Obama-led drone strikes kill innocents 90% of the time: report

Impeach him! If the Rs have any back bone or honor they must impeach and cart him off to jail as a war criminal. Anything less and they prove they are not worth your vote.
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Democrats don't care about this because it's their guy's administration. Republicans don't care because they'd just as soon have him BE their guy when it comes to bombing brown people in a 'Stan country.
Obama lied, people died?
Sure, but not our people.
If 15% of muslims support Jihad, then statistically it seems it couldn't be higher than 85% of drone strikes killing innocents, assuming they just randomly bomb muslim areas without any intelligence whatsoever.

Just sayin'
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From nits grow lice. (Centennial reference.) We are stopping the human incubators of extremism!
Drone control anyone? O-bomb-ya has killed more people than were killed on 9/11. Then he has the nads to politicize school shootings. Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Obama, Kerry, Clinton x (2) are war criminals. Proceedings start when?
Whistleblower: 90% of Drone Fatalities Are Civilians
Posted on October 15, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog
A new US whistleblower reveals that 90% of all deaths caused by US drones are civilians. And see this, this and this.

The bigger picture:
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