And, they really do clean while they are there. She says some of the houses and apartments they have been in are “disgusting” and “totally gross” but they do the best they can to clean the places up. Cost to hire: About $50 per hour plus travel expense. A typical job takes 2-4 hours.
In case you were wondering, “there is no sexual contact,” the proprietor of the business said. “Usually the men just watch us clean and that’s about it,” she said. NIT didn’t ask what the men were doing while they watched the nude ladies prancing around with cleaning supplies, brooms and dustpans, stark naked.
In case you were wondering, “there is no sexual contact,” the proprietor of the business said. “Usually the men just watch us clean and that’s about it,” she said. NIT didn’t ask what the men were doing while they watched the nude ladies prancing around with cleaning supplies, brooms and dustpans, stark naked.