Now Dolly Parton is in the MAGA/Federalist crosshairs...

Joes Place

HB King
Aug 28, 2003
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I’m surprised none of our resident MAGAt haven’t talked shit about her yet.
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From the link:

In an article published Thursday entitled “There’s Nothing Loving About Dolly Parton’s False Gospel” — which, it should be noted, is already based on a false premise because Dolly Parton does not preach a gospel as much as she just says things — contributor Ericka Anderson criticized Parton for declaring “love is love” when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community. She also took issue with Parton not wanting to judge others, calling it a “get out of jail free card”:

Parton often defaults to humility as her reason for staying out of politics and partisanship.
“I’m not a good enough person or a good enough Christian to judge and criticize other people,” she told [Drew Barrymore].
This, however, is her “get out of jail free” card. Who’s going to argue with it? She’s not alone in this avoidance tactic. Christians often use the “let him who is without sin cast the first stone” Scripture verse to sidestep addressing sin directly. Parton does exactly the same thing here.
the bold is by me.

Maybe when our resident MAGAs arrive they can show us all the articles Ericka Anderson wrote about confronting Trump and all of his sins.
If you haven't listened to Jad Abumrad's podcast Dolly Parton's America, well worth your time

Jad's father was (IIRC) a Lebanese doctor, who treated Dolly in the ER after a minor car accident, and Dolly, being her genuine self, befriended him. Lots of wonderful background and insight on her in the 'cast. Jad does a fantastic job of weaving it all together.

Starts with the Nov 5, 2019 episode.
Anyone who does not exhibit utmost zeal and vigorous loyalty to his Orange Majesty must be crushed.
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