O’Malley, eyeing the presidency, plans May 30 announcement


HB King
May 29, 2001
Former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley, who has been ramping up for a potential White House bid, plans to make an announcement about his political future on May 30 in Baltimore, aides said Wednesday.

O'Malley, who is widely expected to run for the Democratic nomination, will tell donors and other supporters about the announcement in a conference call scheduled for Thursday night, according to aides who requested anonymity in order to speak more freely.

The aides expect O'Malley to say he is inclined to run but to remain somewhat circumspect about his intentions. Were he to tell them outright that he plans to enter the race, he could trigger a 15-day window that would require him to file candidacy papers before May 30.

An email alerting O'Malley supporters to Thursday night's call promised "an important update on his imminent 2016 plans." People familiar with the planning said several locations within Baltimore have been under consideration for the May 30 event.

The announcement of an apparent announcement date comes amid several other activities that strongly suggest O’Malley is moving forward with a longshot bid for the Democratic nomination that would pit him against overwhelming favorite Hillary Rodham Clinton. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has also entered the primary race, and former Rhode Island governor and senator Lincoln Chafee and former Virginia Sen. James Webb are considering it.

O'Malley spent Wednesday in New Hampshire, the nation's first presidential primary state. He looked very much like a candidate during stops at a diner in Manchester and a house party here. The house party drew about 50 people, many of whom were seeing O’Malley for the first time.

At several points, O'Malley, who is trying to position himself as a more progressive, forward-looking alternative to Clinton, told reporters and party activists that they could expect a decision about his plans "very, very shortly."
The narcissist needs to put his cloths back on. He's as bad as Putin.
Might force Hillary out of her shell. She will not be able to stay silent if O'malley is out talking to every reporter he can find.
Might force Hillary out of her shell. She will not be able to stay silent if O'malley is out talking to every reporter he can find.
Assuming the reporters will talk to him and he has anything to say. I'm not so sure he isn't running for VP and that doesn't excite me. Time will tell.
Assuming the reporters will talk to him and he has anything to say. I'm not so sure he isn't running for VP and that doesn't excite me. Time will tell.
Their reporters they will talk to anyone running for president in hopes of finding a headline.

Speaking of VP how will look if Clinton picks a man for the job instead of a women?
Their reporters they will talk to anyone running for president in hopes of finding a headline.

Speaking of VP how will look if Clinton picks a man for the job instead of a women?
Well, if she picks either Julian or Joaquin Castro she'll look like she wants to be President of the United States.
Their reporters they will talk to anyone running for president in hopes of finding a headline.

Speaking of VP how will look if Clinton picks a man for the job instead of a women?
Like she wants to be Dominatrix in Chief? I don't see a problem.
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