O'Malley: I've Got News for the Bullies of Wall Street....

Nov 28, 2010
[from his announcement speech]

Recently, the CEO of Goldman Sachs let his employees know that he'd be just fine with Bush or Clinton.


Well, I've got news for the Bullies of Wall Street: the presidency is not a crown to be passed back and forth by you between 2 royal families.
[from his announcement speech]

Recently, the CEO of Goldman Sachs let his employees know that he'd be just fine with Bush or Clinton.


Well, I've got news for the Bullies of Wall Street: the presidency is not a crown to be passed back and forth by you between 2 royal families.
That truly was an hilarious speech. If he missed a cliche, I don't know what it was. Look out, Bernie Sanders!

He didn't just rap Hillary. He rapped the Bamster pretty good, too.....although I don't know if a lot of people got that. It's Obama's DOJ that's not pursuing any of these people.
Presumably you won't be voting for him. Reining in corporate power has never been your aim. And he isn't a climate change trog. But here's the question: if you could vote in the Dem primary, would you vote for him over Hillary? How about over Bernie?
I think it is great that he has that letter from Bill Clinton telling him he is going to be president someday. I am guessing we will hear about that a few thousand times.
[from his announcement speech]

Recently, the CEO of Goldman Sachs let his employees know that he'd be just fine with Bush or Clinton.


Well, I've got news for the Bullies of Wall Street: the presidency is not a crown to be passed back and forth by you between 2 royal families.
I would have liked to see Warren run but she has proven politics is more important to her than her positions
Presumably you won't be voting for him. Reining in corporate power has never been your aim. And he isn't a climate change trog. But here's the question: if you could vote in the Dem primary, would you vote for him over Hillary? How about over Bernie?
I just hope his fund raising gets going so he can afford a teleprompter. I was afraid his speech was going to blow out of his hand.

I would vote for him over Clinton and between him and Sanders it will be interesting how far they pull Clinton to the left. Clinton having more of a record to defend than 8 years ago will be interesting since she does not do well in unscripted situations. Looking forward to the debates.
I'm center-right politically, but if I had to choose one of the Dems, it would probably be O'Malley. Hillary strikes me as the ultimate opportunist, who will say and believe whatever she has to in order to win. I don't think she has any core convictions. And her husband is a sick, perverted, corrupt POS that I never want to see in the White House again.
Since O'Malley is 15 years younger than Hillary, there will
be a contrast on the TV screen during the Democrats debates.
He is not afraid to call her out on her poor record as Sec.
of State, her email coverup, her Clinton Foundation fiasco.
Since O'Malley is 15 years younger than Hillary, there will
be a contrast on the TV screen during the Democrats debates.
He is not afraid to call her out on her poor record as Sec.
of State, her email coverup, her Clinton Foundation fiasco.
Presumably you won't be voting for him. Reining in corporate power has never been your aim. And he isn't a climate change trog. But here's the question: if you could vote in the Dem primary, would you vote for him over Hillary? How about over Bernie?
Presumably you won't be voting for him. Reining in corporate power has never been your aim. And he isn't a climate change trog. But here's the question: if you could vote in the Dem primary, would you vote for him over Hillary? How about over Bernie?
Those are good questions.

First, you are correct that "reining in corporate power" has never been my aim. God willing, until Alzheimer's strikes, it never will be. As for climate change, all the Democrats are going to be spouting the same crap, so it's really not an issue.

As to the Democratic primary, a gentle correction: The question is not "if I could vote in it." The question is "if I choose to vote in it."

I think that depends upon whether I was trying to sabotage the party, to choose the most electable person, or to cast a useless vote of "principle" or to choose the person I thought would be the best president.
I would have liked to see Warren run but she has proven politics is more important to her than her positions
Alternatively, she feels she is getting things done where she is and knows she would get trashed and lose effectiveness if she ran.

People who avoid the Peter Principle should be complimented, not disparaged.