*****Official Iowa vs Kentucky Music City Bowl Thread*****

I have no expectations. I want the Hawks to win, but won't be upset if they don't.

Actually I do have one expectation: I expect the offense to continue to be virtually non-existent. Brand new QB, turnstile offensive line, Brian as OC, tough Kentucky defense..... it's practically a given. I would love to be wrong!

The ONLY thing that would disappoint me is if the defense played badly.

I would be ecstatic if the Hawks offense was able to put 10+ points on the board.
I'm sticking with Iowa -- 34, Kentucky -- 3. I think the Iowa defense, especially given the offense Kentucky will put on the field today, will absolutely dominate and force a few key TOs--including the first INT for X. And I think Labas will show what having a mobile QB can do for an offense, even without a stellar O-line. The combination will result in a lopsided Iowa win that may leave more questions than answers . . . like why wasn't Labas given a shot before Petras got hurt and Padilla hit the portal?

Anyway, I think Iowa's seniors, having decided to play in this game, are going to lead a Hawkeye romp. We'll see.
I'm sticking with Iowa -- 34, Kentucky -- 3. I think the Iowa defense, especially given the offense Kentucky will put on the field today, will absolutely dominate and force a few key TOs--including the first INT for X. And I think Labas will show what having a mobile QB can do for an offense, even without a stellar O-line. The combination will result in a lopsided Iowa win that may leave more questions than answers . . . like why wasn't Labas given a shot before Petras got hurt and Padilla hit the portal?

Anyway, I think Iowa's seniors, having decided to play in this game, are going to lead a Hawkeye romp. We'll see.
Agree. I think we have way more bullets in our gun than they do.
Hat tip for starting the game thread so early....

I come in peace, but I will go 17-13 with MY good guys winning..... ;)Either way I hope for a competitive game with no injuries, and also for the fans of both teams in Nashville to have a good time win or lose.
these guys would start a thread at 6 am for a night game just to see who is "in first"

hope everyone has a good game!!
Of course there's more to football than total yards of offense, just like there's more to baseball than which team gets the most hits. But it's also true that, MOST of the time, more yards lead to more points and more wins in football, and more hits lead to more runs and more wins in baseball. KF saying total yards don't matter when his son is the OC and the Hawkeye offense is almost literally the worst in the nation in almost every category seems a bit suspect to me. :)
GameDay sure isn’t interested ... they could say one thing about this toilet bowl. Not even the usual crack about the pathetic Hawk offense. Those tools lost interest in that too.
I'm sticking with Iowa -- 34, Kentucky -- 3. I think the Iowa defense, especially given the offense Kentucky will put on the field today, will absolutely dominate and force a few key TOs--including the first INT for X. And I think Labas will show what having a mobile QB can do for an offense, even without a stellar O-line. The combination will result in a lopsided Iowa win that may leave more questions than answers . . . like why wasn't Labas given a shot before Petras got hurt and Padilla hit the portal?

Anyway, I think Iowa's seniors, having decided to play in this game, are going to lead a Hawkeye romp. We'll see.
I hope you are right!

Considering the Hawks haven't scored 34 points in any game this season, it is highly unlikely. But let's hope for the best!