"Once any waving happens on a Punt Return, the ball is going to be dead."--Bill Carollo. New Replay Center in Chicago will now have Final Say

What's the difference between pointing and waving?
If the arm is just extended out and not reaching high, is that considered waving?
If a guy is running full speed and his arms move while running, is that considered a wave?

It's not as simple as Carollo would make it seem.
How ‘bout a fair catch signal counts as a fair catch and everything else doesn’t?
No shit, how hard can it be to tell the difference between a returner holding his arm vertical and waving vs horizontal and waving. Stupid over analyzing.

Now if a returner waves his hands horizontally for his teammates to watch out for the bouncing ball but the ball takes a direct hop to the returner and he has room he cant return it.
In High School, the punter returner on our team held his hand straight up for a fair catch. Penalty flag thrown.

You must waive your arm to be a correct signal for a fair catch.

This was 1971.

How ‘bout a fair catch signal counts as a fair catch and everything else doesn’t?
Oh you mean use the current rules and expect your officials to be capable? Nawwwww!

What about a returner waving his guys off because the punt is short. Do the refs instantly blow the whistle eliminating any chance that it bounces off one of the return team guys? Is the ball dead where it hits?
What's the difference between pointing and waving?
If the arm is just extended out and not reaching high, is that considered waving?
If a guy is running full speed and his arms move while running, is that considered a wave?

It's not as simple as Carollo would make it seem.
For sure. Or maybe they’ll get out their digital compass and determine if the arm is any degree above parallel. After 30 minutes of evaluating this video we will be deigned with the ruling of some nerd official located in some place in some cubicle. It will be glorious and beyond reproach.
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I was tired of all the whining about 3 days after this happened. I don't know what the end game is. Whether we beat Minny or not we still get smoked in the B10 champ game and Bowl. Cooper's draft stock doesn't change much if any.
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I was tired of all the whining about 3 days after this happened. I don't know what the end game is. Whether we beat Minny or not we still get smoked in the B10 champ game and Bowl. Cooper's draft stock doesn't change much if any.
We're all concerned about Floyd's well-being. He's being held against his will. It's cruel.
We're all concerned about Floyd's well-being. He's being held against his will. It's cruel.
Later this year after he is freed from Minnesota purgatory and enroute back to Iowa City...

The good news is that they had to send it upstairs for something completely different. Say there is debate on whether a receiver caught the touchdown pass or not.

After further review the ruling on the field is that the receiver on the field did complete the process of the catch, however we did see that the left tackle was holding. We will replay the down 3rd and 15.
There is a new replay center in Chicago.

The referee, the in-stadium replay official and one of the Big Ten’s officiating supervisors in Chicago will be the 3 voices during replay reviews.

The final say on replay reviews
has been moved from the booth to the replay center in Chicago.

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Bill Corollo said the officials only made one mistake.

“What we didn’t do properly was the back judge, the person covering the return man, when he caught that ball, the whistle should have been blown dead, and the play was over,” Carollo said.

Had the back judge done that (and stopped the touchdown play from even starting to unfold), “we wouldn’t have the conversation.”

So, any hand above the shoulder is a fair catch, but if you're hand doesn't go above your shoulder, it isn't. Unless you have to reach up to play the ball off the bounce.

There, I just fixed it in two sentences.
Oh you mean use the current rules and expect your officials to be capable? Nawwwww!

What about a returner waving his guys off because the punt is short. Do the refs instantly blow the whistle eliminating any chance that it bounces off one of the return team guys? Is the ball dead where it hits?
Boy, that would complicate things. I could see a punt returner waiving his arm on first bounce and eliminating the kickers bounce going another 20 yards.
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How about the returner just taps the top of his helmet once to call a fair catch. This will allow the kicking team and the idiot zebras a clear signal that the play is dead after the catch or a downed ball.
Too easy and makes sense that’s exactly why they won’t do it
The rule as it existed, I believe, applies to any player on the returning team, not just the returner himself. Did he address that aspect? Because if I’m a coach next season and I have a big return go against me, I’m having someone on my staff find somebody on the return team who made a motion during the play that could have been construed as waving and I’m challenging the hell out of that sh!t.
How ‘bout a fair catch signal counts as a fair catch and everything else doesn’t?
That used to be the rule. Unless it was an obvious fair catch signal - hand up high and waving - and it occurred in time for the defenders to see it and react, then it didn't count. The return guy had incentive to make this clear signal because otherwise he could get hammered after touching the ball. It would be his own fault if he didn't make the clear signal. This lack of ambiguity also helped the defense know if the FC had been called.