OK St vs Cornell


HB Heisman
Nov 21, 2009
Cornell has 2 guys ranked in the top 10. Okie should roll. Looks like OSU has about 12 people in the stands.
197 Final: Ben Honis loses a close 3-2 decision to Preston Weigel. Cornell leads OK State 7-3.
I would have taken neutral to start the 3rd if I was Honis, but you can't fault him for choosing top after riding the piss out of Weigel in the 2nd.
I'd have gone under him - getting the two stall calls in the 2nd meant that Weigel could not just ride him out to force OT, he would've had to cut him at some point. Even if he rides for a minute then cuts, a TD for Weigel still makes it just 2-2 and an escape would win rather than just tie.
285 Final: Craig Scott loses a 7-3 decision to Austin Schafer. Cornell leads OK State 7-6.
133 Final: Mark Grey loses a 17-6 major decision to Kaid Brock. Cornell leads OK State 13-10.

141: Will Koll vs. Dean Heil
141 Final: Will Koll loses a 6-1 decision to Dean Heil. Cornell is tied with OK State, 13-13.

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