One of the best places ever to have a brew and play games


HB Legend
Mar 5, 2005
lost it’s founder. Pour Paul’s was solid good.
My pal’s and I would go in in for beers, darts, pay by the hour pool, and general fun.

The ladies restroom had a large Superman “poster” on the wall with a little door in the private area. When opened, it set off a flashing light and horn just outside of the restroom. Chicks coming out either laughed like hell or hid their red faces…

For years I would wear my Monday (?) Lowenbrau Club tee shirt in to buy $1 drafts.
Thanks and cheers, Jim.

There would go on to be four pool tables installed, along with four large dart boards, a Wheel of Fortune, and a juke box. There also was smoking — one of the few places that continued to allow it. But all the brothers agree, the feel of the establishment was intimate — a “speak-easy” kind of atmosphere, “a lot like Cheers.”