Obama heading for Florida golf vacation :)


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Obama heading for Florida golf vacation
President Obama is fleeing the chilly, damp nation's capital this weekend for the warmer climes of South Florida.
Obama will travel to Palm City, Fla., on Saturday and return to Washington on Sunday. The White House has not revealed details of his trip, but local news reports say the president is expected to stay at the Floridian National Golf Club where he will hit the links.
The president played a round of golf with Tiger Woods at the course in February 2013. The club's owner is Jim Crane, a Democratic donor and owner of Major League Baseball's Houston Astros.
In 2010, Crane purchased the club, which it bills itself as one of the nation's Butch Harmon.
Harmon accompanied Obama's foursome, which included Crane and then-U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, during their 2013 round and offered advice.
Obama's trip comes just days before a March 31 deadline for negotiators from the U.S. and five other world powers to reach a nuclear deal with Iran.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Friday the president receives updates on the talks at least once daily and could speak with world leaders in the coming days.
"It's certainly possible that the president could telephone other world leaders, either over the course of today or even over the course of the weekend," he said.
The Golfer In Chief is in Florida this weekend for his 222nd round as president.President Obama left Andrews about 9:30 a.m. Saturday for the estimated 90-minute flight from Joint Base Andrews to St. Lucie County International Airport and will stay in Palm City, Fla. Staying just one night, he is expected to leave Sunday afternoon.

Some numbers:
- According to Air Force documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, it costs $210,877 an hour to fly Air Force One, putting the round trip price tag at $632,631.

- A recent Secrets report calculated the first family's holidays at 38, making this the 39th.
- That same report said Obama had played 220 rounds of golf as president. Since then, he played at Andrews on March 21, making this his 222nd.
- Minutes after Obama's entourage boarded Air Force One, the beer started to flow. According to a press pool report: "You can tell this is a non work trip ... someone forward of the press cabin ordered 3 beers at 9:26 a.m."
Paul Bedard, the Washington E
Originally posted by hawkbleeder:
BAU for Barrack Hussein.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:

Originally posted by hawkbleeder:
BAU for Barrack Hussein.
George Bush! George BUSH! GEORGE BUSH!

Man, I wish I could wing on down to play golf in Florida. I played today and it was a windy,cold bitch. Sun was out so there was that.
Originally posted by ICWestfan:
George Bush! George BUSH! GEORGE BUSH!

Man, I wish I could wing on down to play golf in Florida. I played today and it was a windy,cold bitch. Sun was out so there was that.
He has to go where it's warm, the Secret Service won't let Obama wear hoodies.
Iam glad the man is taking some well deserved time off. What I love about it is that this will REALLY piss off all those hard working GOP Congressmen and women! Gives them some more cannon fodder. They have have someomne (other than themselves) to complain about.
Ofcourse, this will make Obama's re-re-election bid more difficult.
It'll give Senator "Blue Sky" Cruz a leg up, I fear.
Obama trip: 39th holiday, 222nd golf outing, $843,508 airfare, 3 beers

According to Air Force documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, it costs $210,877 an hour to fly Air Force One, putting the round trip price tag at $843,508.

- A recent Secrets report calculated the first family's holidays at 38, making this the 39th.

- That same report said Obama had played 220 rounds of golf as president. Since then, he played at Andrews on March 21, making this his 222nd.

- Minutes after Obama's entourage boarded Air Force One, the beer started to flow. According to a press pool report: "You can tell this is a non work trip because someone forward of the press cabin ordered 3 beers at 9:26 a.m."

According to Air Force documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, it costs $210,877 an hour to fly Air Force One, putting the round trip price tag at $843,508.

- A recent Secrets report calculated the first family's holidays at 38, making this the 39th.

- That same report said Obama had played 220 rounds of golf as president. Since then, he played at Andrews on March 21, making this his 222nd.

- Minutes after Obama's entourage boarded Air Force One, the beer started to flow. According to a press pool report: "You can tell this is a non work trip because someone forward of the press cabin ordered 3 beers at 9:26 a.m."
Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Obama trip: 39th holiday, 222nd golf outing, $843,508 airfare, 3 beers

According to Air Force documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, it costs $210,877 an hour to fly Air Force One, putting the round trip price tag at $843,508.

- A recent Secrets report calculated the first family's holidays at 38, making this the 39th.

- That same report said Obama had played 220 rounds of golf as president. Since then, he played at Andrews on March 21, making this his 222nd.

- Minutes after Obama's entourage boarded Air Force One, the beer started to flow. According to a press pool report: "You can tell this is a non work trip because someone forward of the press cabin ordered 3 beers at 9:26 a.m."

According to Air Force documents obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch, it costs $210,877 an hour to fly Air Force One, putting the round trip price tag at $843,508.

- A recent Secrets report calculated the first family's holidays at 38, making this the 39th.

- That same report said Obama had played 220 rounds of golf as president. Since then, he played at Andrews on March 21, making this his 222nd.

- Minutes after Obama's entourage boarded Air Force One, the beer started to flow. According to a press pool report: "You can tell this is a non work trip because someone forward of the press cabin ordered 3 beers at 9:26 a.m."
Imagine what the price would be id oil was still $100/barrel! It could be worse. You think he's the first guy to do this? I hope this grits you and yours to no end Arb....think of it as a farewell present to you!
Actually knowing the Barack Hussein Obama will go down as the absolutely worst President in history is the best gift he can give me.

Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Actually knowing the Barack Hussein Obama will go down as the absolutely worst President in history is the best gift he can give me.  

Why the need to bold Hussein? Everyone knows his middle name. What are you trying to prove?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Originally posted by WartburgEd11:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Actually knowing the Barack Hussein Obama will go down as the absolutely worst President in history is the best gift he can give me.  

Why the need to bold Hussein? Everyone knows his middle name. What are you trying to prove?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Do they?

Who doesn't? Fox News only talks about it every 3 seconds and then their puppets for viewers think they're clever or saying anything new when they do...(and this is coming from a moderate).
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by WartburgEd11:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:

Originally posted by WartburgEd11:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Actually knowing the Barack Hussein Obama will go down as the absolutely worst President in history is the best gift he can give me. ÂÂ

Why the need to bold Hussein? Everyone knows his middle name. What are you trying to prove?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Do they?

Who doesn't? Fox News only talks about it every 3 seconds and then their puppets for viewers think they're clever or saying anything new when they do...(and this is coming from a moderate).

Posted from Rivals Mobile
So your point is if you don't watch Fox News you may not know his name is Barack Hussein Obama?

This post was edited on 3/29 6:17 PM by Arbitr8
Originally posted by WartburgEd11:
If you don't know what his middle name is by this time you haven't been paying attention. My question is, why is it such a big deal?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Ed....Arb believes Obama is a Muslim plant.............It's like pissin' intothe wind trying to converse with Arb. But unlike pissin' into the doesn't get all over you!
Originally posted by WartburgEd11:
Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Originally posted by WartburgEd11:

Originally posted by Arbitr8:
Actually knowing the Barack Hussein Obama will go down as the absolutely worst President in history is the best gift he can give me. ÂÂ

Why the need to bold Hussein? Everyone knows his middle name. What are you trying to prove?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Do they?

Who doesn't? Fox News only talks about it every 3 seconds and then their puppets for viewers think they're clever or saying anything new when they do...(and this is coming from a moderate).
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Interesting. I watched about 10 minutes of Fox News yesterday and never once heard Hussein. By your skewed math, I should have heard it 200 times.


Has anyone fact checked those vacation numbers from the earlier post? TIA
Obama is a terrible golfer. Everyone who has
golfed with him has confirmed that statement.
He should be encouraged to take some golf
lessons from a golf pro. It is sad to hear what
a lousy hack he is on the fairway.

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