Oliver Martin Gone?

O is Iowa. Hard working to the core. If you don't believe it, read the article where he is working out non stop then heading to get help at 10 or 11 pm with his advanced math classes.

If I'm a recruit in today's college football world, I wouldn't commit till mid to late January once I know all the program coaching changes have been made so I'm not commiting to a program that has completely changed from the beginning of the recruiting process.
Agreed, that is just the way the world works today. By all means, Enjoy the journey! Like everyone here I am sure, when it comes down to decision time, I hope he picks Iowa.
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Child please.....

Iowa isn't Notre Dame. One is regional while the other is a national brand. Not to mention we don't exactly put WRs in the NFL. Try to be realistic.

Oh, thank you for teaching me the painfully obvious. How globally wise of you. Child please!

So, you would say that anyone who chooses Iowa based on their loyalty to there home state was stupid...because they were unaware of National vs Regional brand? And that matters why? Like instate loyalty still doesn't or shouldn't apply to the decision one bit? Go jump on the Notre Dame blog dude!

Helloooo...this is a Hawkeye forum.

I don't need you telling me why I should accept your "reality" and your reasons why we shouldn't expect our best HS football players to be loyal to our state.Do you think that's what Wisconsin Forum fans are saying about kids they lose outside schools?

Should be painfully obvious 1st Rule of Recruiting success...Make your program the first choice to all kids in your home state! (keep your own kids). If Iowa did not offer him, did not need his skills to be a better team, it would be different..I'd wish him all the best.

Its unrealistic for anyone to think we can succeed recruiting outside our state if we cant keep our best in state. This is doubly true for Iowa.

If Martin was raised to put love for his own self interest...for Notre Dame ...ahead of love for community, love for his home state, desire to be part of a band of football brothers from his home add something special to Iowa Football be it. I do not wish hm anything but the best. His I think him disloyal to his home state? Yes. Do I respect him as a true son of Iowa? No. He can't have both ways. Does what I think matter to Oliver? Of course not.

I'm just sharing my humble opinion here...with what I thought were a bunch of crazy loyal Hawkeye possibly 1 of us (your choice).

Just because Iowa is the end all be all to YOU, doesn't mean it is to EVERYONE else in the state.
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This sounds like a bad Maury skit....

Btw, you're probably the father

Never had the time to watch all those TV shows about the lowest common denominator...all designed to exploit the poor and ignorant make you feel better about your own lack luster existence...but go ahead you keep watching swagsurfer....keep watch'n.
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Never had the time to watch all those show about the lowest common denominator...all designed to exploit the poor and ignorant make you feel better about your own lack luster existence...but go ahead you keep watching swagsurfer....keep watch'n.

Yeah, you seem a little pissy. I'm gonna let you be, hopefully Oliver chooses Iowa City so he isn't called a traitor or whatever it is posters like you label people who leave the state.
I really think this guy is going to MSU. Not only is one of his best friends going there in rocky lombardi but Tony Lombardi, who has been a coach since his childhood baseball days, took him on the visit. To me MSU is a better Iowa in how they play, recruit etc. not to mention they actually run WRs pro.
I really think this guy is going to MSU. Not only is one of his best friends going there in rocky lombardi but Tony Lombardi, who has been a coach since his childhood baseball days, took him on the visit. To me MSU is a better Iowa in how they play, recruit etc. not to mention they actually run WRs pro.
If Martin took the visit without his dad they have no chance, this recruiting would have been over a long time ago if Iowa didn't publicly have to address the no visit policy. East Lansing is a dump.
If Martin took the visit without his dad they have no chance, this recruiting would have been over a long time ago if Iowa didn't publicly have to address the no visit policy. East Lansing is a dump.
I should clarify that Tony accompanied him, not sure if his dad was or want there. I do agree that if the no visit policy wasn't exposed it'd be over with, but I also think that has opened the door for him to look elsewhere

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I think he'll go somewhere other than Iowa unfortunately. He seems like a very private type kid that doesn't want all the added attention he would get if he stayed in Iowa City. JMO
Yeah, you seem a little pissy. I'm gonna let you be, hopefully Oliver chooses Iowa City so he isn't called a traitor or whatever it is posters like you label people who leave the state.

Which is why I think he is waiting as long as possible to announce. Less time to hear all the negative comments from Iowa "fans"
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Which is why I think he is waiting as long as possible to announce. Less time to hear all the negative comments from Iowa "fans"
I dont know... there would be more time for Hawks fans to get over it. He might genuinely be up in the air with the whole thing.
Did I see he is taking a visit to BYU as well?

And you may be correct CAhawki
Did I see he is taking a visit to BYU as well?

And you may be correct CAhawki
Yes on the Jan. 27th I believe, a few days before national signing day. Have read some BYU fans feeling very confident about landing him as well. 3 man coaching crew visited him yesterday and now he's taking his final offial there. Unwritten rule is last visit is usually where you end up. We will see. Feel for the kid a little, must be unworldly pressure
He's been to see touchdown Jesus; he's finishing up with Brigham Young. He has been to party schools galore. He has watched his favorite team multiple times in person. He goes to see his buddy's choice in East Lansing, hell he is even wondering what people in Alabama look like. He is this guy.
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Badmouthing Oliver Martin's buddy's dad?

Some of you just don't think before you type. Probably better left unsaid.
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Badmouthing Oliver Martin's buddy's dad?

Some of you just don't think before you type. Probably better left unsaid.

It's not news to anyone living in eastern Iowa to know Lombardi doesn't have the best reputation or is most well liked person to have coached in this part of the state. Few people shed any tears when he left. I highly doubt Martin cares what people are posting about his buddies dad on an Iowa message board let alone it will have any effect on his decision when picking a school.
Who was the head coach for Wash in up through 04? Rob Bruggeman laid out and broke the jaw of our QB/S in one of the Kennedy/Wash games while I was in HS, obvious cheap shot on a return.

Edit: It was Paul James at the time. Also, just realized that was in '02, and it was the ISU game where Seneca ran around crazy and Bob broke his foot.
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I think that the Wash coach from back then came back and is their coach again. Ex-CF guy I think but name escapes me.
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At this point I think Oliver is a long shot, just like A Darboh, Adrian Airington, Christian French, Ross P.. they had the option to leave Iowa and see something different by means of football and did.. Good luck to him.. Iowa will find young men from other states looking to do the same thing, it's called leaving home for school.. A lot of people do it! Football is big but other things come in to play as well. Oliver seems like a real take time to think about it kind of guy and he may not want do over high school again by picking Iowa, he has the opportunity to go anywhere he wants to and play ball and experience life.. He knows the State of Iowa wants him to be Hawkeye.. He'd do best to block all that out and pick what is the best spot for him.. and just by reading about him, I think he will do just that.. I'm a fan and the beginning of my Social Security Card reads 481 so I want him to be a Hawk but I think it's best for the kids and the school to have kids that want to be there!
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I get a good laugh from the posts that every kid born and raised in Iowa should never want to go anywhere else but U of I.
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I get a good laugh from the posts that every kid born and raised in Iowa should never want to go anywhere else but U of I.
I good laugh? Looked up the word Arrogant ...saw SDHawkDoc next to it...oddly, found next to the word "Condescending" too.... had a good laugh.
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When it comes to comments about any and all the young men Iowa is recruiting state...out of state...out of country it should go with out one wishes any of them ill will regardless of their decision. I am sure we all wish them nothing but the best of luck.

Of course, any young man with a scholarship opportunity should weigh his choices carefully and make sure his decision makes sense in his life and is consistent with values, goals and objectives. None of us here can possibly know all the factors that any individual recruit may be weighing. Just one of those factors he selects to weigh might be "is the school close to home, in my home state" but even so, its priority in the complete list of factors to be weighed may not match our own.

Luckily for Iowa, there are several of our instate recruits and some out of state..over the years where the list of decision factors were short...maybe a single simple as "an offer to become a Hawkeye". SO, their deliberation is brief...and decision quick. Most were not 4 Star kids...several not even 3 Star ...many simply walked on...leaving scholarship offers from other teams on the table. For these happy few, there is just a burning desire to become a sweat, to bleed and battle with their Hawkeye brothers in Kinnick stadium for all their friends and family to see.

Many here have compared Oliver's situation to Tim Dwight's...home town boy...widely recruited. I am pretty sure Tim took a long healthy look at the menu too. But to be's world of social media provides a lazier focus of unrelenting attention and thoughtless social commentary from the multitude...with which I am pretty sure Tim did not have to cope.

When can not know what its like for Olly. Only his closest friends and family can understand what he is coping with with in wrestling with this great opportunity of a life time.I am sure we all hope it is a struggle of joy and a great celebration with all that love him in the end.

Whether simple and quick decision stemming form childhood dream, driven by friends and family, driven by social influences or driven by a careful but complicated weighing of several factors, pros and cons in the end, as many here have stated, its only football. Olly and our other recruits will all have many other decisions of greater import in life ...field of's work...contribution to community and the world, marriage, name just a few of the most obvious.

As the great bard wrote...All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts..."

In the end, this decision is a player's decision ...what troupe of players to join and what stage to perform on. All of Oliver's choices will lead him to be part of a the bigger stage of major College Football...and prepare him for the big stage of the NFL if he likes. His performances on the football field as well has his personal life will not escape social scrutiny and criticism where ever he goes ..whether in his home town or some new frontier away form friends and family that love him most.

So, as you like it you like it!!!

Of course, my bias is clear....Always a Hawk!
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I good laugh? Looked up the word Arrogant ...saw SDHawkDoc next to it...oddly, found next to the word "Condescending" too.... had a good laugh.

Not sure why you feel his post was arrogant and condescending. There are many people on message boards that feel a recruit that leaves the state is a traitor. In your last post you seem to agree that players need to choose the best fit, no matter where that might be.
Not sure why you feel his post was arrogant and condescending. There are many people on message boards that feel a recruit that leaves the state is a traitor. In your last post you seem to agree that players need to choose the best fit, no matter where that might be.
My point is ...not all folks who want Oliver to be not see the bigger his post suggests...making it smack of a presumptive arrogance ...a condescending tone...hence my last post. If that is not what SDHawkDoc intended...I withdraw my comment and apologize for misunderstanding.(my wife always says that I am too sensitive)

However, while, I don't think I personally have used the word "traitor" (thats taking it too far) either the young man stays close to home or he doesn't ...if he doesn't ...its not exactly being loyal to Iowa....not exactly putting "being from Iowa and giving back to Iowa" very high on his list of priorities. His choice...I get it...but if he chooses not to go to Iowa...he can't have it both ways.One of the consequences of making a choice is a simple truth and clarity of the act.
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My point is ...not all folks who want Oliver to be not see the bigger his post suggests...making it smack of a presumptive arrogance ...a condescending tone...hence my last post. If that is not what SDHawkDoc intended...I withdraw my comment and apologize for misunderstanding.(my wife always says that I am too sensitive)

However, while, I don't think I personally have used the word "traitor" (thats taking it too far) either the young man stays close to home or he doesn't ...if he doesn't ...its not exactly being loyal to Iowa....not exactly putting "being from Iowa and giving back to Iowa" very high on his list of priorities. His choice...I get it...but if he chooses not to go to Iowa...he can't have it both ways.One of the consequences of making a choice is a simple truth and clarity of the act.
why all the ellipses? do you struggle to type and need to take breathers, so you expect the rest of us will, too?
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My style I guess...a string of connected thoughts...sorry if hard to follow.

Perfectly OK if you decide not to read my posts...your decision!

And yes, Rhetoric was my most difficult class in college...teachers asked me to walk around with Strunk's. "The Elements of Style" in one hand ..while I carried the Football in my other.

Never took the teachers advise, obviously.
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When it comes to comments about any and all the young men Iowa is recruiting state...out of state...out of country it should go with out one wishes any of them ill will regardless of their decision. I am sure we all wish them nothing but the best of luck.

Of course, any young man with a scholarship opportunity should weigh his choices carefully and make sure his decision makes sense in his life and is consistent with values, goals and objectives. None of us here can possibly know all the factors that any individual recruit may be weighing. Just one of those factors he selects to weigh might be "is the school close to home, in my home state" but even so, its priority in the complete list of factors to be weighed may not match our own.

Luckily for Iowa, there are several of our instate recruits and some out of state..over the years where the list of decision factors were short...maybe a single simple as "an offer to become a Hawkeye". SO, their deliberation is brief...and decision quick. Most were not 4 Star kids...several not even 3 Star ...many simply walked on...leaving scholarship offers from other teams on the table. For these happy few, there is just a burning desire to become a sweat, to bleed and battle with their Hawkeye brothers in Kinnick stadium for all their friends and family to see.

Many here have compared Oliver's situation to Tim Dwight's...home town boy...widely recruited. I am pretty sure Tim took a long healthy look at the menu too. But to be's world of social media provides a lazier focus of unrelenting attention and thoughtless social commentary from the multitude...with which I am pretty sure Tim did not have to cope.

When can not know what its like for Olly. Only his closest friends and family can understand what he is coping with with in wrestling with this great opportunity of a life time.I am sure we all hope it is a struggle of joy and a great celebration with all that love him in the end.

Whether simple and quick decision stemming form childhood dream, driven by friends and family, driven by social influences or driven by a careful but complicated weighing of several factors, pros and cons in the end, as many here have stated, its only football. Olly and our other recruits will all have many other decisions of greater import in life ...field of's work...contribution to community and the world, marriage, name just a few of the most obvious.

As the great bard wrote...All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts..."

In the end, this decision is a player's decision ...what troupe of players to join and what stage to perform on. All of Oliver's choices will lead him to be part of a the bigger stage of major College Football...and prepare him for the big stage of the NFL if he likes. His performances on the football field as well has his personal life will not escape social scrutiny and criticism where ever he goes ..whether in his home town or some new frontier away form friends and family that love him most.

So, as you like it you like it!!!

Of course, my bias is clear....Always a Hawk!
Anyone who quotes Shakespeare talking about recruiting gets a like from me.
When the dust settles, Oliver's a Hawk

I certainly hope. I would be disappointed at the young man and his family if he does not. He has right to pick any college he wants and he should not worry about loyalty to Iowa, but if you go to so many Iowa games and get attention and tickets, and then pick another team, that is not right.