Obama didn't congratulate Netanyahu, but he congratulated.....


HB Legend
Gold Member
Dec 12, 2001
........some others of questionable democratic principles.


Anyone surprised?

Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
........some others of questionable democratic principles.


Anyone surprised?

I'm a bit surprised... but then it is just more proof (as if anybody needs it) that he is in way over his head. He doesn't understand leadership, allies, or simple "window dressing".

With Obama's history, it always comes back to one of two things:
1) He is either totally incompetent (AND has poor / no advice from his cabinet on when to step up and be visible)
2) He is INTENTIONALLY doing it.
Originally posted by Pepperman:

Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
........some others of questionable democratic principles.


Anyone surprised?

I'm a bit surprised... but then it is just more proof (as if anybody needs it) that he is in way over his head. He doesn't understand leadership, allies, or simple "window dressing".

With Obama's history, it always comes back to one of two things:
1) He is either totally incompetent (AND has poor / no advice from his cabinet on when to step up and be visible)
2) He is INTENTIONALLY doing it.

I will go with number 2. Good for him.
I'm not an Obama supporter, but I'd guess he'd be more willing to give respect to Netanyahu when he thinks the resect will be reciprocated.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
I'm not an Obama supporter, but I'd guess he'd be more willing to give respect to Netanyahu when he thinks the resect will be reciprocated.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Because he gets so much respect from the presidents of Iran and Russia that he congratulated them.
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
I'm not an Obama supporter, but I'd guess he'd be more willing to give respect to Netanyahu when he thinks the resect will be reciprocated.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Because he gets so much respect from the presidents of Iran and Russia that he congratulated them.
both congratulated him when elected, bibi did not.
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
I'm not an Obama supporter, but I'd guess he'd be more willing to give respect to Netanyahu when he thinks the resect will be reciprocated.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm going to assume you didn't watch the beginning of his speech to Congress? He was VERY respectful to Obama.

Pretty big of him actually to even say what he did.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
I'm not an Obama supporter, but I'd guess he'd be more willing to give respect to Netanyahu when he thinks the resect will be reciprocated.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm going to assume you didn't watch the beginning of his speech to Congress? He was VERY respectful to Obama.

Pretty big of him actually to even say what he did.

Obama should keep his support for Israel and forget Bibi exists. If you want to rub your nose in his butt crack, be my guest.
Classic GOP BAU. GOP invites Netanyahu to address Congress as a big F U to the President. GOP Senators decide now is the time to write a letter to a foreign power undermining the President, something that some conservatives agree is at best inappropriate, and at worst, violates U.S. law ... and then the usual suspects criticize the President for failing to congratulate the GOP's accomplice.

This President is far from perfect and made several serious mistakes, but no President has ever faced an opposition party so intent on his personal destruction and preventing any advancement of any portion of his agenda. If the man walked on water, the GOP would bitch about his inability to swim.

What sad, angry little men GOPers have now become. Some of the leading conservatives from the past -- Reagan, Goldwater, Kristol, Buckley -- must be rolling over in their graves.
Originally posted by St. Louis Hawk:

Classic GOP BAU. GOP invites Netanyahu to address Congress as a big F U to the President. GOP Senators decide now is the time to write a letter to a foreign power undermining the President, something that some conservatives agree is at best inappropriate, and at worst, violates U.S. law ... and then the usual suspects criticize the President for failing to congratulate the GOP's accomplice.

This President is far from perfect and made several serious mistakes, but no President has ever faced an opposition party so intent on his personal destruction and preventing any advancement of any portion of his agenda. If the man walked on water, the GOP would bitch about his inability to swim.

What sad, angry little men GOPers have now become. Some of the leading conservatives from the past -- Reagan, Goldwater, Kristol, Buckley -- must be rolling over in their graves.

It appears Israel is as fractured as the USA. For two countries who think the world is out to get them it does not seem to be the best of ideas. Good thing we both has strong militaries and secret police since we have discarded diplomacy as a way to conflict resolution. I hope we can afford the price tag.
Originally posted by Kenneth Griffin:
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
Originally posted by KennyPowers_96:
I'm not an Obama supporter, but I'd guess he'd be more willing to give respect to Netanyahu when he thinks the resect will be reciprocated.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Because he gets so much respect from the presidents of Iran and Russia that he congratulated them.
both congratulated him when elected, bibi did not.

This post was edited on 3/18 8:21 PM by 86Hawkeye

Haaretz - November, 2012
The news earlier in the day was that Obama was planning to call Bibi.

Good to see the hysterics on the right using the intervening hours to ramp up a hissy fit against Obama out for not calling him yet.
Originally posted by St. Louis Hawk:

Classic GOP BAU. GOP invites Netanyahu to address Congress as a big F U to the President. GOP Senators decide now is the time to write a letter to a foreign power undermining the President, something that some conservatives agree is at best inappropriate, and at worst, violates U.S. law ... and then the usual suspects criticize the President for failing to congratulate the GOP's accomplice.

This President is far from perfect and made several serious mistakes, but no President has ever faced an opposition party so intent on his personal destruction and preventing any advancement of any portion of his agenda. If the man walked on water, the GOP would bitch about his inability to swim.

What sad, angry little men GOPers have now become. Some of the leading conservatives from the past -- Reagan, Goldwater, Kristol, Buckley -- must be rolling over in their graves.
His agenda? lol You act as though Obama has some sort of pro-capitalism, pro-liberty, pro-American agenda. So we're supposed to just sit back let someone transform the country simply because ________ (why)?

Also, as far as getting things started, Obama was secretly negotiating with Iran - how is that not a big FU coming from him to Congress and Israel?????
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
The news earlier in the day was that Obama was planning to call Bibi.

Good to see the hysterics on the right using the intervening hours to ramp up a hissy fit against Obama out for not calling him yet.
If you think Obama wants to congratulate the Prime Minister of our closest ally, you're extremely naive.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
The news earlier in the day was that Obama was planning to call Bibi.

Good to see the hysterics on the right using the intervening hours to ramp up a hissy fit against Obama out for not calling him yet.
So he'll be one of the last, instead one of the first to do so.
Originally posted by wildcatdad:
Originally posted by Pepperman:

Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
........some others of questionable democratic principles.


Anyone surprised?

I'm a bit surprised... but then it is just more proof (as if anybody needs it) that he is in way over his head. He doesn't understand leadership, allies, or simple "window dressing".

With Obama's history, it always comes back to one of two things:
1) He is either totally incompetent (AND has poor / no advice from his cabinet on when to step up and be visible)
2) He is INTENTIONALLY doing it.

I will go with number 2. Good for him.
So your Anti-Semite also kitty dad. Obama is a POS period.
Originally posted by 86Hawkeye:
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
The news earlier in the day was that Obama was planning to call Bibi.

Good to see the hysterics on the right using the intervening hours to ramp up a hissy fit against Obama out for not calling him yet.
So he'll be one of the last, instead one of the first to do so.
It isn't exactly like they are buddies. Or have you forgotten that Bibi has been actively trying to undermine US policy - both toward Iran and regarding the Palestinian situation.

I hope Obama has the balls to deliver the appropriate payback. It isn't like Obama is running for reelection or anything. It would be fun to hear the knee-jerk supporters howl. But I doubt Obama will deliver the well-deserved smacks. It will be BAU soon and we'll see both leaders kiss and make up in a totally and obviously insincere fashion.
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:

Obama was secretly negotiating with Iran - how is that not a big FU coming from him to Congress and Israel?????
Do you know anything about our constitution?
Exactly. The fact that bleeder thinks there is something wrong with an Administration "secretly" negotiating with a foreign state tells you everything you need to know about his level of Constitutional understanding, Perhaps he thinks we should publicly exchange drafts of the proposals.
Originally posted by St. Louis Hawk:

This President is far from perfect and made several serious mistakes, but no President has ever faced an opposition party so intent on his personal destruction and preventing any advancement of any portion of his agenda. If the man walked on water, the GOP would bitch about his inability to swim.
His agenda? lol You act as though Obama has some sort of pro-capitalism, pro-liberty, pro-American agenda. So we're supposed to just sit back let someone transform the country simply because ________ (why)?
No. While I disagree with your characterization of his agenda, if you think that's agenda, and your party is not in power, you attack the policies, not the man; and you don't put indefinite holds on the Administration's appointment of personnel to inplement his agenda. You also don't send letters to foreign powers undermining the President. That crap just engenders pay back and escalation when the positions are reversed, which they always will.
They were talking about this on Morning Joe. Joe said the media had blown this out of proportion - it is traditional for the President to wait until the Israeli leader forms a new government then makes the call to congratulate him.
Originally posted by h-hawk:
They were talking about this on Morning Joe. Joe said the media had blown this out of proportion - it is traditional for the President to wait until the Israeli leader forms a new government then makes the call to congratulate him.
This is bullcrap and you know it. Great Britian, France, India, and a host of others contacted him the day after the election. It's a horseshit excuse, yet again, by the little bawling baby Obama.

But he DID have time to fill out his NCAA bracket. So there's that.
I honestly believe too many here...on HROT and the media in particular are making a mountain out of a mole hole here. Bibi and Obama don't have to be "friends" as long as they both understand each other. They both do. And are in agreement about 95% of the stuff that matters. However, that is not news worthy. Americans (the public and the media) love to rip off scabs. It used not to be that way.
Both these guys are doing what they believe their respective country needs. For us to imagine what needs to be done in Israel is foolhearty. For us to "know" what Bibi and Obama think is cavalier.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Anyone want to hazard a guess as to how many times St. Ronnie called the newly elected PM during his 2 terms?
No. How many? And provide a credible link to back it up.

World leaders are expected to act like adults. The citizens of the two contries expect their leaders to act civilized and to show unity, not pettiness like Obama is doing to Bibi.

Obama is making himself look like a fool on the world stage..................AGAIN.
Originally posted by IMCC965:

Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Anyone want to hazard a guess as to how many times St. Ronnie called the newly elected PM during his 2 terms?
No. How many? And provide a credible link to back it up.

World leaders are expected to act like adults. The citizens of the two contries expect their leaders to act civilized and to show unity, not pettiness like Obama is doing to Bibi.

Obama is making himself look like a fool on the world stage..................AGAIN.

I understand Iran sent his a letter that said, "wish you were here" NOT

If he is not careful the President will not invite him to his B-Day Party.

This post was edited on 3/19 4:37 PM by wildcatdad
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Anyone want to hazard a guess as to how many times St. Ronnie called the newly elected PM during his 2 terms?
No. How many? And provide a credible link to back it up.

World leaders are expected to act like adults. The citizens of the two contries expect their leaders to act civilized and to show unity, not pettiness like Obama is doing to Bibi.

Obama is making himself look like a fool on the world stage..................AGAIN.
hint, the same number of times he bothered to visit Israel.
Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Who is the fat guy with the suspenders holding up his cargo pants. He looks constipated.
This post was edited on 3/19 9:58 PM by wildcatdad