OMG I just saw a goat beheading video

Yes, that looks real, those idiots will pray it wasn't shortly. Doing that for entertainment is sick, those boys have issues. I grew up on a farm and have slaughtered many animals, however it was to butcher them and we used respect.
Frats aren't having a good year PR wise, Oklahoma, PSU, and now Tulane.
Was it illegal in the sense that you can kill an animal like a goat out of season?

As long as these kids dressed and ate the animal I guess the only issue I have is the overall spectacle of the event. I can't imagine slaughterhouses are much better.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Hy_dro:
Was it illegal in the sense that you can kill an animal like a goat out of season?

As long as these kids dressed and ate the animal I guess the only issue I have is the overall spectacle of the event. I can't imagine slaughterhouses are much better.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I guess I was assuming this was done for fun. Idk of many that eat goat, however that doesn't mean they weren't in this instance. If so then nothing to see here except a bunch of immature men laughing like idiots over an animals death.
Originally posted by Derekd3408:

Originally posted by Hy_dro:
Was it illegal in the sense that you can kill an animal like a goat out of season?

As long as these kids dressed and ate the animal I guess the only issue I have is the overall spectacle of the event. I can't imagine slaughterhouses are much better.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I guess I was assuming this was done for fun. Idk of many that eat goat, however that doesn't mean they weren't in this instance. If so then nothing to see here except a bunch of immature men laughing like idiots over an animals death. 

I can agree with this.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Hy_dro:
Originally posted by Derekd3408:

Originally posted by Hy_dro:
Was it illegal in the sense that you can kill an animal like a goat out of season?

As long as these kids dressed and ate the animal I guess the only issue I have is the overall spectacle of the event. I can't imagine slaughterhouses are much better.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I guess I was assuming this was done for fun. Idk of many that eat goat, however that doesn't mean they weren't in this instance. If so then nothing to see here except a bunch of immature men laughing like idiots over an animals death.Â

I can agree with this.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Is using that sword illegal?
I saw an article yesterday where police were investigating a dead goat body so I don't think this is the case. The laughter in this video just makes me want to puke.
Then yes, fuq all these kids who would think that remotely funny. Hopefully some charges will be pressed.
A rep for Tulane sent along the following statement: "Tulane University has fully investigated this matter and we have no evidence to suggest that this video involves or is related to any member of the Tulane community."
And Alicia Haefele, an SPCA spokesperson corroborates, writing, "At this time, we can say that there is currently no evidence pointing to Tulane students being involved."
I've looked at this threat title...and have no desire to ever watch such a thing. But I am curious as to the following...

Why in the wide, wide world of sports would someone actually decide to watch something like this - let alone participate in it?
It would take some sort of decision making process where they actually decided, yeah, sure...I'm going to watch a goat beheading today.
college kids will be college kids. I really don't see what's wrong here. I really don't. What are goats/livestock put on this earth for? To provide.

It was a quick kill - was it tacky? Yes. Was it a wrongful death? I don't think so. Those who were laughing and gathering along were probably city kids that have never seen an animal killed. I've done it (not with a sword) and I'm sure there are some in this thread that have killed an animal to provide as well.
The "they were laughing at it" comments are ridiculous. It's just how some people react (unfortunately). They're probably nervous and shocked and didn't know how to express themselves. Out of nervousness they ended up sounded like little school children.
I'm pretty confident that those boys used the meat and provided.

Goat is delicious.
I'm just as confident this was not the actions or behavior of people killing to provide. I guess we will find out as the truth unfolds.

I have killed and cleaned hundreds of animals. The animal dying did not disturb me. Its manner in which it was done and the behavior of the group (as a whole) that I find disgusting. Is that due to how I was raised? Probably. But I think there are a lot of people that feel the same as I do. I would have gotten my ass kicked, by a long lineage of hunters & farmers, if I ever did anything close to that. And they would have been justified, IMO.
Originally posted by Honda Hawk:
college kids will be college kids. I really don't see what's wrong here. I really don't. What are goats/livestock put on this earth for? To provide.

It was a quick kill - was it tacky? Yes. Was it a wrongful death? I don't think so. Those who were laughing and gathering along were probably city kids that have never seen an animal killed. I've done it (not with a sword) and I'm sure there are some in this thread that have killed an animal to provide as well.
The "they were laughing at it" comments are ridiculous. It's just how some people react (unfortunately). They're probably nervous and shocked and didn't know how to express themselves. Out of nervousness they ended up sounded like little school children.
I'm pretty confident that those boys used the meat and provided.

Goat is delicious.
I don't believe this goat was killed, as based on the previous posters, as a way to "provide."

This goat has its head sliced off, for what looks like, amusement. If you think killing things is amusing than you're a sick fuq.

This post was edited on 3/26 4:01 PM by Hy_dro
I believe their intentions were to eat the thing. At the very end they were hoisting it up to let it bleed Out.

I find some of your thoughts on here amusing. What do you think is going on with the meat set before you on the dinner table? I assure you that damn goat got ten times the better treatment in that video than a lot of animal flesh that you've ingested in recent time. Its unfortunate but true.

Some of you are huge pussies.

This post was edited on 3/26 4:27 PM by Honda Hawk
Originally posted by Honda Hawk:
I believe their intentions were to eat the thing. At the very end they were hoisting it up to let it bleed Out.

This post was edited on 3/26 4:27 PM by Honda Hawk
As already posted, the police were investigating the presence of the body of a dead goat. That wouldn't seem to indicate an intent to eat the goat.
Well, I am guessing that I am in the minority here as I have in fact slaughtered a goat. We cut the throat and hang them. IF, and I mean IF, they wer going to harvest the meat, this was not a bad kill. If they did it for fun I am more disturbed by the waste of good meat than I am of the way in which they dispensed the animal.

And to Honda Hawk's point, goat is very tasty. Cook it in a stew with the bones.
Honda -

You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. As the police were investigating the body of a dead goat in the area. But no matter these kids were most likely chopping heads for the dinner.
Not condoning it by a frat, but at least it was quick and clean. Better than some slaughterhouses.

The fact it was done by some college kids and were laughing about it is very disturbing.
Originally posted by Hy_dro:
Honda -

You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. As the police were investigating the body of a dead goat in the area. But no matter these kids were most likely chopping heads for the dinner.
Yeah. I'm buzzing through this on my phone. if the goat was not used to eat and just killed to be killed then there is something wrong with those kids.
Now to not harvest the meat immediately...that isn't uncommon. I've done that with deer. Granted it was below feeezing...
If they didn't clean it immediately and let it sit out with intent to eat then they are even more retarted then I already think they are. Hang animal from neck, lop off head, let body drop to ground, set carcass out back for a few days in the Louisiana sun. Sounds right.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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