Now we know why Swag is heading to Cali.

You’re only gonna get $2.5 million, Swag, but still a good payday. Congrats!

Thanks for letting us know about a proposal. Let us know when it actually becomes real.
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How many black people were enslaved in California? It seems like it would make more sense for San Francisco to give reparations to the descendants of Chinese people who were enslaved, including the thousands of Chinese women and girls who were forced into prostitution in the 19th century.
It’s funny. You’re so scared of us all knowing that the far left is nuts. Let me help you out. We all already know. You don’t have to play defense anymore.
Haha. You are nuts. If you think I am far left you are a moron. Wait .. you are. You are full of BS and post stupid crap.
Haha. You are nuts. If you think I am far left you are a moron. Wait .. you are. You are full of BS and post stupid crap.
I’m an internet and real life legend. You’re a speck of dirt on a speck of dirt’s shoes. You should brag to people about our exchanges.
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I’m an internet and real life legend. You’re a speck of dirt on a speck of dirt’s shoes. You should brag to people about our exchanges.
Haha. Wow. This place means that much to you. Holy crap you are insane. Get a real life.

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