Oil major Chevron invests in nuclear fusion startup Zap Energy

It's been a while since your post but I'd like to add some information. I think it's awesome that Chevron is getting into the nuclear fusion game with Zap Energy. Nuclear fusion could be a game-changer for clean energy, and it's cool to see big players like Chevron jumping in. Who knows, this could be the start of something big! It's great to see companies investing in innovative solutions for our energy needs cim document. I believe fusion energy has the potential to revolutionize how we power our world, offering a nearly limitless and clean source of energy. It's exciting to see a major player like Chevron recognizing this potential and investing in it. This move could pave the way for more widespread adoption of fusion technology, which would be a huge win for the environment and future generations.
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This is what big oil and gas eventually needs to morph into,.. Multi-faceted energy conglomerates with the ability to deliver energy from multiple sources..,