Nothing about Netanyahu?

the dems have supported gaza and been against israel, they don't want to remind voters of this. kamel just flat out snubbed him. she may picka jewish VP, dunno how her pro gaza stuff is going to square with that....
1. Who's that guy?
2. Somehow, I have a feeling that a guy who has to deal with the Knesset isn't going to be shaken by sign on a pickleball paddle.
Uhhhh... oh boy.... HER.. name is Pramila Jayapal


still waiting on that damn butler, and about to hop on a rather boring call about an e-discovery issue that ought to allow time for things to settle down a bit.

I will say this though...just looked at some pics on WTOP and local news, and I think underground is indeed going to be the way to go today until I can get back across the potomac ocean into virginia. (Brian, as a marylander, will get the potomac ocean reference)
Bernie Sanders called Bibi a war criminal earlier today on Morning Jomika, and said he wouldn’t be attending the joint session of propaganda.

Need more of that.
i have to say, i actually thought the pickleball paddle reference was the much funnier part of the line, but I suppose that is why we test market these things.
*This brings me to something I've been wanting to discuss.

The pickleball thing is probably generational and I'm going to guess you are older than I.

More importantly, @Jimmy McGill

I caught a buzz the other night and spent some time thinking about this on the lawn mower.

We want aardvark on our staff. Dude knows a lot of shit, and he is our in to the DC market. You can pick the role but we want this dude on our ticket.

Also, I say we put @tarp as head of interior, or whatever, she loves to fish and lets face it, when the internet finds her *post* we are gonna get a HUGE voter rush. She takes care of all natural resources.

@jelly for housing. Dude knows how to build shit.

The Staff Sarg for defense. I disagree with on almost everything politically but the dude knows his shit.

Torbs and Mclovin head the new weed program.

We want storm for the budget.

OiT= space program 👽

Thefarmguy or whatever, we really need to check that resume but if he truly does the international farming trade he says he does that guys coming on somewhere with that.

3bm= speaker. Let's face it, most of the world is dumb and people getting bad news from a female works better than a male.

For those of you who need a reminder of what the Tango/McGill platform looks like:

You pair myself with another moderate, such as clarinda or Jimmy or rocky and we actually get shit done.

weed, every state legal and a portion of the taxes go directly to schools.

Violent crimes with weapons.... death penalty.

Large scale asylums for mental health, and actually doing it.

Huge push for legal citizenship and removal of any bad actors.

Don't care who you marry.

A tax code a average high schooler can understand and not one a PhD in accounting can **** over.

I will make us start taking out that deficit, even if it means, a little more tax on the weed to directly go to that.

No more wars. Any foreign leader has a problem I'll catch them in a fair one on one and we will handle that shit.

Write us in boys! Let's see If we can get Tango/McGill on the news!
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the dems have supported gaza and been against israel, they don't want to remind voters of this. kamel just flat out snubbed him. she may picka jewish VP, dunno how her pro gaza stuff is going to square with that....
What are you talking about?

First it is Kamala.

Second her husband is Jewish.