Oldie but goodie from Texas Softball

Just saw this for the first time.

I kinda like that lady talking. Had to look her up and she seems very nice.




We had a coaches kid that was notorious for this. During one game she hit 4 of our players - two while she was running bases. She threw a chicken wing while rounding third and clipped our girl in the ribs. Took another out at first in a clear case of interference but the coaches other daughter was umpiring....
My daughter and the girl got into a nasty collision at home that was unnecessary, but my daughter got the better of her in that one.
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Iowa had a softball player several years ago who got kicked off of the team. If that catcher had done that to her, I can almost guarantee she would have gone to the dugout, picked up a bat, and then attacked that catcher. In one way or another, she would have beaten the hell out of that girl.
A number of years ago I was coaching a little league team; one of the other teams in our league had a first baseman that pulled stuff like that. He was notorious for hip-checking or tripping runners at first base. He made the mistake of hip-checking one of the littler kids in the league, without realizing that the little kid's older brother was on the same team. The older brother ended up playing D1 football as a DT & spent a few years on an NFL practice squad. His next time up he hit a line drive back up the middle, and just flat-out smoked the kid at first base. I saw the look on his face as he was going down the line & was yelling "NO DEVIN NO" - but knew it was a waste of breath.