS should trust a congressperson like this with state secrets? Somehow I don't believe you.

Originally posted by gonegolfing:

Originally posted by wildcatdad:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:
As it stands now, the preponderance of evidence indicates the story isn't true, and probably was planted by somebody in the White House.
It really doesn't matter. Bibi is your President.

As one reporter said about Republicans, do they think they are never going to be in the WH again?
Bibi is a better president in Israel for the United States than the zero that currently resides in the White House. You don't go hands-down into history as the worst President in history with two years left without making a mockery of what was once a prestigious position to hold. Obama has done that and worse. Republicans will continue to win the vote of those that respect this country and appreciate what great things it was built upon. Meanwhile, democrats will continue to tear down any lasting fabric holding together what was once the greatest country on this planet.

The sad part is, I really think you believe this rubbish.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:

Originally posted by HallofFame:
I see the antisemitism is out in full force tonight. Let me guess the Holocaust was a lie also.
The Libs are still awaiting the return of the heady days where they could openly spit on soldiers in airports.
I was there. I was in uniform. And you are a lying sack of crap.
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Now this has to be rhetorical bluster right?  No one actually thinks Obama is worse than W do they? ÂÂ

Millions do, as many polls suggest. The last one I saw was a Quinnipiac poll from last summer which had Obama as the worst President ever according to the respondents.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Here's the Quinnipac link you are referring to...
Objectively thats just stupid, but that particular poll goes back just to FDR. I'd be hard pressed to conceive of any grading metric by which BHO would come out worse than W, let alone Andrew Johnson. Heck, outside of local pride, no Iowan should be grading Hoover over Obama. People need a little perspective and longer memories. Obama will most certainty grade out as a middling President more on par with the first Bush than the second who was legitimately one of the worst.Â
This is just one poll, there are others that I have seen which are consistent in rating Obama below Bush.  I agree with you that people have short memories, but you are subordinating the opinions of many, many people to your own, and calling them stupid.  It must be a great comfort to know that you are always right:)
Its really more of a cross to bear, I'm constantly needing to correct fool opinions. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a pretty horrible speller. But you might note I invited you to provide any sort of objective grading criteria where BHO didn't outperform W. I couldn't think of one either. On most every front the nation is better off today than it was under W. Thats just fact.Â

Actually you did not invite me to do so, however, I did provide several facts in another thread awhile back, which included GDP growth under Bush and Obama, unemployment numbers, opinion polls on how the U.S. Is viewed around the world, etc. I am not a Bush apologist. He was not a good president by any means, but neither is Obama

Oh and before you pull out the "Bush created the financial crisis" canard, do some objective research. A lot of people in both parties have their fingerprints all over that one over the course of a number of years, including the Bush administration.

BTW, going back to my response to your original assertion, which was "no one actually thinks Obama is worse than W", you are/were demonstrably wrong. Many people, according to polls believe this, sorry:)

Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 3/25 11:25 AM by jthawk
Originally posted by wildcatdad:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:

Originally posted by HallofFame:
I see the antisemitism is out in full force tonight. Let me guess the Holocaust was a lie also.
The Libs are still awaiting the return of the heady days where they could openly spit on soldiers in airports.
I was there. I was in uniform. And you are a lying sack of crap.
Might not have happened to you. Happened to two friends of mine. But it was a relatively rare occurrence. Thank you for your service, by the way.
Originally posted by jthawk:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by jthawk:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Now this has to be rhetorical bluster right?  No one actually thinks Obama is worse than W do they? ÂÂ

Millions do, as many polls suggest. The last one I saw was a Quinnipiac poll from last summer which had Obama as the worst President ever according to the respondents.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Here's the Quinnipac link you are referring to...
Objectively thats just stupid, but that particular poll goes back just to FDR. I'd be hard pressed to conceive of any grading metric by which BHO would come out worse than W, let alone Andrew Johnson. Heck, outside of local pride, no Iowan should be grading Hoover over Obama. People need a little perspective and longer memories. Obama will most certainty grade out as a middling President more on par with the first Bush than the second who was legitimately one of the worst.Â
This is just one poll, there are others that I have seen which are consistent in rating Obama below Bush.  I agree with you that people have short memories, but you are subordinating the opinions of many, many people to your own, and calling them stupid.  It must be a great comfort to know that you are always right:)
Its really more of a cross to bear, I'm constantly needing to correct fool opinions. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a pretty horrible speller. But you might note I invited you to provide any sort of objective grading criteria where BHO didn't outperform W. I couldn't think of one either. On most every front the nation is better off today than it was under W. Thats just fact.Â

Actually you did not invite me to do so, however, I did provide several facts in another thread awhile back, which included GDP growth under Bush and Obama, unemployment numbers, opinion polls on how the U.S. Is viewed around the world, etc. I am not a Bush apologist. He was not a good president by any means, but neither is Obama

Oh and before you pull out the "Bush created the financial crisis" canard, do some objective research. A lot of people in both parties have their fingerprints all over that one over the course of a number of years, including the Bush administration.

BTW, going back to my response to your original assertion, which was "no one actually thinks Obama is worse than W", you are/were demonstrably wrong. Many people, according to polls believe this, sorry:)

Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 3/25 11:25 AM by jthawk
I'm not arguing that BHO is a good President, I wrote above I thought he was a middling one. I'm arguing that anyone who thinks he is the worst President ever is stupid. I'm not sure that we even disagree much on that point although I suspect you might choose more polite pejorative.
Originally posted by Sooner-Be-Dead:
Originally posted by What Do?:
Originally posted by FlickShagwell:

to lobby congress to sink our deal?Â
The shock isn't that they spy on us. Or that they would use what they learn. That's normal for all nations. The surprise is that they would find so many accomplices in Congress willing to push Israel's agenda (actually an Israeli candidate's agenda) over our own.

Can you imagine what cons would have said if say Dems had been working with the French to undermine W? It's absurd.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Well, the Dems were working with the Soviets to undermine Reagan, and nobody seemed to care.

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