GOP frontrunner Donald Trump lambasted the permanent political class for supporting the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News ahead of the next debate.
“The deal is insanity,” he said. “That deal should not be supported and it should not be allowed to happen.”
The 5,544-page deal is far too long to be understood, said Trump. “Nobody understands it,” he said. The “Obamatrade” deal is longer than Obamacare plus the 2013 amnesty bill, authored by 2016 candidate
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).
“The deal is so bad because of the fact they don’t cover currency manipulation,” Trump added. “It’s the number-one weapon used by foreign countries to hurt the United States and take away jobs.”
He also hit the deal as a giveaway to China. “We are giving away what ultimately is going to be a back door for China,” he said. “China will take advantage of it—all the weak points in it, more than anybody else,” said Trump, who has previously criticized China’s manipulation of currency prices. China is not part of the TPP deal, but is widely expected to join in the next few years.
“The only people that are supporting it politically are people that are controlled by the lobbyists for certain companies that want this to happen because it’s to their advantage, not to the country’s advantage. So the lobbyists and the special interests are supporting it, and certain politicians are supporting it because they’re totally controlled by the lobbyists and the special interests.”
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump lambasted the permanent political class for supporting the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade deal, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News ahead of the next debate.
“The deal is insanity,” he said. “That deal should not be supported and it should not be allowed to happen.”
The 5,544-page deal is far too long to be understood, said Trump. “Nobody understands it,” he said. The “Obamatrade” deal is longer than Obamacare plus the 2013 amnesty bill, authored by 2016 candidate
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).
“The deal is so bad because of the fact they don’t cover currency manipulation,” Trump added. “It’s the number-one weapon used by foreign countries to hurt the United States and take away jobs.”
He also hit the deal as a giveaway to China. “We are giving away what ultimately is going to be a back door for China,” he said. “China will take advantage of it—all the weak points in it, more than anybody else,” said Trump, who has previously criticized China’s manipulation of currency prices. China is not part of the TPP deal, but is widely expected to join in the next few years.
“The only people that are supporting it politically are people that are controlled by the lobbyists for certain companies that want this to happen because it’s to their advantage, not to the country’s advantage. So the lobbyists and the special interests are supporting it, and certain politicians are supporting it because they’re totally controlled by the lobbyists and the special interests.”