Ok, so the 1st transcript didn't exonerate Trump. So he'll just put out a 2nd.

Um... Yes you did.
Southpaw said their were substantive differences. Vindman describes immaterial differences, then also explains "oops I guess it's there, never mind" with regard to one of them.

But like usual, you guys don't really care what it says. Orange man bad. I get it.
Southpaw said their were substantive differences. Vindman describes immaterial differences, then also explains "oops I guess it's there, never mind" with regard to one of them.

But like usual, you guys don't really care what it says. Orange man bad. I get it.
No. Vindman acknowledges that there are substantive differences.
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So we should take Trump, a known serial liar, at his word and ignore the 5+ others who said he tried to extort Ukraine for his own personal gain? OK.

No, but you can believe any responsible government official saying that there is more of a transcript that the one we have right now,... Have you seen that individual?,... I haven't.
Absolutely no way to impeach and remove Pence. Even if the GOP finds something resembling integrity and a spine and removes Trump (hardly likely), they'd NEVER turn the presidency over to Pelosi. I doubt it even registers in the House.

True. Just hearing talk about it.
Gotcha. I knew you weren't a Trump supporter but I thought you leaned right. That's what I think is happening is that moderates who may lean right are now starting to get off the Trump wagon so to speak.

As far as impeachment goes, I would be very surprised if he gets impeached and even more shocked if it leads to his removal. I think there are some very concerning actions from him that show he is not fit to be President but because of partisan issues he won't be impeached.

Can't argue with any of that.
Southpaw said their were substantive differences. Vindman describes immaterial differences, then also explains "oops I guess it's there, never mind" with regard to one of them.

But like usual, you guys don't really care what it says. Orange man bad. I get it.
Find the words substantive or a derivative of it. I realize reading comprehension isn't your strong point so I'm trying to help you out. You're welcome. Have a great day.

In homage to @joelbc1....

*Pro Tip, After the letter A are Vindman's answers.


Like the Mueller Report, we have lived with dribbles of information that been put out and spun every which way. It is clear there is enough evidence that should have been pursued by the DoJ through investigation processes.

The fact the House had to pursue investigations via committees will be a stain on history, and a black mark on the DoJ. Ultimately the threads will tie in with the Mueller findings and the recommendations contained and forwarded his Report. The weakness of the protocol of the Mueller project were obvious upon publication; limited parameters of investigation that hindered pursuit of criminal activities and participation.

The House required closed meetings to gather evidence as any investigation would. The Republicans fought this effort, claiming lack of participation though they were granted equal ability to question witnesses.

The fact remains that the President of the United States did violate his oath of office and U.S. law by requesting/demanding a foreign leader to provide information on his political opponent in exchange for military aid. This announced this and has since he admitted to this (unknowingly) and has been confirmed by multiple witnesses. The leader of that country has confirmed it. It is a fact and is non-negotiable.
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Have a nice day.

Joe gave you the link about the original transcript immediately put on the server for the most sensitive material. I thought maybe you might admit you were spewing bullshit with no proof. You have lost all credibility here otherwise. There are multiple other phone messages there also that should not be, as it has been reported.